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Learning Vocabulary: Rich's New Job (Part 1)

Learning Vocabulary: Rich's New Job (Part 1)

Rich is leaving the Premier Skills English Podcast. We are all very sad to see him go and wish him the best but we want to find out what he is going to do next. In this podcast, Rich tells Rowan and Jack that he is leaving and Rich imagines three future careers. The language focus is on Rich's favourite words in English. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Read and listen at the same time.

Learning Vocabulary: Rich’s New Job (Part 1)


Jack: Hello my name’s Jack

Rowan: My name’s Rowan

Rich: and I’m Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast.

Jack: In the Premier Skills English podcast, we talk about football and help you with your English. 

Rowan: And this week’s podcast is a very special podcast, isn’t it Jack?

Jack: Yes, it is because this podcast is Rich’s last ever Premier Skills English podcast because Rich is leaving us.

Rich: Nice music. Well, I’m feeling sad but I’ve had a great time over the last five years writing and hosting the podcast and I really hope that I have helped our listeners with their English.

Rowan: You’ve written more than 700 episodes and we’ve had more than 7 million listens to the podcast so we’ve definitely been doing something right.

Rich: Yes, I hope so and I know that many of our listeners have been listening for a long time so I want to say a big thank you to all of you and thanks for listening. Listen out for the Richard Moon podcast soon! No, I don’t think, so but maybe … who knows!

Jack: So, if you’re not going to do a new podcast the big question is what are you going to do next? Have you got your dream move to Liverpool and we’re going to see you lining up with Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane next week?

Rich: I wish but that’s what my final podcast is all about - what I’m going to do next. What’s my new job?

Rowan: In our roleplays this week, Rich tells us what his new job is and because it’s his final podcast we let him talk about some of his favourite words in English - that’s this week’s language focus.

Jack: This week’s podcast comes in three parts. In each part, Rich tells us what his new job is - a different job in each part. After each roleplay, we have a task for you to do.

Rowan: We want you to think of Rich’s career change and try to use some of Rich’s favourite words in English.

Rich: On the Premier Skills English website, you’ll be able to find all these podcasts and the transcript and extra activities that go with them. 
Jack: So if you are listening to us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or any other podcast platform,  check out our website!

Rowan: And don’t forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess!


Rich: Before we start this week’s roleplay we’d just like to thank everyone for all their comments on the Premier Skills  English website. It’s great to know that you’re enjoying the podcasts and all of the free learning materials we have on the site.

Jack: We’d like to give a shout-out to some of our listeners and tell everyone what they’ve been saying.

Rowan: The first person I’d like to say a big hello to is Taher Koshen from Somalia who is a new listener on the website and has been making lots of comments and doing many of our language tasks. Hi Taher and to all our new listeners this week.

Jack: I’d like to say hi to Camilozu from Colombia and many other listeners who told us how they are going to try to make an effort to reduce their carbon emissions the next time they go to a football match.

Rich: Finally I’d like to say thanks to MoBeckham from Turkey for sharing a recipe from his homeland. It’s something called Manti and I’d never heard of it before but it sounds absolutely delicious and I’m going to try to cook it this weekend.

Rowan: Lots of our comments this week were on our podcast about GameZero which was the first-ever major net-zero carbon football match that was played between Tottenham and Chelsea.

Jack: You can find this podcast and task in the podcast section on the Premier Skills English website.

Rich: OK, I think it’s time to reveal last week’s football phrase and see who got the right answer.

Last Week’s football Phrase

Rich: Right, our football phrase. If you’ve not listened to the podcast before, every week we set our listeners a challenge. We explain a football phrase or word and you have to guess what it is.

Jack: Last week’s football phrase was a brace. Generally, this word is used to describe two of the same thing and comes from shooting – a brace of pistols means two pistols, a brace of birds are two birds that have been shot for food. In football, you can score a brace - two goals in one match. Last weekend, Cristiano Ronaldo and Odsonne Edouard both got a brace for their clubs.

Rowan: Thanks for all your answers and guesses last week. The first listener with the correct answer was Emmanuel from France. Well done Emmanuel!

Rich: Congratulations also go to Hornkey from Russia, HSN, Mehmet Sisman and Mobeckham from Turkey, Gerardo94 from Cuba, Taker Koshen from Somalia, Amirezagoal7 from Iran, Bagas from Indonesia, 258963 from Colombia, Thomassi from Hong Kong, WSanta from Argentina, and Emanuel Kwarteng from Ghana.

Jack: Later on, at the end of the podcast, we’ll have this week’s football phrase for you.

Introduction to Roleplay

Rich: As we said earlier, I’m leaving the Premier Skills English podcast this week so in this week’s roleplays we’re going to look at three jobs that I might possibly do instead.

Jack: You are about to hear this week’s first roleplay. We’ve just found out that Rich is leaving the podcast and we want to find out what he is going to do next. 

Rowan: While you listen we want you to answer a question: What is Rich’s new job?


Jack: Have you heard Rich is leaving?

Rowan: Yes, just this morning. I couldn’t believe it. It was a big surprise. I bet he’s got a big job lined up. Probably CEO of some start-up or something.

Jack: Do you think? I’m sure he would have said something. Here he comes now.

Rowan: Hey, Rich. How’s it going? We’ve heard the news that you’re leaving us.

Rich: Good news travels fast, eh?

Jack: Don’t be a nincompoop - why didn’t you say anything?

Rich: Yeah, sorry I had to keep everything under my hat. It was all a bit hush-hush.

Rowan: What was the big secret?

Rich: My new job.

Jack: So, what are you going to do?

Rich: If I told you that I’d have to kill you. 

Rowan: Seriously, what are you going to do?

Rich: I’m only joking - well, half-joking. I’m going to work for MI6.

Jack: The secret service - you’re going to be a spy?

Rich: Keep it down. I can’t tell everyone. You never know who’s listening. Yeah, exciting hey. Can you imagine it?

Jack: Agent double o zero. Late as ever. He will stroll in any moment as cool as a cucumber no doubt.

Rowan: He only got back from the mission in Fiji on Saturday. 

Jack: There’s no time for cosy nights in when you’re the UK’s top, secret agent.

Rowan: Agent double o zero - we’re glad you’re here. J has details of your latest assignment.

Jack: This is a black bag operation and will be conducted on a strictly needs to know basis. Your target is behind enemy lines but you will be parachuted in under the cover of darkness. Your mission is to locate our asset and retrieve classified information that is of vital national importance. 

Rowan: All the details are in the folder. Read it. It will self-destruct in 30 seconds. Good luck double o zero.

Jack: Rich, Rich you were miles away. So, what are you going to do then? 

Language Focus

Rowan: Before the roleplay, we asked you a question. The question was: What is Rich’s new job?

Jack: Well, the answer is of course is an international super spy. 

Rowan: The new James Bond Film No Time to Die is just out at the cinema. It’s very good - maybe Rich is going to be the new James Bond in the next film?

Rich: No, no way, only the real deal for me. I’m not going to be an actor.

Jack: An international super-spy - is that the official job title? Can you put it on your CV? 

Rowan: Let’s move on to some language quickly. This week we’re looking at some of Rich’s favourite words and you sneaked three of them into this roleplay, didn’t you?

Rich: Yes, I did and I wonder if our listeners spotted them or not. The first word that I want to talk about is quite a silly word - it’s nincompoop.

Jack: I told Rich not to be a nincompoop in the roleplay.

Rowan: I suppose it was a bit of an insult because it is used to describe a person who is silly or a bit of a fool.

Jack: But I didn’t mean it as an insult really and said it in quite a warm way. We can say things like don’t be silly or don’t be a nincompoop when we think someone is being very polite or being self-deprecating.

Rich: Self-deprecating is when someone tries to make themselves or what they do sound less important.

Rowan: Why do you like the word nincompoop, RIch? Are you going to tell me it’s because it’s got the word poop in it?

Rich: No, not at all. I’m not that childish. It’s because …. It’s because …

Jack: It so is, isn’t it? I think we should move on to another word you like.

Rich: OK the next word is a phrase - it’s a simile which is a type of expression that we use to compare one thing with another.

Rowan: A really common type of simile is when we use as plus adjective plus as like as quiet as a mouse or as brave as a lion.

Jack: IN the roleplay, I used the simile as cool as a cucumber. Is this the phrase you’ve chosen?

Rich: Yes, I really like it. Cucumbers feel fresh and cool but the phrase has the other meaning of cool - calm and composed.

Rowan: \you need to be as cool as a cucumber before you take an important penalty.

Rich: Exactly, but I like the sound of the word cucumber, too. I often compare words that I know in English and words I know in Spanish, too.

Jack: What’s cucumber in Spanish?

Rich: It’s pepino - very different on one level but then it makes me think about language - both words follow a similar pattern - cucumber with c and pepino with p.

Rowan: And you want to tell us about one more word you like from the roleplay.

Rich: Yes, the word is cosy. I like the meaning of the word and the sound of the word.

Jack: So, cosy is normally used to describe a house or a room in a house that is small but comfortable and warm.

Rich: Yes, I love feeling cosy next to the fire on a cold winter’s day but I also love the sound of this word - cosy. I love the z sound z and the long i:. - cozy. The word itself sounds cozy to me.


Jack: Right, it’s time for your task. In the roleplay, you just heard, Rich told us that he’s leaving the Premier Skills English Podcast to be an international super-spy.

Rowan: Rich also told us three of his favourite words.

Rich: We actually have two tasks for you to do. First want you to tell us if you think I would be a good spy. What kind of qualities do I need to have? Would do I need to be good at and what do I need to avoid doing?

Jack: The second task is connected to the three favourite words that Rich spoke about. The words were:

Rowan: Tell us if you knew these words. Are they new for you? Do you like them? Tell us three of your favourite words in English.  

Rich: Write all your answers in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website.

Football Phrase 

Rich: OK, it’s time for our football phrase. If you’ve not listened to the podcast before, every week we set our listeners a challenge. We explain a football phrase or word and you have to guess what it is.

Jack: When you know the answer, go to the podcast page on the Premier Skills English website or the review section on Apple Podcasts and write the word or phrase in the comments. If you’re correct we’ll announce your name on next week’s podcast. So what is this week’s football phrase, Rich?

Rich:  This week’s football phrase is **** *****. This phrase describes a player who is not bound by a contract and so can join any team at any time. Clubs often sign **** ****** on short-term deals outside of the transfer window.

Jack: If you have a football phrase that you would like us to use in the podcast, just get in touch and let us know.

Rowan: Before we finish we just wanted to say that we hope you found this lesson useful and we hope all of you stay fit and healthy.
Rich: And for one final time I’d like to say bye for now and enjoy your football.

Does Rich have a future as an international super spy?


Favourite words

In the roleplay, Rich introduced some of his favourite words. Look at these sentences from the roleplay. Do you understand the words in bold?

Don’t be a nincompoop - why didn’t you say anything?

Agent double o zero. Late as ever. He will stroll in any moment as cool as a cucumber no doubt.

There’s no time for cosy nights in when you’re the UK’s top, secret agent.

Have you seen the new James Bond film?


Rich's favourite words

Would you ever go skydiving?

Rich is leaving the Premier Skills English Podcast. He told us that he's leaving to be an international super-spy. We're not sure that we should believe that! He also spoke about three of his favourite words.

There are two tasks for you to do:

  1. Tell us if you think Rich would be a good spy. What kind of qualities does he need to have? Would does he need to be good at and what does he need to avoid doing?
  2. Tell us if you knew Rich's favourite words. Were they new for you? Do you like them? Tell us three of your favourite words in English.  

Write all your answers in the comments section and make a guess at this week's football phrase!.

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Good luck in your new projects!

26/10/2021 20:15
Manchester United

Good luck in your new projects!

mazutd's picture

I'm very sad to hear that Rich is leaving the podcast .
I think he would be good spy because he's smart man and clever . the most important thing to become a spy is :
Improve your mental and physical abilities
logical thinking skills
communication skills
and you must avoid :
do not speak with every one about your job.
The first word nincompoop is new for me .

The phrase is free-agent .

mazutd's picture
12/10/2021 09:29
Manchester United

I'm very sad to hear that Rich is leaving the podcast .
I think he would be good spy because he's smart man and clever . the most important thing to become a spy is :
Improve your mental and physical abilities
logical thinking skills
communication skills
and you must avoid :
do not speak with every one about your job.
The first word nincompoop is new for me .

The phrase is free-agent .

hsn's picture

"Star player" in the team thinks that she/he has to make something extraordinary in every match and always has to score although fans or managers don't expect something like this. This prejudiced feelings effects her/his performance negatively.

hsn's picture
09/10/2021 16:33
Tottenham Hotspur

"Star player" in the team thinks that she/he has to make something extraordinary in every match and always has to score although fans or managers don't expect something like this. This prejudiced feelings effects her/his performance negatively.

wsanta's picture

I can't believe Richard is leaving. Big successes Rich!!!, I will miss you.

wsanta's picture
06/10/2021 20:43
Leeds United

I can't believe Richard is leaving. Big successes Rich!!!, I will miss you.


Well, I do not think Rich will be a good spy for the following reason:

- You have to keep it under wrap, it is sort of classified information, you are not allowed to tell anybody about it even for your closed friends.

I think the spy should have the following qualities:

-Smartness and promptitude.
-A bit Stylish.

And I believe the spy mush avoid the following:

-Avoid telling the truth about his job.
-Avoid reading newspaper in puplic.


05/10/2021 07:29
Manchester City

Well, I do not think Rich will be a good spy for the following reason:

- You have to keep it under wrap, it is sort of classified information, you are not allowed to tell anybody about it even for your closed friends.

I think the spy should have the following qualities:

-Smartness and promptitude.
-A bit Stylish.

And I believe the spy mush avoid the following:

-Avoid telling the truth about his job.
-Avoid reading newspaper in puplic.


mobeckham's picture

1. Rich would be a successful spy because he is smart and clever.
But you should speak less and listen more and you should find a good assistant to help you out. You can use your sense of humor to get information.

2. The first word ( nincompoop ) is new for me whereas I know ( as cool as a cucumber ) and ( cosy ) from a long time ago. They sound cool and I like them too.
In English , I like a lot of words and phrases so I could pick only three of them as follows :
a) ( flabbergasted ) which means extremely surprised
b) ( sentimental ) which means showing kind feelings as love
c) ( chalk and cheese ) which means two people who are completely different from each other.

mobeckham's picture
04/10/2021 20:26
Manchester United

1. Rich would be a successful spy because he is smart and clever.
But you should speak less and listen more and you should find a good assistant to help you out. You can use your sense of humor to get information.

2. The first word ( nincompoop ) is new for me whereas I know ( as cool as a cucumber ) and ( cosy ) from a long time ago. They sound cool and I like them too.
In English , I like a lot of words and phrases so I could pick only three of them as follows :
a) ( flabbergasted ) which means extremely surprised
b) ( sentimental ) which means showing kind feelings as love
c) ( chalk and cheese ) which means two people who are completely different from each other.

mobeckham's picture

Gutted by the news about Rich leaving the podcast as we will all miss him so much :(
I was honoured to learn a lot from you Rich and I will miss your sense of humor. You are such a brilliant teacher and you are my role model
hopefully you can visit from time to time :)
May luck and success be in your favour in your new chapter of your life :)

mobeckham's picture
04/10/2021 20:15
Manchester United

Gutted by the news about Rich leaving the podcast as we will all miss him so much :(
I was honoured to learn a lot from you Rich and I will miss your sense of humor. You are such a brilliant teacher and you are my role model
hopefully you can visit from time to time :)
May luck and success be in your favour in your new chapter of your life :)

gerardo94's picture

Hi guys, I'm very sad to know Rich is leaving the podcast. Thank you for your hard work also you make the podcast very funny. Good luck on your next job.
I think this week's football phrase is: **** *****.

gerardo94's picture
04/10/2021 20:04

Hi guys, I'm very sad to know Rich is leaving the podcast. Thank you for your hard work also you make the podcast very funny. Good luck on your next job.
I think this week's football phrase is: **** *****.

Mario Martínez

The phrase is "**** *****".

Mario Martínez
02/10/2021 15:48
Manchester City

The phrase is "**** *****".

hsn's picture

• I think he would be very succesful whatever job he does. Being healthy and clever,having regular life, not being addicted harmful things,listening so much and talking a little.Those are qualificiatons needed for all professions.
• In English I like these three words; Gathering, Retaliation and Cooperative. This word is new for me "Nincompoop" and a bit difficult to pronounce.I prefer other word "Silly" I also enjoyed the word “Cosy” with its meaning.
Football phrase- I think it’s “**** *****”.
• There is a thin line between being modest and self-deprecating.People should aware of their abilities. Nobody has right to insult even herself/himself.
• I tried to retrieve the figures that I paste to the table in my report in order to change.Unfortunately all of them had gone.
My funny memory;
• I changed my job ten years ago.I kept it secret from my colleagues in my previous company till started to work next one's. In fact this transfer news had been issued at the some newspapers. Some of my collegues had alreday known it but they didn't tell me. I felt nincompoop-:)

hsn's picture
02/10/2021 13:37
Tottenham Hotspur

• I think he would be very succesful whatever job he does. Being healthy and clever,having regular life, not being addicted harmful things,listening so much and talking a little.Those are qualificiatons needed for all professions.
• In English I like these three words; Gathering, Retaliation and Cooperative. This word is new for me "Nincompoop" and a bit difficult to pronounce.I prefer other word "Silly" I also enjoyed the word “Cosy” with its meaning.
Football phrase- I think it’s “**** *****”.
• There is a thin line between being modest and self-deprecating.People should aware of their abilities. Nobody has right to insult even herself/himself.
• I tried to retrieve the figures that I paste to the table in my report in order to change.Unfortunately all of them had gone.
My funny memory;
• I changed my job ten years ago.I kept it secret from my colleagues in my previous company till started to work next one's. In fact this transfer news had been issued at the some newspapers. Some of my collegues had alreday known it but they didn't tell me. I felt nincompoop-:)


My favorite words are shenanigans, cacophony and backtrack. On the other hand, I knew the words cosy (I think it's cozy in American English) and the idiom cool as a cucumber. However, the word nincompoop is new for me.

Definitely cosy is a beautiful word. I like the images that Google images retrieves when we type it.

02/10/2021 06:43
Manchester United

My favorite words are shenanigans, cacophony and backtrack. On the other hand, I knew the words cosy (I think it's cozy in American English) and the idiom cool as a cucumber. However, the word nincompoop is new for me.

Definitely cosy is a beautiful word. I like the images that Google images retrieves when we type it.

Liubomyr's picture

I’m so sad to hear Rich is leaving((( I had the privilege to learn English here with your help. I will miss you.
Anyway, I wish you every success in your new endeavours!

Liubomyr's picture
01/10/2021 18:19

I’m so sad to hear Rich is leaving((( I had the privilege to learn English here with your help. I will miss you.
Anyway, I wish you every success in your new endeavours!

Emmanuel Kwarteng

It's an absolute wrench that Rich is leaving the podcast. He will be dearly missed.
I believe he will make a good spy. A good spy must be stealthy, and terse in speech.

My three favourite words in English are:
Belabor- which means to say more than is necessary

Execrate: which means to criticize , and

This week's phrase is **** *****

Emmanuel Kwarteng
01/10/2021 17:26
Manchester City

It's an absolute wrench that Rich is leaving the podcast. He will be dearly missed.
I believe he will make a good spy. A good spy must be stealthy, and terse in speech.

My three favourite words in English are:
Belabor- which means to say more than is necessary

Execrate: which means to criticize , and

This week's phrase is **** *****

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture


Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
01/10/2021 16:30


AbdlRhman's picture

**** *****

AbdlRhman's picture
01/10/2021 16:19
Manchester City

**** *****

mobeckham's picture

I speculate this week football phrase is ( **** ***** )

mobeckham's picture
01/10/2021 16:08
Manchester United

I speculate this week football phrase is ( **** ***** )


1. I think Rich will be a good spy. He should be clever and avoid bad blokes with gun. xD
2. All this words is new for me. I realy like word: nincompoop ;). My favourite words in English are: paradise and unbelievable. The second word it's for me tongue twister but I love it ;)

01/10/2021 15:02

1. I think Rich will be a good spy. He should be clever and avoid bad blokes with gun. xD
2. All this words is new for me. I realy like word: nincompoop ;). My favourite words in English are: paradise and unbelievable. The second word it's for me tongue twister but I love it ;)


This phrase is: **** player

01/10/2021 14:53

This phrase is: **** player

AbdlRhman's picture

My favorite words: motivation and awesomesauce

AbdlRhman's picture
01/10/2021 13:40
Manchester City

My favorite words: motivation and awesomesauce

AbdlRhman's picture

If you want to be a good spy i think should be a silent person because when you talkless you listening what people thinking..

AbdlRhman's picture
01/10/2021 13:36
Manchester City

If you want to be a good spy i think should be a silent person because when you talkless you listening what people thinking..

AbdlRhman's picture

The phrase is "**** player"

AbdlRhman's picture
01/10/2021 13:29
Manchester City

The phrase is "**** player"

wsanta's picture

The phrase is **** *****.

wsanta's picture
01/10/2021 13:20
Leeds United

The phrase is **** *****.


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United146526
5Manchester City58633
6Tottenham Hotspur19335
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4887


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Vocabulary: Rich's favourite words

Task: Tell us the qualities you need to be an international super-spy