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 A cruise ship.

English & the UK: Southampton

English & the UK: Southampton

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack and Rich continue a series of podcasts called 'English & the UK' which focus on Premier League cities. They will tell you more about what you can find in these cities and focus on some of the language you need when visiting places in these cities. The city they are visiting in this episode is Southampton and the language focus is on words and phrases connected to travelling by boat. In the roleplay this week, Jack and Rich are on a cruise ship. Your task is to design an itinerary for a cruise of your choice. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess, too. Enjoy


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Can you match the words to the definitions?

Welcome - English & the UK - Southampton


Jack: Hello my name’s Jack

Rich: and I’m Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Rich: We recommend that you listen to this podcast on the Premier Skills English website because that is where we have the transcript, language examples, activities, quizzes and a discussion page to help you understand everything we talk about.

Jack: However, if you’re listening on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, you can leave answers to our questions in the review section. We do read all the reviews and would love to hear from you. 

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we’re continuing our series of podcasts that focus on English and the UK. In these podcasts, you will learn more about cities in the UK and at the same time lots of useful English words and phrases.

Jack: In each podcast, we focus on one Premier League city in the UK. In our last podcast, we spoke about Newcastle which is one of the UK’s best cities for a night out.

Rich: And we looked at words and phrases connected to going to a traditional British pub. Phrases like ‘What are you having?’, and ‘It’s your round’. 
Jack: Oh yes, we also had a game of pool in the roleplay and we looked at some phrases that Geordies, the people from Newcastle, use that might confuse English learners.

Rich: Like ‘howay the lads’ and ‘come on the toon’.

Jack: Yes, like those. If you want to go back and do this lesson you can find it on the Premier Skills English website by clicking skills >  listen > podcasts. If you are on Spotify or Apple Podcasts you’ll find it in the playlist, it’s called ‘English & the UK: Newcastle’. 

Jack: In this episode, we are going to talk about a Premier League city at the other end of the country. The city we’re talking about this week is Southampton. 

Rich: First, Jack and I will have a conversation about Southampton. We will talk about some of the things that are special about Southampton.

Jack: After that, you will hear a roleplay. This week we’re going to be on a cruise ship.

Rich: You might not know it but Southampton is known as the cruise capital of Europe.  

Jack: After the roleplay, we will focus on words and phrases connected to travelling by boat. 

Rich: Don’t forget that all the cities we focus on in this series are home to Premier League teams so listen out for the football connections in the podcast.

Jack: One of those connections is our football phrase section so don’t forget to listen to the end of the podcast because that’s when we ask you to guess our weekly football phrase.

Football Phrase 1 

Rich: But, before we look at all that, let’s look at last week’s football phrase. If you didn’t hear it last week we’ll give you one more chance to guess and give you the correct answer at the end of the show when we give you a new football phrase.

Jack: Well done to Liubomyr from Ukraine, Elghoul from Algeria, Romokisel from Russia and Barry from Indonesia who guessed correctly and wrote their answers on the Premier Skills English website.

Rich: We’re not going to tell you the answer yet though. Here’s one more chance to guess. Jack …

Jack: The phrase was a soft decision. The phrase is usually used to describe the referee giving a red card or more often a penalty when we believe it was not a penalty or red card. We say things like that’s never a penalty what a soft decision by the referee!

Rich: I’m sure you know the answer but if you don't, then we’ll tell you at the end of the show. I will also have a new football phrase for you to guess. This week it’s going to be a difficult one.

Jack: And if you can guess Rich’s crazily difficult football phrase and write it in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website, we will announce your name in next week’s show.
Introduction to conversation

Jack: You are now going to listen to us talking about Southampton and interesting things to do and see in the city. 

Rich: While you listen, we want you to answer a question. The question is: 

Jack: Which ship sailed from Southampton?


Rich: So, Southampton - what do we know about Southampton?

Jack: Its Premier League team is Southampton Football Club. Their nickname is the Saints and they play at St. Mary’s Stadium.

Rich: The Saints. That’s an interesting nickname. 

Jack: I think Southampton was originally a church football team - that’s why they are called the Saints and play at St.Mary’s which is a really common name for a church in the UK.

Rich: What else do we know about the city? Did you know they used to build planes in Southampton? The Spitfire was one of Britain's most famous planes and were built in the 1930s and 1940s.

Jack: I didn’t know you knew so much about planes.

Rich: I don’t but a couple of years ago I visited the aviation museum in Southampton. It’s well worth going if you're into planes.

Jack: But Southampton is probably more famous for boats. It’s one of the biggest ports in the UK and is known as the cruise capital of Europe.

Rich: Yes, Southampton is on the south coast of England - next to the sea but it doesn’t have any beaches like Brighton or Bournemouth.

Jack: It has lots of ships - big ships. The Titanic sailed from Southampton.

Rich: Yes, and there are lots of Titanic related things in Southampton. You can go on the Titanic Trail which is a walking tour in Southampton and there’s the maritime museum called SeaCity Museum.

Jack: Maritime means connected to the sea. So you can have a maritime museum and Southampton has a long maritime history or heritage.

Rich: And there's even maritime English!

Jack: That’s for people who work on ships. The people or crew that work on ships are often from lots of different countries and have to use a shared language - English.

Rich: It’s really important to keep everybody on the ship - or onboard - safe.

Jack: Let’s look at some maritime English in a bit but first I want you to give us a thirty-second summary of what a visitor to Southampton can do and see.

Rich: OK, so you’ve got to go to Solent Sky which is the aviation museum if you’re into planes and you've got to go to SeaCity which is the maritime museum if you’re into boats and want to learn more about the history of the Titanic. Apart from that, you should also take a boat ride on a 19th-century steamship - it’s the only working steamship in Northern Europe. What else? There’s a massive water sports activity centre in the middle of Southampton. You can do windsurfing, sailing, and powerboating.

Jack: And don’t forget St. Mary’s Stadium for a Premier League match!

Introduction to Roleplay 

Rich: Did you get the answer to the question: Which ship sailed from Southampton?

Jack: The answer, of course, is the Titanic.

Rich: As we said in the conversation, Southampton is a major port in the UK and many cruise ships sail from there.

Jack: Have you ever been on a cruise, Rich?

Rich: No, but I’ve caught ferries from the UK to France and Spain. To Spain, it takes over 24 hours.

Jack: I’ve done ferries but I’d love to go on a cruise. Maybe in the Carribean. Southampton to Barbados to Cuba to Tobago to Dominica to Jamaica and back to Southampton something like that would be good.

Rich: A bit hot for me. I’d like to go on an Antarctic cruise that would be cool - literally.

Jack: And you could see polar bears!

Rich: Not sure about that, Jack. Penguins maybe.

Jack: Right, you’re now going to listen to a roleplay on a cruise ship.

Rich: Jack and the other passengers are being welcomed by the cruise director - that’s me.

Jack: While you listen we want you to answer a question:

Rich: What animals can you see on the cruise?


Rich: Hello everybody - I’m Rich your cruise director and I’d like to have your attention for a few moments. First of all, on behalf of Premier Skills Cruises and all the crew, we’d like to welcome you all aboard HMS Britannia. We hope you have all settled into your cabins. We are currently still docked in Southampton but are due to set sail at six which is in around 30 minutes time. I’m here to answer any questions you may have about the ship, the cruise itinerary and the entertainment we have on board.

Jack: Could you tell us a bit more about when we’ll arrive at our next destination and how long we’ll get at each place? 

Rich: Good question. Certainly. Well, as you know, we are off to the Carribean - and our first port of call will be Barbados in two days time. Generally, you get a full day at all destinations and we tend to sail at night. 

Jack: It’s going to take two days from Southampton to Barbados?

Rich: Yes, we have two days at sea so you’ll be able to get to know the ship really well. The Britannia is the biggest in our fleet and this morning we are giving all passengers a tour of the ship. You’ll even get a chance to go up to the bridge to see where the captain and crew control the ship.

Jack: What entertainment is there?

Rich: You’ll see on the tour but there is a lot to do. On the top deck, there are swimming pools and areas to sunbathe as well as whale and dolphin watching. On the upper decks, we have all types of entertainment. There is live music every night, a cinema and play areas for the kids and then, of course, we have five different restaurants.

Jack: Sorry, one more question. What if I get seasick?

Rich: The ship is so big that you often hardly notice that we are moving up and down on the waves. The waters in the Carribean are very calm and there is no bad weather forecast. However, the first two days can sometimes be more difficult as the sea in the Atlantic can be a bit rougher. We have a doctor on board who can supply tablets for seasickness if necessary. 

Rich: OK, any more questions ? … Right, you can book a ship tour with my colleagues at the desk and I’d once again like to wish you all a very pleasant stay with us on board.

Language Focus

Jack: Did you get the answer to the question? What animals can you see on the cruise?

Rich: The answer is dolphins and whales. You can do whale watching or dolphin watching from the top deck of the cruise ship.

Jack: We’re now going to look at some vocabulary from the roleplay. Let’s start by looking at places on a cruise ship. You just said that you can dolphin watch from the top deck. 

Rich: That’s right. A deck on a ship is the same as a floor in a building. A building might have 10 floors and you climb the stairs or take the lift to go up and down. Cruise ships can have more than 10 decks.

Jack: When we talk or read about ships we might hear the phrases to be ‘on deck’ or ‘below deck’. To be on deck means to be on the top deck - to be outside. To be below deck means to be inside the ship. 

Rich: In the roleplay, we spoke about the bridge. On a ship, the bridge is where the ship is controlled. It’s where you will usually find the captain of the ship and the captain’s crew.

Jack: The captain is the person in charge of a ship and the crew are the people who work on a ship.

Rich: On a cruise ship you sleep in a cabin and you will hear phrases like a 2-berth cabin or a 4-berth cabin. Berth here means a place to sleep so a four-berth cabin has four beds.

Jack: Let’s talk more about the journey of a ship. People get on or off a ship when it is docked. Docked means to be in port and not moving.

Rich: And people and vehicles disembark a boat - get off and embark which is get on. But this is formal and official language. You would normally just say get off and get on.

Jack: In the roleplay, we said the ship set sail at six. To set sail means to begin a trip on the sea.

Rich: And everybody needs to be on board or aboard the ship before it sets sail.

Jack: ‘On board’ and ‘aboard’ both mean to be on the ship. In the roleplay, Rich said hello to the passengers by saying ‘welcome aboard’.

Rich: Can I ask you, Jack. Do you ever get seasick?

Jack: I don’t think so but if the sea was very rough I might.

Rich: Yes, if the sea is calm it’s not a problem.

Jack: Here we have the phrase to get seasick which means to feel dizzy and possibly vomit because of the waves going up and down.

Rich: And the seas can be calm which means the waves are small or the sea can be rough, which means the waves are big and you’re more likely to get seasick.

Jack: Let’s look at a couple more phrases that will help you with this week’s task.

Rich: A cruise always has an itinerary. An itinerary is a plan of a journey - the route and the places you will visit.

Jack: In the roleplay, the itinerary was a cruise around the Caribbean and the first port of call was Barbados.

Rich: Port of call means a port where you stop during a journey. It’s more common to use the word destination and destination can be used for itineraries that are on land as well.

Jack: That covers some of the vocabulary we used in the roleplay. If you want to check your understanding and learn more vocabulary connected to the sea, take a look at the Premier Skills English website.

Rich: You’ll find this lesson on the homepage or by clicking skills >  listen > podcasts > Southampton.


Jack: This week we want you to design an itinerary for a cruise.

Rich: Choose a part of the world that you think would be interesting to visit by ship. Where would you set sail from? Where would your first port of call be? How many destinations would you visit? How long would your cruise be?

Jack: Tell us why you would like to visit these places and tell us what you would enjoy or not enjoy about being on a cruise.

Rich: Write your answers on the Premier Skills English website.

This week’s football phrase:

Jack: OK, it’s time for this week’s football phrase. It’s your turn this week Rich. Don’t make it too difficult.

Rich: Remember it’s my job to do the difficult ones and your job to do the easy ones.

Jack: OK, but if Liubomyr from Ukraine doesn’t get the answer first time we know it’s too difficult.

Rich: Here’s my difficult football phrase. The phrase is **** ***** ***** ******. This phrase is a cliche and it makes me really angry because it’s not true. The phrase is used about cup competitions that have two legs - where teams play each other twice. The idea is that after the two matches if the scores are level the team that scored more goals at the other team’s stadium is the winner. That’s OK but the phrase **** ***** ***** ****** is not true. For example, if Liverpool lose to Juventus 2-0 in England and win 4-3 in Italy Liverpool are out 5-4! Liverpool have not won 8-7 because **** ***** ***** ******. It’s very annoying!

Jack: I see this phrase makes you angry Rich. It makes me laugh! Let’s see if anybody can get this phrase right. It’s a difficult one.

Rich: And if you’re still thinking about last week’s football phrase - the answer was a soft decision. 

Jack: Write your answers in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website and we’ll announce your name on next week’s show.

Rich: Right, that’s all we have time for this week. Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

Southampton FC's nickname is the Saints and they play at St. Mary’s Stadium.

A couple of years ago I visited the aviation museum in Southampton. It’s well worth going if you're into planes.

There’s the maritime museum called SeaCity Museum which is worth seeing.

On behalf of Premier Skills Cruises, and all the crew, we’d like to welcome you all aboard the Britannia.

I’d once again like to wish you all a very pleasant stay with us on board.

There were a few more tricky words and phrases in the podcast. Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words. This can really help your understanding.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to their definitions. All of the words were in this week's podcast.
Can you match the words to the definitions?

Southampton is famous for ships and planes.

UK Cities


Southampton is a city on the south coast of England. The city has a big port and is one of the biggest cruise ports in Europe with over 4 million passengers sailing from Southampton every year. The most famous ship to sail from Southampton was the Titanic which sank in the Atlantic Ocean. Much of Southampton's history is connected to the sea as it's been a port since medieval times. Industry related to the port and shipbuilding was the biggest employer in the city throughout the twentieth century. However, the city is also famous for planes and some of the most famous British military planes have been designed and built in Southampton. The city's football team, Southampton FC, was founded in 1885 as a church team which is why they are known as the Saints. The Saints play at St.Mary's Stadium (St. Mary's is the most common name for a church in the UK).

Southampton FC play at St. Mary's Stadium.


Things to see 

There are many things to see and do in Southampton and the Southampton area (Hampshire). Some highlights include: 

  • SeaCity Museum (learn more about Southampton's maritime heritage and the history of the Titanic)
  • Solent Sky Museum (learn about the history of aviation and see some of the world's greatest aircraft)
  • St. Mary's Stadium (watch a Premier League match at the home of Southampton FC)
  • Steamship Shieldhall (take a trip on Europe's only working steamship)
  • Water Sports (try sailing, windsurfing, water skiing or powerboating in Southampton)

You can take a trip on a 19th century steamship in Southampton.


The Titanic

The Titanic was the biggest ship ever built and set sail from Southampton to New York on the 10 April 1912 on its first-ever voyage. It was the ship's first journey and there were 2224 on board. Unfortunately, four days later the Titanic hit an iceberg and over 1500 people lost their lives. It was one of the worst maritime disasters in modern history. In 1995, the story of the voyage was made into a film starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio and was a critical and commercial success. The film won eleven Oscars and was the first film to make a billion dollars at cinemas.

The TItanic set sail from Southampton on its way to New York before disaster struck.


Cruise Ships & English

Southampton is a popular destination for people going on cruises. It's possible to get a cruise from Southampton to the Carribean, Scandinavia, the Mediterranean and the USA or Canada. The people (crew) who work on cruise ships are often from a variety of nationalities. The crew who work on ships have to speak a common language for safety reasons. This is often a simplified version of English known as Maritime English and includes al the words and phraes you need to work on board a ship. 

Southampton port at night.


On a cruise

In the roleplay, Rich was the cruise director and introduced himself to all the passengers. Jack was one of those passengers. Rich used quite a lot of vocabulary that is very specific to ships. Take a look at the sentences below. Do you understand the words in bold?

First of all, on behalf of Premier Skills Cruises and all the crew, we’d like to welcome you all aboard the Britannia. We hope you have all settled into your cabins.

We are currently still docked in Southampton but are due to set sail at six which is in around 30 minutes time.

I’m here to answer any questions you may have about the ship, the cruise itinerary and the entertainment we have on board.

On the top deck, there are swimming pools and areas to sunbathe as well as whale and dolphin watching.

 The waters in the Carribean are very calm so you shouldn't get seasick.

The Britannia cruise ship being inaugurated by the Queen.

Try the activity below, and complete the gaps with words and phrases you heard in this podcast.

Activity 2

Activity 2: In this activity, check that you have learned some of the key phrases from the podcast.
Can you write the word in each gap?


Please login to take this quiz.

Log in


Design a cruise

Would you like to go on a cruise?

This week we want you to design a cruise itinerary for a cruise that you would like to go on.

Choose a part of the world that you think would be interesting to visit by ship and try to answer these questions:

  1. Where would you set sail from?
  2. Where would your first port of call be?
  3. How many destinations would you visit?
  4. How long would your cruise be?

Tell us why you would like to visit these places and tell us what you would enjoy or not enjoy about being on a cruise.

Write your answers in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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hsn's picture

Hi Rowan! Hi Jack! First of all I'd like to celebrate your World Teachers Day (24 November 2021).Would you mind if I suggest another football phrase-:) It's also a cliche in my country. I don't know how it is called in English.
When an unpredicted team achieve a very high performance like West Ham FC in the Premier League this year. Although newly promoted to the top division Hatayspor FC now in the second row at the table in my country. This phrase is used to describe these kind of successful teams.Literally BLOWING LIKE A STORM.
Stay fit and healthy.Bye.

hsn's picture
23/11/2021 09:40
Tottenham Hotspur

Hi Rowan! Hi Jack! First of all I'd like to celebrate your World Teachers Day (24 November 2021).Would you mind if I suggest another football phrase-:) It's also a cliche in my country. I don't know how it is called in English.
When an unpredicted team achieve a very high performance like West Ham FC in the Premier League this year. Although newly promoted to the top division Hatayspor FC now in the second row at the table in my country. This phrase is used to describe these kind of successful teams.Literally BLOWING LIKE A STORM.
Stay fit and healthy.Bye.

hsn's picture

I would set sail from İzmir city of Turkey next to the sea and my first port of call be Marseilles.I would visit at least seven destinations. It takes one month.
• Big ships can't dock easily to the waterfront.Tugboats push them towards harbour.
• That is my personal opinion as a politician I can't talk on behalf of my party.
My last awkward jokes-:)
• You can walk on every bridge except bridge of the cruise.
• Saints are backed up with the power of pray. They don't concede defeat easily.

hsn's picture
22/11/2021 18:46
Tottenham Hotspur

I would set sail from İzmir city of Turkey next to the sea and my first port of call be Marseilles.I would visit at least seven destinations. It takes one month.
• Big ships can't dock easily to the waterfront.Tugboats push them towards harbour.
• That is my personal opinion as a politician I can't talk on behalf of my party.
My last awkward jokes-:)
• You can walk on every bridge except bridge of the cruise.
• Saints are backed up with the power of pray. They don't concede defeat easily.

mobeckham's picture

This week's football phrase is ( away goals count double )

mobeckham's picture
07/06/2020 18:18
Manchester United

This week's football phrase is ( away goals count double )

mobeckham's picture

Well , I'd like to sail around Europe in a long cruise itinerary starting from my own city Izmir Aegean Sea and the destination would be in Manchester port and would like the first port call in Venice Italy then Marsielle in France moving up to Stuttgart and heading to Manchester
The duration could be a couple of weeks to enjoy every port and stay there for a couple of days

mobeckham's picture
07/06/2020 18:09
Manchester United

Well , I'd like to sail around Europe in a long cruise itinerary starting from my own city Izmir Aegean Sea and the destination would be in Manchester port and would like the first port call in Venice Italy then Marsielle in France moving up to Stuttgart and heading to Manchester
The duration could be a couple of weeks to enjoy every port and stay there for a couple of days


I would like to set sail from Sydney to Valencia and visit at least five cities from different continents if I can. I really like traveling, but I have never done any trip by cruise. I have a huge curiosity, although probably, I think, as Jack does as well, that I would get seasick on the ship.
My answer to the week's football phrase is "**** ***** ***** *****".

08/08/2019 09:42

I would like to set sail from Sydney to Valencia and visit at least five cities from different continents if I can. I really like traveling, but I have never done any trip by cruise. I have a huge curiosity, although probably, I think, as Jack does as well, that I would get seasick on the ship.
My answer to the week's football phrase is "**** ***** ***** *****".


I enjoyed a Brazilian cruise once, and it was an amazing experience as we sailed from one of Brazil's largest ports located in Santos, São Paulo state, docking in three cities: Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Buzios, A Cruise Trip it lasted seven days, and the weather was very good, so we didn't feel seasick. The cruise was really fancy and the crew really friendly, so we had a great expererience and I would really enjoy it again.

07/08/2019 16:44

I enjoyed a Brazilian cruise once, and it was an amazing experience as we sailed from one of Brazil's largest ports located in Santos, São Paulo state, docking in three cities: Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Buzios, A Cruise Trip it lasted seven days, and the weather was very good, so we didn't feel seasick. The cruise was really fancy and the crew really friendly, so we had a great expererience and I would really enjoy it again.


I hope that I will be on the cruise

05/08/2019 19:10
Manchester City

I hope that I will be on the cruise



04/08/2019 12:46
Manchester City



Being on a cruise is a dream for me

04/08/2019 12:39
Manchester City

Being on a cruise is a dream for me


**** ***** ***** ******

02/08/2019 14:53
Tottenham Hotspur

**** ***** ***** ******

Thenext75's picture

Actually I' ve had a cruise experience, It was trough mediterranean Sea.
I had to come clean after few days I felt quite bored. If I could I'd choose to set sail a new cruise from England and sail toward artic pole in order to see terrific places like Iceland Sweden and Norway, but mostly I've always dreamed to see Aurora borealis. By the way I think a cruise shouldn't take more than one week.
I'm sorry for my English I hope you understand. Football phrase is too difficult for me

Thenext75's picture
02/08/2019 09:41

Actually I' ve had a cruise experience, It was trough mediterranean Sea.
I had to come clean after few days I felt quite bored. If I could I'd choose to set sail a new cruise from England and sail toward artic pole in order to see terrific places like Iceland Sweden and Norway, but mostly I've always dreamed to see Aurora borealis. By the way I think a cruise shouldn't take more than one week.
I'm sorry for my English I hope you understand. Football phrase is too difficult for me

Orhan Emre Anıl

So, I have been abroad only once which is in Italy. I loved it so much. I'd take the chance to visit many cruise cities such as Napoli, Venice, Lecce and Bari. It will be better to start the cruise tour in Barcelona from Marseille to Venice. I think a one week is enough for this tour and people will have good memories in the cruise...
In my opinon , thhe football phrase for this week is "**** from home wins".

Orhan Emre Anıl
01/08/2019 17:48

So, I have been abroad only once which is in Italy. I loved it so much. I'd take the chance to visit many cruise cities such as Napoli, Venice, Lecce and Bari. It will be better to start the cruise tour in Barcelona from Marseille to Venice. I think a one week is enough for this tour and people will have good memories in the cruise...
In my opinon , thhe football phrase for this week is "**** from home wins".

Rich's picture

Hi Orhan Emre Anil,

Welcome to Premier Skills English! I hope you enjoy our podcast!

A cruise around Italy definitely appeals to me. Are there a lot of tourists that visit Turkey on cruises?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
01/08/2019 20:07

Hi Orhan Emre Anil,

Welcome to Premier Skills English! I hope you enjoy our podcast!

A cruise around Italy definitely appeals to me. Are there a lot of tourists that visit Turkey on cruises?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Orhan Emre Anıl

Hi Rich,
Yes, most tourists on around the world prefer to visit Antalya ,Izmir or Mugla with huge cruises in our country. I see a lot of them when I visit these cities :)

Orhan Emre Anıl
01/08/2019 20:38

Hi Rich,
Yes, most tourists on around the world prefer to visit Antalya ,Izmir or Mugla with huge cruises in our country. I see a lot of them when I visit these cities :)

elghoul's picture

My friend Rabah had a ship cruise  for celebrating his degree success in URSS. The ship docked in Sebastopol set sail for a week travel. The first call port was Istanbul the day after they settled in their cabins. They enjoyed visiting Genea, Marseille, Barcelona and Tunis where they took off. Onboard there were lots of entertainments. Swimming, sunbathing, playing table games were daily enjoyed. What he mostly prefered were the diners with musicians playing on live and dancing every night on this very calm summer mediteranee.

elghoul's picture
31/07/2019 15:30
Manchester City

My friend Rabah had a ship cruise  for celebrating his degree success in URSS. The ship docked in Sebastopol set sail for a week travel. The first call port was Istanbul the day after they settled in their cabins. They enjoyed visiting Genea, Marseille, Barcelona and Tunis where they took off. Onboard there were lots of entertainments. Swimming, sunbathing, playing table games were daily enjoyed. What he mostly prefered were the diners with musicians playing on live and dancing every night on this very calm summer mediteranee.

Rich's picture

Hi Elghoul,

Cruises in the Med are very popular! Sevastopol to Barcelona and Tunis is quite a long journey. I think I would like to stop at some Greek Islands after Istanbul, too!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
01/08/2019 20:03

Hi Elghoul,

Cruises in the Med are very popular! Sevastopol to Barcelona and Tunis is quite a long journey. I think I would like to stop at some Greek Islands after Istanbul, too!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

elghoul's picture

football phrase is **** ***** ***** ******.

elghoul's picture
31/07/2019 15:19
Manchester City

football phrase is **** ***** ***** ******.


I guess the football phrase is "**** ***** ***** ******". In China commentators sometimes say this phrase which has been confusing me. Now I know it's just a direct translation from the English world.

31/07/2019 05:14

I guess the football phrase is "**** ***** ***** ******". In China commentators sometimes say this phrase which has been confusing me. Now I know it's just a direct translation from the English world.

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the phrase is “**** ***** ***** ******"

Liubomyr's picture
29/07/2019 12:35

I think that the phrase is “**** ***** ***** ******"


I would sail set from Marseille because I think it’s the major cruise port in France. I would take the opportunity to see a football match in the Vélodrome stadium which is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.
My favorite port of call would be Venezia because it’s a amazing city. Cars can’t go in it and it’s very calm except in the touristic places.
I would like to visit Rome, Napoli, Barcelona.
My trip would last 1 week. I’ve never been on a cruise but I think that you could quickly be get rid of the atmosphere and the crowd on a cruise ship. So a 7 days trip would be enough.

I am not sure but the football phrase could be « to dump out of ».

Thanks a lot for your amazing podcast.

(Calais - FRANCE)

29/07/2019 06:56

I would sail set from Marseille because I think it’s the major cruise port in France. I would take the opportunity to see a football match in the Vélodrome stadium which is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.
My favorite port of call would be Venezia because it’s a amazing city. Cars can’t go in it and it’s very calm except in the touristic places.
I would like to visit Rome, Napoli, Barcelona.
My trip would last 1 week. I’ve never been on a cruise but I think that you could quickly be get rid of the atmosphere and the crowd on a cruise ship. So a 7 days trip would be enough.

I am not sure but the football phrase could be « to dump out of ».

Thanks a lot for your amazing podcast.

(Calais - FRANCE)

Rich's picture

Hi Laurent62,

Welcome to Premier Skills English!

I imagine this podcast could be useful for lots of people in Calais with all the ferries that go from France to the UK!

A Mediterranean cruise is a good choice!

The football phrase is not right. Do you want to make another guess?

Rich - The Premier Skils English Team

Rich's picture
29/07/2019 08:59

Hi Laurent62,

Welcome to Premier Skills English!

I imagine this podcast could be useful for lots of people in Calais with all the ferries that go from France to the UK!

A Mediterranean cruise is a good choice!

The football phrase is not right. Do you want to make another guess?

Rich - The Premier Skils English Team


Fottball phrase for this week is **** ***** ***** ******.

29/07/2019 05:48
Manchester United

Fottball phrase for this week is **** ***** ***** ******.

Rich's picture

Hi Milos,

We haven't heard from you in ages! Hope you are well!

Well done on being the first to get this week's football phrase - I think it's one of the most difficult ones we've had!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
29/07/2019 08:54

Hi Milos,

We haven't heard from you in ages! Hope you are well!

Well done on being the first to get this week's football phrase - I think it's one of the most difficult ones we've had!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team


Unfortunately, you have leaked the answer to the football phrase quiz in the audio of the podcast..............for the second time.

02/08/2019 03:06

Unfortunately, you have leaked the answer to the football phrase quiz in the audio of the podcast..............for the second time.


I ve been listening you all time.Great summer editon for podcast.I mean English cities is excellent topic.

30/07/2019 05:11
Manchester United

I ve been listening you all time.Great summer editon for podcast.I mean English cities is excellent topic.


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United146535
5Manchester City58633
6Tottenham Hotspur19335
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4887


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Language: Words and phrases connected to travelling by ship

Task: Designing a cruise itinerary