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Learning Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs (Who do you support?)

Learning Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs (Who do you support?)

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack and Rich focus on some difficult phrasal verbs and Rich talks about the team he supports. Your task is to tell us about the team you support using some of the phrasal verbs you learn in the podcast. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess, too. Enjoy!


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Read and listen at the same time.

Welcome - Learning Vocabulary - Phrasal Verbs (Who do you support?)


Jack: Hello my name’s Jack

Rich: and I’m Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Rich: We recommend that you listen to this podcast on the Premier Skills English website because that is where we have the transcript, language examples, activities, quizzes and a discussion page to help you understand everything we talk about.

Jack: However, if you’re listening on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, you can leave answers to our questions in the review section. We do read all the reviews and would love to hear from you. 

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we’re going to help you with phrasal verbs.

Jack: Yes, phrasal verbs are those difficult two or three-part words that often are impossible to understand when you look at them on their own.

Rich: Here are two example phrasal verbs: ‘call off’ and ‘make up’. If you don’t know the meaning of these phrasal verbs it can be really difficult. 

Jack: They called it off. You made it up. These sentences will have little sense if you don’t know what the phrasal verbs mean. It’s sometimes easier if there is some context to help you. Listen:

Rich: Have you heard, Jack? They’ve called the Premier League season off. It’s not happening.

Jack: Be quiet! I don’t believe that for a minute. You’re making it up.

Rich: Now you might have a better idea what these phrasal verbs mean. To call something off means to cancel something. To make something up means to invent a story that is not true.

Jack: So, in this week’s podcast, we’re going to help you with some more phrasal verbs and tell you how to use them correctly.

Rich: And we’re also going to talk about the football team I support and why I support them.

Jack: And this week’s task is for you tell us why you support your football team - using a few phrasal verbs, of course!

Last week’s Football Phrase

Rich: But, before we look at all that, let’s look at last week’s football phrase. If you didn’t hear it last week we’ll give you one more chance to guess and give you the correct answer at the end of the show when we give you a new football phrase.

Jack: Rich, you thought that the phrase was super difficult but I think you may have doubted our listener’s football knowledge because we got quite a few correct answers.

Rich: Yes, I thought it was a tricky one but I’m happy to see some of you got it right. Well done to Liubomyr from Ukraine, Elghoul from Algeria, Lakerwang from China and Milos from Serbia who guessed correctly and wrote their answers on the Premier Skills English website. I’m sure many more of you also got it right.

Jack: We’re not going to tell you the answer yet though. Here’s one more chance to guess. It’s a phrase that gets Rich really annoyed so it’s an enjoyable listen. Rich ...

Rich: The phrase is **** ***** ***** ******. This phrase is a cliche and it makes me really angry because it’s not true. The phrase is used about cup competitions that have two legs - where teams play each other twice. The idea is that after the two matches if the scores are level the team that scored more goals at the other team’s stadium is the winner. That’s OK but the phrase **** ***** ***** ****** is not true. For example, if Liverpool lose to Juventus 2-0 in England and win 4-3 in Italy Liverpool are out 5-4! Liverpool have not won 8-7 because **** ***** ***** ******. It’s very annoying!

Jack: Have a think and we’ll give you the answer at the end of the show. I will also have a new football phrase for you to guess. This week it’s going to be much simpler.

Rich: And if you can guess Jack’s easy football phrase and write it in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website, we will announce your name in next week’s show.

Introduction to roleplay

Jack: You are now going to listen to a roleplay?. I’m going to ask Rich about the football team he supports and why he supports that team.

Rich: While you listen, we want you to answer a question. The question is: 

Jack: How many teams does Rich support?


Jack: Rich. You support Liverpool but you grew up in Sheffield.

Rich: That’s true. I was brought up in Sheffield.

Jack: So, why do you support Liverpool?

Rich: Well, you know when I was a kid growing up in the 80s you know who the best team were, don’t you?

Jack: Yes, Liverpool. So, you were a glory hunter?

Rich: Well, yes maybe a little and no because I had another team. When I was a kid, my dad used to pick me up and take me to watch Sheffield United matches. 

Jack: I imagine it was difficult to put up with losing all the time!

Rich: Very funny, but yes Sheffield United definitely put their fans through a lot. There have been plenty of highs and lows. More lows to be honest.

Jack: And that’s why you didn’t carry on supporting them?

Rich: No, I did carry on supporting them. Liverpool are my second team.

Jack: Ah, your second team!

Rich: Yeah, as a kid I think I was fed up with my team losing all the time or not playing in the top division so I started following Liverpool. I’d always still check the Sheffield United results out though.

Jack: It’s a bit like that with lots of fans. They might have a local team and then support a Premier League team, too. Lots of fans have soft spots for other teams.

Rich: Yeah, but I’m in a bit of a quandary now, aren’t I?

Jack: Ah, yes. Sheffield United went up - they’re in the Premier League this season.

Rich: I know. I won’t know who to cheer for when they play each other - when Sheffield United run out at Anfield.

Jack: You’ll have to get one of those half and half scarves! What do you want to happen then?

Rich: I think two draws would be good, Liverpool win the Premier League and Sheffield United stay up.

Jack: Or Sheffield United win the League and Liverpool stay up. That would be a turn up for the books!

Language Focus 1: Phrasal Verbs (Meaning)

Jack: Did you get the answer to the question? How many teams does Rich support?

Rich: Well, the answer is two. I support my hometown team: Sheffield United and Liverpool although now they are both in the Premier League this is a bit difficult.

Jack: In the roleplay, we used lots of phrasal verbs. Remember a phrasal verb is a verb that has two or three words and often has a very different meaning to the verb being used.

Rich: You may know some of these phrasal verbs already but let’s have a quick look at the meaning of the phrasal verbs we used in the roleplay.

Jack: Rich grew up in Sheffield. The phrasal verb to grow up means to develop into an adult and is usually used to describe where you spent your childhood.

Rich: A slightly different meaning I remember is my mum saying: When are you going to grow up?

Jack: Haha! That’s what angry parents say to children when they are being silly!

Rich: I wonder why I heard it so much? A similar phrasal verb is to bring up. I said I was brought up in Sheffield.

Jack: It means to take care of a child. This phrasal verb is often used in the passive and we usually don’t mention the people who do the bringing up because it’s obvious - it’s usually the parents.

Rich: Let’s look at some more phrasal verbs we used in the roleplay. I said my dad used to pick me up and take me to the match.

Jack: To pick up here means to collect someone or something in a car or other vehicle. It’s a common phrasal verb. Rich my car’s broken down. Can you pick me up from the mechanics? Rich, we need to be at the match at three, what time are you going to pick me up? 

Rich: The next phrasal verb is a little more difficult. It’s to put up with. It’s got three words and it means to accept something that is annoying or not nice.

Jack: Rich said that he puts up with supporting a team that loses lots of matches. It’s not nice but it's his team so he’ll put up with it.   

Rich: What else might you have to put up with in life?

Jack: You might have to put up with a long commute to work, you might have to put up with an annoying younger sibling or you might have to put up with noisy neighbours.

Rich: We carry on supporting our team even if we lose.

Jack: Yes, we do and that’s another phrasal verb - to carry on. It means to continue. 

Rich: A team might put you through a lot but you’ll carry on supporting them.

Jack: To put someone through something means to make them experience something that is not nice.

Rich: Another phrasal verb we used in the roleplay was to check out. I said I always checked the Sheffield United results out.

Jack: To check out in this situation means to read or look at something. Many of the phrasal verbs we are looking at have multiple meanings so context is always important. 

Rich: Some of the other phrasal verbs have specific football meanings. I said my team went up and I hope my team stays up.

Jack: In football, these mean to get promoted to a higher division and to remain in the division.

Rich: I also used to cheer for which means to support someone or a team by shouting, clapping and of course cheering loudly.

Jack: So, there are the meanings of quite a few of the phrasal verbs we used in the roleplay. It would be a good idea to listen to the roleplay again now and check that you understand the phrasal verbs in context.

Language Focus 2: Phrasal Verbs (Form)

Rich: We’ve just been looking at the meaning of some phrasal verbs we used in the roleplay and now we’re going to give you a bit more information about how phrasal verbs are used.

Jack: We’ve already said that context is really important to learn phrasal verbs. Think about the sentences before and after the phrasal verb to help you understand the meaning.

Rich: Thinking about meaning in context is by far the best way to try and learn phrasal verbs but did you know that different phrasal verbs are used in different ways.

Jack: Some phrasal verbs need to have a direct object and some don’t and some phrasal verbs can be separated and some can’t. Let’s look again at some examples from the roleplay. 

Rich: Let’s start with phrasal verbs that take a direct object. A direct object is a noun or a noun phrase that receives the action of the phrasal verb. 

Jack: These are sometimes called transitive phrasal verbs. The phrasal verb ‘to put up with’ is one example:

Rich: I have to put up with a team that loses a lot of matches.

Jack: This phrasal verb needs a direct object to make sense. It needs a noun or noun phrase to follow the phrasal verb. You need to put up with something.

Rich: In this case, it’s team. A team that loses a lot of matches.

Jack: Another example is the phrasal verb to pick up. It needs a direct object. Who or what is being picked up?

Rich: I picked up that parcel from the office. I picked up Debbie from the airport.

Jack: Other phrasal verbs don’t need a direct object. They are sometimes called intransitive phrasal verbs.

Rich: One example of an intransitive phrasal verb is ‘to grow up’. It doesn’t use a direct object to make sense - it can make sense on its own.

Jack: My son wants to be a footballer when he grows up.

Rich: Another example might be I hope we go up this season or my car broke down yesterday.

Jack: Intransitive phrasal verbs like these can never be separated but we can separate transitive phrasal verbs.

Rich: Not all of them though. Put up with is an example of a transitive verb that can’t be separated. There are no rules so it’s something that needs to be learned.

Jack: An example of a phrasal verb that can be separated is ‘call off’. You can say’ the match was called off’ or ‘they called the match off’. The direct object ‘the match’ can be put in the middle of the phrasal verb.  

Rich: There is one useful rule about separable phrasal verbs. It is when you use a pronoun as the direct object you have to put it in the middle. 

Jack: So I can say ‘I will pick up Rich at six’ or ‘I will pick Rich up at six’.

Rich: But you can’t say ‘I will pick up him at six’ you have to say ‘I will pick him up at six’.

Jack: Lots to learn there. Have a look at the transcript for this podcast on the Premier Skills English website and decide if the phrasal verbs we used are transitive or intransitive and whether they can be separated or not.

Rich: We also have a few more explanations and activities on the website to help you understand.


Jack: Your task this week is to tell us which football team you support and why.

Rich: I spoke about two teams that I support in the roleplay. What about you? Do you have just one team or more than one?

Jack: Do you support a team in your country and a team in another country or the Premier League? 

Rich: Do you support a team because of family, because of tradition, location, the colours, a specific player or style of play?

Jack: Let us know in the comments section and try to use at least three phrasal verbs in your answer.

Football Phrase

Rich: OK, it’s time for this week’s football phrase. It’s your turn this week Jack. Nice and easy so everybody can get it right.

Jack: Sure. I want to see as many people write the answer on the website as possible. This week’s phrase is ‘**** ***’ and it means the start of a football match or to start something more generally. The phrase can be a noun or a phrasal verb. Next week a new Premier League season ***** ***. The first match of the season is Liverpool against Norwich City. **** *** is at eight o’ clock. 

Rich: Yes, lots of people are going to get that. Who will be first? Write your answers in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website and we’ll announce your name on next week’s show.

Jack: Before we forget we need to give you the answer to last week’s football phrase. The answer was away goals count double. 

Rich: Right, that’s all we have time for this week. Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

You supported Liverpool. So, were you a glory hunter?

There have been plenty of highs and lows following my team.

As a kid I think I was fed up with my team losing all the time.

Lots of fans have soft spots for other teams.

I won’t know who to cheer for when they play each other.

Sheffield United could win the League and Liverpool stay up. That would be a turn up for the books!

There were a few more tricky words and phrases in the podcast. Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words. This can really help your understanding.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to their definitions. All of the words were in this week's podcast.
Can you match the words to the definitions?

Rich started to support Liverpool when he was a kid.


Phrasal Verbs

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich introduced some phrasal verbs. What are phrasal verbs?

A phrasal verb is a verb form that has two or three parts and usually has a non-literal meaning. There are lots of multi-word verbs or phrasal verbs in English and sometimes it can be difficult to learn them all. This sentence is easy to understand because it has a literal meaning:

I won’t know who to cheer for when they play each other - when Sheffield United run out at Anfield.

In this next example, 'run out of' has a non-literal meaning and is a phrasal verb and is much more difficult to understand:

I've run out of words to describe Manchester City. They were fantastic last season.

In the second sentence, to run out of something means to finish a supply of something that you normally have, it has nothing to do with running! How can we learn phrasal verbs?

There are hundreds of phrasal verbs in English and when the meaning is non-literal we need to use the context of the rest of the sentence to help us understand.

Teams PUT fans THROUGH a rollercoaster of emotions.

Phrasal Verbs

Using context

So, understanding phrasal verbs with non-literal meanings can be difficult to understand from just looking at the words. Look at the example below:

You're making it up. The match has not been called off.

If you don't know the specific meaning of the phrasal verbs 'to make up' and 'to call off, the above sentence can be very difficult to understand. We need more context to help us. The following example would help us more:

Rich: Have you heard, Jack? They’ve called the Premier League season off. It’s not happening.

Jack: Be quiet! I don’t believe that for a minute. You’re making it up.

By reading or listening more, you will have more context and will be better able to understand problematic phrasal verbs. Now, with more context you can make a guess at what the phrasal verb means so it's always important to read the sentences before and after the phrasal verb - this will help you. The phrasal verb 'to call off', in this context, means to cancel something and 'to make up' means to invent a story.

Try the activity below, and complete the gaps with phrasal verbs you heard in this podcast.

Activity 2

Activity 2: In this activity, check that you have learned some of the phrasal verbs from the podcast.
Can you write the word in each gap?

Manchester United fans before a match at Old Trafford. Are you a Man Utd fan? Why do you support them?

Phrasal Verbs

Transitive or Intransitive

There are different types of phrasal verbs. One way phrasal verbs can be categorised is by phrasal verbs that make sense without a direct object (intransitive phrasal verbs) and phrasal verbs that need to be in a sentence that contains a direct object (transitive phrasal verbs). Take a look at these phrasal verbs we used in the podcast: 

Transitive Phrasal Verbs

These types of phrasal verbs need a direct object. A direct object is a noun or noun phrase which refers to a person or thing which is receiving the action of the phrasal verb. Look at these examples of transitive phrasal verbs from the podcast. The phrasal verb is in red and the direct object in blue:

I have to put up with a team that loses a lot of matches.

I’d always still check out the Sheffield United results.

My dad used to pick me up and take me to the match.

These types of phrasal verbs don't make sense without a noun or noun phrase.

Intransitive Phrasal Verbs

These types of phrasal verbs can be used without a direct object. Look at these examples of transitive phrasal verbs from the podcast:

My son wants to be a footballer when he grows up.

Sheffield United went up - they’re in the Premier League this season.

I hope my team stay up this season.

Note: Some phrasal verbs can be both transitive and intransitive as they have different meanings so context is always important.

Aston Villa fans celebrating GOING UP to the Premier League.

Phrasal Verbs

Separable or Inseparable

Intransitive phrasal verbs can never be separated but transitive verbs can be separated sometimes. There are no rules about which verbs can be separated so this can take time to learn. Here are some examples of transitive phrasal verbs that we used in the podcast. Three of the phrasal verbs are inseparable. Can you find them?

I was brought up in Sheffield.

They called the match off.

You're making it up. I don't believe you!

My dad used to pick me up.

The team put their fans through a lot of emotions.

I did carry on supporting them.

I’d always still check the Sheffield United results out though.

I imagine it was difficult to put up with losing all the time!

Brighton fans CHEERING ON their team.


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Who do you support and why?

BROUGHT UP as a Wolves fan! Who do you support?

In this podcast, Rich spoke about why he supports Sheffield United and Liverpool.

We want to know who you support and why:

  1. Who do you support? Do you have just one team or more than one?
  2. Do you support a club in your country and a club in another country or the Premier League? 
  3. Do you support a team because of family or friends? 
  4. Do you support a team because of its location or its colours?
  5. Do you support a team because of a specific player or style of play?

Tell us why you support your team(s) and try to use some of the phrasal verbs we introduced in this podcast.

Write your answers in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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Here on this site, I support Manchester United. I had to confess that I'm not much of a football fan, but I always heard in the news about this club, and its name is catchy. I'd much rather watch an excellent football match rather than choose a team and cheer for it. If I come across a match on the tv, I just pick one of the teams. I'm kind of a glory hunter in that scenario. In my country, I do not cheer for any team, but I have soft spots for some clubs. So, it's heartbreaking to check out the news and realize that one of the local teams lost.

Definitely, in some matches, we are driven to support a certain team because of a friend or a player. Especially, when it's a match of clubs that you do not know anything about. I admire people who support teams in their highs and lows because they have to put up with a lot.

I remember a day when I was watching a match of my country against another in the world cup. That day, our team put us through a lot of emotions. Sadly, we lost that match, and I felt really bad, so I understand fans who feel painful emotions.

22/10/2021 20:45
Manchester United

Here on this site, I support Manchester United. I had to confess that I'm not much of a football fan, but I always heard in the news about this club, and its name is catchy. I'd much rather watch an excellent football match rather than choose a team and cheer for it. If I come across a match on the tv, I just pick one of the teams. I'm kind of a glory hunter in that scenario. In my country, I do not cheer for any team, but I have soft spots for some clubs. So, it's heartbreaking to check out the news and realize that one of the local teams lost.

Definitely, in some matches, we are driven to support a certain team because of a friend or a player. Especially, when it's a match of clubs that you do not know anything about. I admire people who support teams in their highs and lows because they have to put up with a lot.

I remember a day when I was watching a match of my country against another in the world cup. That day, our team put us through a lot of emotions. Sadly, we lost that match, and I felt really bad, so I understand fans who feel painful emotions.

hsn's picture

I support more than one team in the different countries. It’s my choice. Nobody has effected me. Location and colours aren’t criterias to choose for me. I prefer successful team with modest budget like Tottenham.
• Life put this famous actress through a lot of problems, she had to put up with them, brought up in the poverty, fed up with deficiencies of essential things but never gave up to follow her dreams and never in a quandary.
• Never show your soft spot in business life. You might be hit from this point.
• It would be a turn up for the books! if I pass this exam.

hsn's picture
19/10/2021 17:28
Tottenham Hotspur

I support more than one team in the different countries. It’s my choice. Nobody has effected me. Location and colours aren’t criterias to choose for me. I prefer successful team with modest budget like Tottenham.
• Life put this famous actress through a lot of problems, she had to put up with them, brought up in the poverty, fed up with deficiencies of essential things but never gave up to follow her dreams and never in a quandary.
• Never show your soft spot in business life. You might be hit from this point.
• It would be a turn up for the books! if I pass this exam.

mobeckham's picture

This week's football phrase is ( kick-off )

mobeckham's picture
08/06/2020 00:25
Manchester United

This week's football phrase is ( kick-off )

mobeckham's picture

Well , I am all for United , Manchester United is my childhood team since my boyhood time but since I moved to Turkey a long time ago , I also support Göztepe our local team in my neighbourhood but not like United for sure :)
I support United because of the way they play and because of two legends , Sir Alex Ferguson and David Beckham :)

mobeckham's picture
08/06/2020 00:25
Manchester United

Well , I am all for United , Manchester United is my childhood team since my boyhood time but since I moved to Turkey a long time ago , I also support Göztepe our local team in my neighbourhood but not like United for sure :)
I support United because of the way they play and because of two legends , Sir Alex Ferguson and David Beckham :)

ldzingirai's picture

Football Phrase

**** *** (verb); ******* or ****-*** (noun)

ldzingirai's picture
26/08/2019 06:30

Football Phrase

**** *** (verb); ******* or ****-*** (noun)


Hi every body

25/08/2019 12:52
Manchester City

Hi every body

ldzingirai's picture

I didn't watched the Chelsea opening match against the Red Devils. When I checked out the results late, I was really upset. I was put through a lot of emotional distress. At first I thought the results were made up, so I had to check on another site.

I support a number of clubs from across the world. Locally, my team is CAPS United. It was my father who introduced me to the club in early 90s. We used to listen together on the radio, share the highs and lows and wear club regalia during matchday. I am not a glory hunter and since then I haven't switched teams.

On the international level, Chelsea is my blood in good times and in bad times. Why I supported Chelsea, my father has no hand in it. When I started watching international football, Chelsea was the team of the moment and at its peak. I immediately fall in love with it.

I also like Real Madrid from La Liga and Dortmund from Bundesliga. Each time these clubs meet in European contests I went through a lot especially which side to support.

ldzingirai's picture
25/08/2019 07:09

I didn't watched the Chelsea opening match against the Red Devils. When I checked out the results late, I was really upset. I was put through a lot of emotional distress. At first I thought the results were made up, so I had to check on another site.

I support a number of clubs from across the world. Locally, my team is CAPS United. It was my father who introduced me to the club in early 90s. We used to listen together on the radio, share the highs and lows and wear club regalia during matchday. I am not a glory hunter and since then I haven't switched teams.

On the international level, Chelsea is my blood in good times and in bad times. Why I supported Chelsea, my father has no hand in it. When I started watching international football, Chelsea was the team of the moment and at its peak. I immediately fall in love with it.

I also like Real Madrid from La Liga and Dortmund from Bundesliga. Each time these clubs meet in European contests I went through a lot especially which side to support.


we have done it

24/08/2019 10:56
Manchester City

we have done it


It's reach vocabulary are used in this lesson
we still learn more and more

24/08/2019 10:50
Manchester City

It's reach vocabulary are used in this lesson
we still learn more and more


The phrase is start for.

22/08/2019 19:21

The phrase is start for.


Who do you support? Do you have just one team or more than one?
I have supported Liverpool FC since 2004. The main reason of this was fact that the fantastic player were playing here. His name is Michael Owen. So, to be honest, I become LFC fan through outstanding person of this man. I also support AC Milan. This is my favorite team since 2003, when they won UEFA Champions League with legendary penalty by Andriy Shevchenko. It were wonderful nights in 2005 and 2007 when my favorite teams both were in UCL final leg. My third team is FC BATE Borisov, which is located in my hometown in Belarus. I have supported them since 2003, and I still remember evening when my father pick me up to the match on our local football stadium.
My family and friends don't have big influence on my choice. But at the same time we cheering on local team FC BATE Borisov in group of my friends and attend their matches often. The location of the team is matter in the case. Because we all in our group of friends were brought up in Borisov, Belarus, where the tean is located.

20/08/2019 19:56

Who do you support? Do you have just one team or more than one?
I have supported Liverpool FC since 2004. The main reason of this was fact that the fantastic player were playing here. His name is Michael Owen. So, to be honest, I become LFC fan through outstanding person of this man. I also support AC Milan. This is my favorite team since 2003, when they won UEFA Champions League with legendary penalty by Andriy Shevchenko. It were wonderful nights in 2005 and 2007 when my favorite teams both were in UCL final leg. My third team is FC BATE Borisov, which is located in my hometown in Belarus. I have supported them since 2003, and I still remember evening when my father pick me up to the match on our local football stadium.
My family and friends don't have big influence on my choice. But at the same time we cheering on local team FC BATE Borisov in group of my friends and attend their matches often. The location of the team is matter in the case. Because we all in our group of friends were brought up in Borisov, Belarus, where the tean is located.


I chose Manchester United team from Premier League and I support it since 2014 , when Radamel Falcao Garcia played with it . Although he doesn't play currently , I carry on supporting this team , because I think It has been a good team and It has could stay up In Premier League for many years . I hope Manchester United can go up in Premier League very soon .

20/08/2019 02:55
Manchester United

I chose Manchester United team from Premier League and I support it since 2014 , when Radamel Falcao Garcia played with it . Although he doesn't play currently , I carry on supporting this team , because I think It has been a good team and It has could stay up In Premier League for many years . I hope Manchester United can go up in Premier League very soon .

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

The phrase is **** ***.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
19/08/2019 19:03

The phrase is **** ***.

DiegoFigueroa9B's picture

The arsenal is a team quite dedicated to what it does, Its super nice :DDD

DiegoFigueroa9B's picture
18/08/2019 20:02

The arsenal is a team quite dedicated to what it does, Its super nice :DDD

M.sesharao's picture

Football phrase is **** ***

M.sesharao's picture
18/08/2019 17:46
Burnley FC

Football phrase is **** ***

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson

That was a really useful lesson.

I support Sport Club Corinthians Paulista. Corinthians aren't the most victorious team in Brazil, but they are the second largest team in number of fans, and I assure you that we are the noisiest and more passionate fans in Brazil.
They are located in São Paulo City, the capital city of the state where I grew up. I've been supporting them since I was a kid, because of my dad.
As a curiosity Corinthians was named after the English team 'Corinthian' (today Corinthian-Casuals) in 1910.

I also have soft spots for "Manthiqueira", a quite small team of my town, and teams like Tottenham and Roma in Europe.

I would say that the phrase is **** ***.

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson
18/08/2019 15:11
Tottenham Hotspur

That was a really useful lesson.

I support Sport Club Corinthians Paulista. Corinthians aren't the most victorious team in Brazil, but they are the second largest team in number of fans, and I assure you that we are the noisiest and more passionate fans in Brazil.
They are located in São Paulo City, the capital city of the state where I grew up. I've been supporting them since I was a kid, because of my dad.
As a curiosity Corinthians was named after the English team 'Corinthian' (today Corinthian-Casuals) in 1910.

I also have soft spots for "Manthiqueira", a quite small team of my town, and teams like Tottenham and Roma in Europe.

I would say that the phrase is **** ***.

HarshG's picture

The football phrase:
1. Next week a new Premier League season start off.
2. **** ****is at eight o’ clock.

1. I support Manchester United as I am glory hunter as Rich. As I'm from India, I also support Mumbai City FC.

2. Yes, I support Manchester United as they have huge football history and great performance in different competitions.

3. I support MU team because of their football style.

4. Yes, I do support MU for their location and dark red color of their jersey.

5. I like the style of play of Paul Pogba, M. Rashford and the whole MU team.

HarshG's picture
17/08/2019 11:02
Manchester United

The football phrase:
1. Next week a new Premier League season start off.
2. **** ****is at eight o’ clock.

1. I support Manchester United as I am glory hunter as Rich. As I'm from India, I also support Mumbai City FC.

2. Yes, I support Manchester United as they have huge football history and great performance in different competitions.

3. I support MU team because of their football style.

4. Yes, I do support MU for their location and dark red color of their jersey.

5. I like the style of play of Paul Pogba, M. Rashford and the whole MU team.


When I was a child the first team I supported was Racing Club de Lens, which is now playing in the french second league. I always loved the atmosphere during matches in the mythic stadium of Félix-Bollaert.

When I was twelve, i found myself a new team to cheer for in england because honestly IMO, premier league is the best championship in the world. The team I picked up back in the days is Liverpool FC, so as Rich.

There are at least 6 reasons why I love this legendary club and carry on supporting it.

1) Legendary Players such as King Kenny or Stevie G played in this club and Future legends such as TAA will join them in few years
2) Anfield Road provides the best atmosphere you'll ever have in a football game especially european nights (sorry barcelona fans) ;
3) It's always a pleasure to visit the city of Liverpool and witness the passion that lies around the club in the neighbourhood of anfield during matchdays;
4) Fan chants are incredible and so cool to sing all together... si senior;
5) YNWA is a motto for me and gives me hope and motivation through life's ups and downs;
6) Let's talk about 6 Baby (Yeah we are really proud of our team !!!)

It's been now 12 years I have been supporting Liverpool and even if I am in France, we managed with some lads to create our liverpool fanbase in Lille. So now we can even more appreciate football games ! At the end, cheering liverpool is also a good opportunity to meet new friends that share the same passion and escape from your day-to-days concerns the time of a football game.

I'd like to thank you for the poadcast and activities, it's a really good opportunity for me to practise english in a fun way.


16/08/2019 11:14

When I was a child the first team I supported was Racing Club de Lens, which is now playing in the french second league. I always loved the atmosphere during matches in the mythic stadium of Félix-Bollaert.

When I was twelve, i found myself a new team to cheer for in england because honestly IMO, premier league is the best championship in the world. The team I picked up back in the days is Liverpool FC, so as Rich.

There are at least 6 reasons why I love this legendary club and carry on supporting it.

1) Legendary Players such as King Kenny or Stevie G played in this club and Future legends such as TAA will join them in few years
2) Anfield Road provides the best atmosphere you'll ever have in a football game especially european nights (sorry barcelona fans) ;
3) It's always a pleasure to visit the city of Liverpool and witness the passion that lies around the club in the neighbourhood of anfield during matchdays;
4) Fan chants are incredible and so cool to sing all together... si senior;
5) YNWA is a motto for me and gives me hope and motivation through life's ups and downs;
6) Let's talk about 6 Baby (Yeah we are really proud of our team !!!)

It's been now 12 years I have been supporting Liverpool and even if I am in France, we managed with some lads to create our liverpool fanbase in Lille. So now we can even more appreciate football games ! At the end, cheering liverpool is also a good opportunity to meet new friends that share the same passion and escape from your day-to-days concerns the time of a football game.

I'd like to thank you for the poadcast and activities, it's a really good opportunity for me to practise english in a fun way.


Khaldoun83's picture

1- The football phrase is: **** ***

2- I'm a liverpool fan but to be honest I support one team from the top 4 European football competitions which are Premier League, Bundesliga, La liga and Serie A.

3- Actually I suppoort all those teams just because the play football well as well as they mostly grow up their talented players and not buying them.

4- No, I don't think so.

5- Yes I do, but because only their way of playing football, like FC Barcelone in Spain.

Khaldoun83's picture
15/08/2019 19:15

1- The football phrase is: **** ***

2- I'm a liverpool fan but to be honest I support one team from the top 4 European football competitions which are Premier League, Bundesliga, La liga and Serie A.

3- Actually I suppoort all those teams just because the play football well as well as they mostly grow up their talented players and not buying them.

4- No, I don't think so.

5- Yes I do, but because only their way of playing football, like FC Barcelone in Spain.

Delpiero77's picture

Since I was a child I've cheered for Juventus Football Club. I am born in Latina, in the Lazio region of Italy, a town that a that time didn't take part on professional football championship. As almost all my friends supported Roma or Lazio football team, I decided to give preference to that team. In fact, I wanted to make me stand out from the pack. During that time Juventus didn't manage to win the top professional championship, but after several attempts it will succeed in reaching that target in 1994. Now I am forty-one years old and I did carry on supporting Juventus. Nowadays, I use to go to Turin with the plane together with my friends. However, I like to check out the results of my local team that is ready to start his championship in the fourth division.

Delpiero77's picture
15/08/2019 15:17
West Ham United

Since I was a child I've cheered for Juventus Football Club. I am born in Latina, in the Lazio region of Italy, a town that a that time didn't take part on professional football championship. As almost all my friends supported Roma or Lazio football team, I decided to give preference to that team. In fact, I wanted to make me stand out from the pack. During that time Juventus didn't manage to win the top professional championship, but after several attempts it will succeed in reaching that target in 1994. Now I am forty-one years old and I did carry on supporting Juventus. Nowadays, I use to go to Turin with the plane together with my friends. However, I like to check out the results of my local team that is ready to start his championship in the fourth division.

elghoul's picture

When you are just above ten years, your country just becoming independant and knowing that all indigenous teams stopped playing football in the official competition since 1956 to the independance day in july the fifth of 1962, you cannot miss supporting the USMAlgiers who won the first ever Algerian title with both Benbella the President of State, Yacef Saadi the war hero and Guerrouabi the loved singer in the Staff of the club.

But three years after  my father picked me to  his friend's home to watch on tv the football final between CRBelcourt and RCKouba. In fact we found there a dozen of RCK ancient players who have chosen to meet during that event. Kouba lost their final and I noticed that the water carrier who was in the pitch left the stadium at the pause and joined his friends watching tv some miles away from here. Uncredibly he finished seeing the match on tv after being unsettled by the defeat he presumed to happen.

From this day I firstly support RCKouba where some players were from my friends.

That doesn't mean that I haven't some soft spot to others teams like the Pelé Brazil team or clubs where Zidane or Mahrez played.

elghoul's picture
15/08/2019 15:15
Manchester City

When you are just above ten years, your country just becoming independant and knowing that all indigenous teams stopped playing football in the official competition since 1956 to the independance day in july the fifth of 1962, you cannot miss supporting the USMAlgiers who won the first ever Algerian title with both Benbella the President of State, Yacef Saadi the war hero and Guerrouabi the loved singer in the Staff of the club.

But three years after  my father picked me to  his friend's home to watch on tv the football final between CRBelcourt and RCKouba. In fact we found there a dozen of RCK ancient players who have chosen to meet during that event. Kouba lost their final and I noticed that the water carrier who was in the pitch left the stadium at the pause and joined his friends watching tv some miles away from here. Uncredibly he finished seeing the match on tv after being unsettled by the defeat he presumed to happen.

From this day I firstly support RCKouba where some players were from my friends.

That doesn't mean that I haven't some soft spot to others teams like the Pelé Brazil team or clubs where Zidane or Mahrez played.

Camelia Nguyen

I come from Viet Nam but I support team Bayern Munich in Germany.
Why? Well, maybe I am a glory hunter like Rich and I very like their style of play.
I support Manchester City, too.

Camelia Nguyen
15/08/2019 15:12
Manchester City

I come from Viet Nam but I support team Bayern Munich in Germany.
Why? Well, maybe I am a glory hunter like Rich and I very like their style of play.
I support Manchester City, too.


I have been suppporting Shandong Luneng which is the my local team since I was a kid. Then I became a Real Madrid fan as my middle school class football team chose this kit. I prefer Chelsea when it comes to the Premier League because I was a Winning Eleven series AKA Pro Evolution Soccer fan and liked using Chelsea which had a fantastic squad at that time when Jose Mourinhio was coaching the Blues for the first time.

The football phrase is "**** ***".

15/08/2019 01:53

I have been suppporting Shandong Luneng which is the my local team since I was a kid. Then I became a Real Madrid fan as my middle school class football team chose this kit. I prefer Chelsea when it comes to the Premier League because I was a Winning Eleven series AKA Pro Evolution Soccer fan and liked using Chelsea which had a fantastic squad at that time when Jose Mourinhio was coaching the Blues for the first time.

The football phrase is "**** ***".


I find it very interesting and great how football helps us learn English, how it teaches us things like compound verbs, and it is a very good way to learn and entertain.

15/08/2019 00:32
Manchester City

I find it very interesting and great how football helps us learn English, how it teaches us things like compound verbs, and it is a very good way to learn and entertain.


Football phrase is ×××××× ××××

14/08/2019 19:01
United States

Football phrase is ×××××× ××××

Rich's picture

Hi Steve

Welcome to Premier Skills English! You've added your own asterisks! I think that's cheating :)

Milan Baros from the Czech Republic. I remember him well.

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
15/08/2019 09:59

Hi Steve

Welcome to Premier Skills English! You've added your own asterisks! I think that's cheating :)

Milan Baros from the Czech Republic. I remember him well.

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team


I support liverpool since I was 15 years old. There was big player that I liked very well his name is BAROS. I also support arsenal but my best team in the word is BARCELONA. I started support barcelone when ronaldinho was playing there. He made me dream with his way of playing, his dribble and after ronaldinho we have messi that I also like to see play

14/08/2019 18:56
United States

I support liverpool since I was 15 years old. There was big player that I liked very well his name is BAROS. I also support arsenal but my best team in the word is BARCELONA. I started support barcelone when ronaldinho was playing there. He made me dream with his way of playing, his dribble and after ronaldinho we have messi that I also like to see play

Harry Setiawan

The phrasal verb is **** ***

Harry Setiawan
14/08/2019 17:10

The phrasal verb is **** ***


**** ***.
I support liverpool.

14/08/2019 14:58

**** ***.
I support liverpool.

elghoul's picture

Football phrase guess, **** ***

elghoul's picture
14/08/2019 13:56
Manchester City

Football phrase guess, **** ***

wsanta's picture

In the Premier League I started to support Liverpool when I heard You´ll never walk alone by the German punk band Die Toten Hosen and in the Championship I support Leeds when Bielsa arrived there.
I also like the Rayo Vallecano of Spain, the Union Berlin and St Pauli of Germany because of their Ideology.
I always check out their results.

wsanta's picture
13/08/2019 21:27
Leeds United

In the Premier League I started to support Liverpool when I heard You´ll never walk alone by the German punk band Die Toten Hosen and in the Championship I support Leeds when Bielsa arrived there.
I also like the Rayo Vallecano of Spain, the Union Berlin and St Pauli of Germany because of their Ideology.
I always check out their results.

Camelia Nguyen

I'm a fan of Union Berlin,too

Camelia Nguyen
15/08/2019 15:14
Manchester City

I'm a fan of Union Berlin,too

wsanta's picture


wsanta's picture
16/08/2019 15:24
Leeds United


wsanta's picture

In my city (Quilmes) there is the oldest soccer club in Argentina Quilmes Athletic Club, it was founded by Englishmen and in the beginning you had to be an Englishman or son of an Englishman to play there, then another club was born Argentino de Quilmes for Argentines . I support for Argentino de Quilmes but many members of my family support for Quilmes.

wsanta's picture
13/08/2019 21:21
Leeds United

In my city (Quilmes) there is the oldest soccer club in Argentina Quilmes Athletic Club, it was founded by Englishmen and in the beginning you had to be an Englishman or son of an Englishman to play there, then another club was born Argentino de Quilmes for Argentines . I support for Argentino de Quilmes but many members of my family support for Quilmes.

wsanta's picture

I am a River Plate fan like my father. Football and Railway was brought to Argentina by the English people. River Plate has a name in English and not in Spanish because it was what it said in the boxes that were unloaded at the port, with goods from England. River Plate is the river that bathes the coasts of Buenos Aires. I may like other clubs around the world but I always have a red band across my chest.

wsanta's picture
13/08/2019 21:14
Leeds United

I am a River Plate fan like my father. Football and Railway was brought to Argentina by the English people. River Plate has a name in English and not in Spanish because it was what it said in the boxes that were unloaded at the port, with goods from England. River Plate is the river that bathes the coasts of Buenos Aires. I may like other clubs around the world but I always have a red band across my chest.

Thenext75's picture

Football phrase is **** ***
I have always been supporting U. S. Lecce. Lecce is the team of the town where I grew up and it's not a very strong team, but last years Lecce went up to "SERIE A". I am aware Lecce put me through highs and lows moments but I'll be never fed up to support my team
I'll never forget when my dad picked me up a d took me to the stadio I was 5 and Lecce lost 3-0 at home against Inter.
In premier league I have a particular interest for Tottenham and every week I'm used to checking their results out hoping they win the Premier league before or after. I know I have done a lot of grammar mistakes.

Thenext75's picture
13/08/2019 19:42

Football phrase is **** ***
I have always been supporting U. S. Lecce. Lecce is the team of the town where I grew up and it's not a very strong team, but last years Lecce went up to "SERIE A". I am aware Lecce put me through highs and lows moments but I'll be never fed up to support my team
I'll never forget when my dad picked me up a d took me to the stadio I was 5 and Lecce lost 3-0 at home against Inter.
In premier league I have a particular interest for Tottenham and every week I'm used to checking their results out hoping they win the Premier league before or after. I know I have done a lot of grammar mistakes.


**** ***

13/08/2019 13:22
Manchester United

**** ***

Ronisanttos's picture

I think the phrase of the week is “**** ***”.

I support Flamengo as my native team here in Brazil, and in the Premier League I used to support Chelsea, but now I changed to Manchester United. Why I changed to United? So, after I listen this podcast and learn about this team, I fall in love with this history and how they managed to restructure after the munich accident to be the most victorious team in premier league.

Ronisanttos's picture
13/08/2019 11:57
Manchester United

I think the phrase of the week is “**** ***”.

I support Flamengo as my native team here in Brazil, and in the Premier League I used to support Chelsea, but now I changed to Manchester United. Why I changed to United? So, after I listen this podcast and learn about this team, I fall in love with this history and how they managed to restructure after the munich accident to be the most victorious team in premier league.

Anet's picture

1. I supported the Arsenal since 2004. I don't have other teams. I used to watch with my local arsenal supporters club in my home town. Being an Arsenal fan like riding the roller coaster highs and lows.
2. Yangon United is the local club that I support in my country. My dad picks me up and takes me to the match. Sometimes I can't follow with my dad to the match. But I still check out the results.
3. If I followed my family, I would have supported Manchester United. But I'm not a glory hunter. When I was a kid, Manchester United was the most successful in the premier league.
4. I don't support because of the locations and colours. I really like the way Arsenal play such as one-touch, ball possession, set-piece and teamwork. I was fed up with when we lost Barcelona in the champion league final in 2006 at France. But I didn't disappoint and carry on supporting them.
5. The football game is a teamwork game. It doesn't rely on a specific player. Also, I supported Arsenal because I really like the way Arsenal play style.

Anet's picture
13/08/2019 08:43

1. I supported the Arsenal since 2004. I don't have other teams. I used to watch with my local arsenal supporters club in my home town. Being an Arsenal fan like riding the roller coaster highs and lows.
2. Yangon United is the local club that I support in my country. My dad picks me up and takes me to the match. Sometimes I can't follow with my dad to the match. But I still check out the results.
3. If I followed my family, I would have supported Manchester United. But I'm not a glory hunter. When I was a kid, Manchester United was the most successful in the premier league.
4. I don't support because of the locations and colours. I really like the way Arsenal play such as one-touch, ball possession, set-piece and teamwork. I was fed up with when we lost Barcelona in the champion league final in 2006 at France. But I didn't disappoint and carry on supporting them.
5. The football game is a teamwork game. It doesn't rely on a specific player. Also, I supported Arsenal because I really like the way Arsenal play style.

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the phrase is a '**** ***'

Liubomyr's picture
13/08/2019 08:26

I think that the phrase is a '**** ***'

Anet's picture

**** ***

Anet's picture
13/08/2019 08:17

**** ***


**** ***

11/08/2019 07:16
Tottenham Hotspur

**** ***


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United146535
5Manchester City58633
6Tottenham Hotspur19335
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4887


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs

Task: Talk about your team