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Learning Vocabulary: I don't believe it!

Learning Vocabulary: I don't believe it!

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Rowan talks to two people that believe the Earth is flat. The language focus is on phrases we use when we believe things and don't believe things. In this week's task, we want you to react to three controversial ideas. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Read and listen at the same time.

Learning Vocabulary: I don’t believe it! 

Jack: Hello my name’s Jack

Rowan: My name’s Rowan

Rich: and I’m Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: In the Premier Skills English podcast, we talk about football and help you with your English. 

Rich: In this week’s roleplay, we’re going to be talking about controversial ideas.

Rowan: Controversial ideas are things that cause disagreement - things that people argue about. We’re going to be talking about something controversial, something that most people think isn't true.

Jack: Yes, in this week’s roleplay, we have an interview with two flat earthers.

Rich: Flat earthers? What on earth are flat earthers? A new type of gardener?

Rowan: No, Rich. They are people who believe the earth is flat. As flat as a pancake. As flat as a piece of paper.

Rich: As flat as a pancake. Wow! Where have we got these people from? How old are they? Five thousand and two?

Jack: You’d be surprised what people believe and how many people believe it. It’s an interesting interview, Rich. They might convince you that the world really is flat.

Rich: Highly doubtful, but it will give us a chance to look at lots of words and phrases connected to dubious or dodgy ideas.

Rowan: Let’s say that more politely. It will give us the opportunity to look at words and phrases we can use when we don’t believe what another person is saying. We will do this in the language focus after the roleplay.

Jack: Your task this week is tell us what you think about three controversial ideas. 

Rich: If you’re listening to us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or any other podcast platform, you should also check out our website.

Rowan: That’s because on the Premier Skills English website you’ll also find the transcript, examples and activities to help you understand the language, a task for you to do and a community of friendly listeners to interact with, in our comments section.

Jack: And that includes us - we’re always around to answer questions and join the discussions.

Rich: A lot to get through today! Before we get into all that we need to look back at last week’s football phrase.

Last week’s Football Phrase 

Rowan: If you didn’t hear our football phrase last week we’re going to give you one more chance to guess now. 

Jack: Last week’s football phrase was ****** ****** *****. I’m hearing and seeing this phrase all the time at the moment. The phrase is used to describe a match that is played without any fans. The stadium is not open. The match is played ****** ****** *****.

Rich: We’ll give you the correct answer at the end of the show when we give you a new football phrase. 

Jack: The first listener to get it right last week was Luibomyr from Ukraine. Congratulations Liubomyr.

Rowan: Lots of people got the answer last week. A big well done to Nicolas from Colombia, Sabanoleg from Ukraine, Marco Zapien from Mexico, Johan from Colombia and W. Santa from Argentina.

Rich: And well done to Hayato from Japan, Mario from Mexico, Anet from Myanmar, Elghoul from Algeria, Fabio from Italy, Mohamed Kuma from Sudan and Idzingirai from Zimbabwe who also got the correct answer.

Jack: I think people enjoyed getting answers from our Grammar Genie in the comments section of last week’s podcast that was all about wishes and a magic trophy.

Rowan: That reminds me. Rich has a terrible joke to tell everybody.

Rich: I do, I do... a long time ago I really did find a magic lamp. I rubbed the lamp, and a genie appeared and said,

Jack: What is your first wish?

Rich: I said, “I wish I were rich!” And the genie replied:

Jack: Your wish is granted! What is your second wish, Rich?

Rowan: I know - it’s awful but Rich said he wouldn’t do the podcast if we didn’t let him tell this joke. Sorry, everyone.

Rich: I didn’t say that - all right I might have. I thought it was good. Anyway, if you want to take a look at last week’s podcast and write a few wishes, you’ll get an answer from our grammar genie. 

Jack: You can find the podcast on the homepage on the Premier Skills English website.

Introduction to Roleplay

Rowan: In this section, you’re going to hear a roleplay. You’re going to hear an interview between a journalist and two flat earthers

Rich: Remember, a flat earther is someone who believes that the earth is flat.

Jack: While you are listening, we want you to answer a couple of questions:

Rowan: Where is the edge of the earth according to the flat earthers?

Rich: Are the flat earthers happy with the results of the vote?


Rowan: As we said before the break, we’re going to be joined today by two flat earthers. Just before we start - a reminder of today’s poll. The question is simple: Is the Earth round or is the Earth flat? The voting details are at the bottom of the screen. We’ll reveal your answers at the end of the interview.

Rowan: Good morning Frank. Good morning Mark. So, you guys truly believe the earth is flat. Why?

Mark: The evidence that we've seen doesn't suggest that what we've been told is true.

Rowan: What evidence have you seen?

Mark: Well, I personally, have been to Lake Balaton in Hungary where we've actually done some laser tests.

Rowan: Laser tests? That’s a bit sci-fi.

Mark: It’s a huge lake and we had people on both sides of the lake. 12 kilometres. The laser was straight as an arrow. No curve or bend at all. You can’t deny that kind of evidence.

Rowan: So these guys with a laser - this debunks all the pictures of the Earth we’ve ever seen?

Mark: No, it's not the only thing, it's just an example of some of the experiments we’ve been doing.

Rowan: Frank. You were sceptical at first, weren’t you?

Frank: Yeah, I think it's right to be sceptical about alternative views, but the problem is we’re never sceptical about the mainstream view; what we are told since we were children over and over again. It's programmed into us.

Rowan: Like that the Earth is a globe? Mmm ... So what finally convinced you that the Earth is actually flat?

Frank: Well, it took me six months. Like I say,  I was sceptical at first but now I’m totally convinced. There are a couple of main things; one is that water is always level - like when you have a cup of tea or in a swimming pool or a lake -  water is level …

Rowan: That’s because tea is in a cup, right?

Frank: Exactly, we're led to believe that the earth is seventy percent water and water curves around a ball or a globe if you prefer and just sticks to the surface. 

Rowan: That’s gravity for you.

Frank: There’s the magic word - gravity. The magic of gravity. Now, I believe gravity exists but only as an effect, not as a cause ...

Rowan:  So what is happening here? When I drop this football to the floor.

Frank: That's what I'm saying, we don't know, and science has never proven that .... Obviously they have proven it is observable science but ....

Rowan: And we’re all stuck to the ground!

Frank: Nobody knows what is actually causing it and scientists themselves don’t know.

Rowan: Sir Isaac Newton got that wrong did he? He just got that completely wrong. Gravity.

Mark: Well, I don't think he got it wrong exactly. I think we're told a lot of truths but possibly not full truths. Maybe half-truths.

Rowan: What about someone like Brian Cox - the UK scientist. Is Brian Cox a liar?

Mark: I'd never call somebody a liar outright, but is he mistaken? Absolutely! But, so are most people in the world. 99% percent of people are mistaken.

Rowan: Well, for what it’s worth; here is what Brian Cox had to say about the Flat Earth theory …

Rowan: You can see things move behind the horizon or in front of the horizon depending on the height that you choose to look at the things. Yeah, I am lost for words, the world being flat is probably the most nonsensical suggestion that a thinking human being could possibly make. It's complete drivel.

Rowan: So, that's from a scientist. He said he was lost for words. He said it was complete drivel.

Frank: And he said something very interesting there. He said it's nonsensical, but that’s not true. Our own senses tell us that the earth is stationary - we don’t see or feel the earth moving. That has sense - our own senses. The earth is not moving.

Rowan: But nobody's fallen off the edge of the Earth?

Mark: Ahh! That’s because the edge of the Earth is in the Antarctic. Nobody can go there because of the Antarctic treaty. Access is blocked by all governments.

Rowan: Is that not a conspiracy theory? You don’t think it’s just because it’s too cold? And what about astronauts? What about the international space station? Are you telling me that’s not there?

Mark: I don’t know where it is but it isn’t in space.

Rowan: And the photos of the earth from space? Are you saying they aren’t real?

Frank: They may look convincing but they are probably made in a Hollywood studio or something.

Rowan: I have to say, I’m still not convinced and to be honest and you’ll have to excuse me but I think much of what you say is utter codswallop but thanks for joining us today. The poll from our audience is now in. Thanks for voting everyone. It seems that 94% of our viewers believe the earth is round - what a relief. You’ve got a few people to convince with your theories yet!

Mark: Good to see that 6% of your viewers don’t believe everything they are told.

Language Focus

Rowan: Before the roleplay, we asked you two questions.

Jack: The first question was: Where is the edge of the earth according to the flat earthers?

Rich: They had a strange answer. They said the edge of the earth was in Antarctica. 

Rowan: They think it’s a global conspiracy and all governments control access to the edge of the world. I think they believe cold weather is controlled by them as well to stop people going there.

Jack: It’s a real conspiracy theory. 

Rich: Indeed. OK, the second question was: Are the flat earthers happy with the results of the vote?

Rowan: Well, 94% of voters didn’t believe them but they were strangely happy that 6% of voters did believe them. 

Jack: I imagine at least half of them pressed the wrong button!

Rich: Right, let’s look at some of the language connected to believing and not believing things that we used in the roleplay.


Rowan: Let’s start by looking at some words and phrases we can use when we believe something. The simplest thing to say is ‘I believe’; I believe the world is a globe. He believes the world is flat’.

Jack: In the roleplay we used some other phrases to do this, the interviewer said ‘So, you guys truly believe the earth is flat.’ 

Rich: We add truly to emphasise that our feelings are sincere. Flat earthers really do believe that the earth is flat. They truly believe it. We could also say strongly believe or really believe.

Rowan: Another useful word to use when we believe something to be true is convinced. In the roleplay, one of the flat earthers was unsure at first but he now says he’s totally convinced.

Jack: To be convinced means to be sure of something and to add extra emphasis we might be totally convinced. Someone might be totally convinced that aliens exist. 

Rich: Some people might even be convinced that they are living among us now.

Rowan: There are some other useful phrases we can use when we believe something to be true. We might use phrases such as I’m absolutely certain or I’m positive. Here is an example sentence for each phrase:

Jack: They are absolutely certain the earth is flat.

Rich: Yes, he seemed positive that there is some kind of government conspiracy.


Rowan: Let’s now look at some words and phrases we can use when we don’t believe something to be true.

Jack: Well, the easiest way to do this is to say ‘I don’t believe’. I don’t believe the earth is flat.

Rich: And there are some other relatively easy phrases we can use such as that can’t be true or I don’t believe that for one minute. We can also say I’m not convinced about something.

Rowan: Some of these phrases are stronger than others. I’m not convinced is saying that you are not sure - you are not certain about something. Saying something can’t be true or saying that you don’t believe something for one minute are much stronger phrases. 

Jack: When we use stronger phrases we often have stronger opinions but we might not want to hurt the feelings of the person we are speaking to.

Rich: So,we might make what we say softer by using words such as personally or in my opinion. 

Jack: Personally, I’m not convinced aliens, ghosts, or fairies exist.

Rowan: So you are sceptical?

Jack: Yes, I’m highly sceptical. This is a word we used in the roleplay a few times. The interviewer was sceptical and even one of the flat earthers said he was sceptical at first.

Rich: To be sceptical means to have doubts that something is true.

Jack: I need reasons to believe something is true. I need evidence. This is another word we used a few times in the roleplay.

Rowan: Evidence is the thing that makes you believe that something is true. 

Jack: If there is no evidence, there is no proof that something happens or exists.

Rowan: Proof is similar to evidence - the facts or things which make you believe something to be true.

Rich: When we give reasons for not believing something we might say there is no proof or there is no evidence. 

Jack: We might also say a theory has been debunked. To debunk is used to talk about a theory that has been shown to be false. 

Rich: The flat earth theory was debunked thousands of years ago but some people still believe.

Rowan: You can’t stop people believing even if you believe it to be utter nonsense.

Jack: Now, this is where we get to some more interesting language. Words and phrases we use to describe things we believe are a bit silly. 

Rich: That’s exactly what nonsense is - something that is not true and a bit silly. We can add words like utter or total to make it stronger. That’s total nonsense. That’s utter rubbish.

Rowan: There were a few similar phrases to utter nonsense that we used in the roleplay. These include that’s complete drivel and that’s utter codswallop.

Jack: We have to be very careful with these types of phrases though as they are very strong and we don’t want to offend other people when using them.

Rich: OK, so there are some examples of words and phrases we use when we believe things and don’t believe things.

Rowan: We have more examples and activities for you to look at on the Premier Skills English website. Just look for this lesson on the homepage or in the listen section. It’s called: Learning Vocabulary: I don’t believe it.


Jack: In this week’s task, we want you to listen to three things we’ve heard recently and decide whether they are true or false.

Rich: We were talking about flat earthers and the earth being flat. Most people would say this theory has been disproven as the earth is not flat, it's a globe.

Rowan: We want you to listen to three things some people believe. Tell us what you think of them in the comments section. Try to use this week’s vocabulary where you can. 

Jack: Number one: A UFO crash-landed in Brazil on Tuesday.

Rich: Number two: We have five senses.

Rowan: Number three: Human beings evolved from apes.

Jack: Write your ideas in the comments section at the bottom of the page on the Premier Skills English website.

Football Phrase 

Rich: Who’s got this week’s football phrase? I did it last week.

Jack: I’ve got it this week. Here we go. This week’s football phrase is to ** *** ****** ****. This is a phrase we use when one team beats another team twice in the league in the same season - once at home and once away. Liverpool have **** *** ****** **** Tottenham this season.

Rowan: Let’s see who can get it right? Before we leave you we also need to tell you last week’s football phrase. The answer was behind closed doors.

Rich: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below. If you get it right, we’ll announce your name on next week’s show. 

Jack: If you have any questions or comments or suggestions for the podcast or anything football or English related, you can leave them on the website in the comments section, on social media, on apple podcasts or you can email us at
Rowan: Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

Here is the vocabulary you saw at the top of this page and how Rowan, Rich and Jack used it in the roleplay. Do you know the words in bold?

The problem is we’re never sceptical about the mainstream view.

There’s the magic word - gravity. The magic of gravity. Now, I believe gravity exists but ...

I think we're told a lot of truths but possibly not full truths. Maybe half-truths.

I'd never call somebody a liar, but is he mistaken? Absolutely! 

You can see things move behind the horizon or in front of the horizon depending on where you look at things from.

Ahh! That’s because the edge of the Earth is in the Antarctic.

Is that not a conspiracy theory? You don’t think it’s just because it’s too cold?

Those videos may look convincing but they are probably made in a Hollywood studio or something.

Listen to the roleplay again to hear how Rich, Rowan and Jack used these words and phrases.

There are people out there that believe the Earth is flat.


Believing things 

Let’s start by looking at some words and phrases we can use when we believe something. The simplest thing to say is I believe:

I believe the world is a globe.

He believes the world is flat.

In the roleplay, we used some other phrases to do this. Have a look at the following sentences and think about the phrases in bold:

So, you guys truly believe the earth is flat. 

They really do believe it!

I was unsure at first but now I'm totally convinced that aliens exist.

I'm absolutely certain that ghosts exist.

I'm positive that there is life on another planet somewhere.

Rich took this photo while walking his dog the other evening.


Not believing things

Let’s now look at some words and phrases we can use when we don’t believe something to be true. The simplest thing to say is I don't believe:

I don't believe the world is flat. 

He doesn't believe the world is a globe.

In the roleplay, we used some other phrases to do this. Have a look at the following sentences and think about the phrases in bold. Which phrases are used to show stronger feelings and emotions?

The moon landing images are fake? That can't be true! 

Government control the weather in Antarctica? I don't believe that for one minute!

Personally, I’m not convinced aliens, ghosts, or fairies exist.

I'm highly sceptical of anything these people say, to be honest.

You can’t stop people believing even if you believe it to be utter nonsense.

The world being flat is probably the most nonsensical suggestion that a thinking human being could possibly make. It's complete drivel!

You’ll have to excuse me but I think much of what you say is a load of codswallop.

The Earth from the Moon. Has anyone really been there?


Giving Reasons

In the roleplay, we also used some phrases to give explanations or reasons. Many of these phrases are used to say why we don't believe things. Have a look at the following sentences and think about the phrases in bold

The evidence suggests that what we've been told is not true.

The laser was straight as an arrow. No curve or bend at all. You can’t deny that kind of evidence.

If there is no evidence or proof then how do we know that something happens or exists.

The flat earth theory was debunked thousands of years ago but some people still believe.

Activity 2

Activity 2: In this activity, complete the sentences with words that you heard in the roleplays.
Do you know the missing word?


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I don't believe it!

The Moon or a Hollywood studio?

In this week’s task, we want you to react to three things and decide whether they are true or false. Rowan, Jack and Rich were talking about flat earthers and the earth being flat in the roleplay. Most people don't believe this. Look at three things some people believe. Tell us what you think of them in the comments section. Try to use this week’s vocabulary where you can. 

  1. A UFO crash-landed in Brazil on Tuesday.
  2. We have five senses.
  3. Human beings evolved from apes.

Write all your answers in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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hsn's picture

A UFO crash-landed in Brazil on Tuesday
I’m not absolutely certain about UFOs.But it could be real. Space is full of uncountable galaxies. On the one of them there might be a life form. Maybe they are technologically ahead of world and able to travel among planets. In this subject I’m positive.

We have five senses
I’m not convinced about this and it can’t be true. I strongly beleive that we have more than five senses. For instance; when we having a meal and if we close our eyes we can find our mouth for spoon without looking it.
Another example, before an event happened we can imagine in our mind it and see it's results. Some scientists say that human beings have thirty three senses except some accept sevens.

Human beings evolved from apes
It’s total nonsense. I strongly beleive that God (we muslims say Allah) created human beings. Scientifically it's proved that human beings can’t alive without breathing for three minutes or without drink water for three days or without eating for two months. Evolving process might took billion years.During this period how he/she can live.

hsn's picture
24/09/2020 18:16
Tottenham Hotspur

A UFO crash-landed in Brazil on Tuesday
I’m not absolutely certain about UFOs.But it could be real. Space is full of uncountable galaxies. On the one of them there might be a life form. Maybe they are technologically ahead of world and able to travel among planets. In this subject I’m positive.

We have five senses
I’m not convinced about this and it can’t be true. I strongly beleive that we have more than five senses. For instance; when we having a meal and if we close our eyes we can find our mouth for spoon without looking it.
Another example, before an event happened we can imagine in our mind it and see it's results. Some scientists say that human beings have thirty three senses except some accept sevens.

Human beings evolved from apes
It’s total nonsense. I strongly beleive that God (we muslims say Allah) created human beings. Scientifically it's proved that human beings can’t alive without breathing for three minutes or without drink water for three days or without eating for two months. Evolving process might took billion years.During this period how he/she can live.

mobeckham's picture

This week's football phrase is ( do the double over )

mobeckham's picture
16/06/2020 21:23
Manchester United

This week's football phrase is ( do the double over )

mobeckham's picture

1. I'm highly sceptical of anything related to UFOs anywhere on our planet because as far as I know there's no evidence or proof about their existence.

2. I'm positive that we have five senses and I'm convinced about that since I was a child although there are so people who believe that we have more that five senses but I'm not totally convinced honestly.

3. I think that humans evolved from apes is a load of codswallop because I'm absolutely certain that Allah created Adam & Eve then gradually people were created by marriage and giving births so I think Darwin's theory is utter nonsense.

mobeckham's picture
16/06/2020 18:47
Manchester United

1. I'm highly sceptical of anything related to UFOs anywhere on our planet because as far as I know there's no evidence or proof about their existence.

2. I'm positive that we have five senses and I'm convinced about that since I was a child although there are so people who believe that we have more that five senses but I'm not totally convinced honestly.

3. I think that humans evolved from apes is a load of codswallop because I'm absolutely certain that Allah created Adam & Eve then gradually people were created by marriage and giving births so I think Darwin's theory is utter nonsense.

ldzingirai's picture


3 I am a bit sceptical about Darwin's theory of evolution. I am highly convinced about what the Bible says about the origin of humans.

ldzingirai's picture
21/05/2020 05:20


3 I am a bit sceptical about Darwin's theory of evolution. I am highly convinced about what the Bible says about the origin of humans.

ldzingirai's picture

The phrase is ** *** ****** ****

ldzingirai's picture
21/05/2020 05:15

The phrase is ** *** ****** ****

Gergő Nagy

This week's football phrase is: ** *** ******

Gergő Nagy
20/05/2020 20:02

This week's football phrase is: ** *** ******

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the phase is to '** *** ****** ****'

Liubomyr's picture
20/05/2020 11:08

I think that the phase is to '** *** ****** ****'


1. I am sceptical about the existence of UFOs. Although there might be aliens somewhere in university theoretically, we have no evidence that they have ever come to our planet by UFOs or flying saucers.

2. I am certain that we have five senses. Some people believe we have the sixth sense. But I think it's just a sort of psychological trick.

3. I believe Darwin's theory of evolution is true.

I guess the football phrase is "** *** ****** ****".

19/05/2020 17:39

1. I am sceptical about the existence of UFOs. Although there might be aliens somewhere in university theoretically, we have no evidence that they have ever come to our planet by UFOs or flying saucers.

2. I am certain that we have five senses. Some people believe we have the sixth sense. But I think it's just a sort of psychological trick.

3. I believe Darwin's theory of evolution is true.

I guess the football phrase is "** *** ****** ****".

Rich's picture

Hi Lakerwang,

Good work on the football phrase as always.

I'm also highly sceptical of any alien stories I ever see or hear about. Up until last week, I would also have agreed with you about the senses but I've now read that it is common knowledge that we have more than five (not including 'the sixth sense'). Have a read of this article and tell me what you think.

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
20/05/2020 08:02

Hi Lakerwang,

Good work on the football phrase as always.

I'm also highly sceptical of any alien stories I ever see or hear about. Up until last week, I would also have agreed with you about the senses but I've now read that it is common knowledge that we have more than five (not including 'the sixth sense'). Have a read of this article and tell me what you think.

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Sasindi's picture

I don't believe that a UFO crash-landed in Brazil on Tuesday.Because,I don't think there are some evidences to prove it.

We have 5 senses- Seeing,Listening,Smelling,Tasting and Touching.

Biochemical Evolution is the theory that is accepting today. After cooling the Earth the life was originated as a resalt of the process of Biochemical Evolution. After that Cnidarias,Annelidas,Athrapodas,Pisces,Amphibians,Reptile,Birds and Mammels were originate. After that humans were evolve. Therefore I belive that Human beings evolved from apes.

Sasindi's picture
18/05/2020 10:42
Sri Lanka
AFC Bournemouth

I don't believe that a UFO crash-landed in Brazil on Tuesday.Because,I don't think there are some evidences to prove it.

We have 5 senses- Seeing,Listening,Smelling,Tasting and Touching.

Biochemical Evolution is the theory that is accepting today. After cooling the Earth the life was originated as a resalt of the process of Biochemical Evolution. After that Cnidarias,Annelidas,Athrapodas,Pisces,Amphibians,Reptile,Birds and Mammels were originate. After that humans were evolve. Therefore I belive that Human beings evolved from apes.

Rich's picture

Hi Sasindi,

Welcome to Premier Skills English!

I agree with you. It's definitely a good thing to be sceptical when there is very little evidence to suggest that something is true!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
20/05/2020 08:04

Hi Sasindi,

Welcome to Premier Skills English!

I agree with you. It's definitely a good thing to be sceptical when there is very little evidence to suggest that something is true!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

elghoul's picture

I don't believe in UFO crash-landed in Brazil on Tuesday. Are there evidences about that or are they just what some dreaming guy has seen?

We have five senses : seeing, listening, touching, smelling and tasting.

I am convinced that Darwin's theory of species evolution is well founded. Once upon the time human beings like they shape now were not existing. Just try to think some million years before JC. This theory debunks in my opinion lots of religious mantras.


elghoul's picture
17/05/2020 13:51
Manchester City

I don't believe in UFO crash-landed in Brazil on Tuesday. Are there evidences about that or are they just what some dreaming guy has seen?

We have five senses : seeing, listening, touching, smelling and tasting.

I am convinced that Darwin's theory of species evolution is well founded. Once upon the time human beings like they shape now were not existing. Just try to think some million years before JC. This theory debunks in my opinion lots of religious mantras.


elghoul's picture

Football phrase guess, '** *** ****** ****

elghoul's picture
16/05/2020 17:24
Manchester City

Football phrase guess, '** *** ****** ****

Johan®7's picture

3.This theory made by Darwin in 1857 personally is a brilliant idea, since Darwin was a botanical biologist and he had an exceptional sense of sight but I also think it was a theory made by the pressure he had since they spent lots of money in his journeys and so much people were interested about his discoveries, I remember he had a hard influence of other biologists that had made some travels through the "Isla the los Galápagos" in America and had discovered different kinds of butterflies so Darwin wanted to bring so much discoveries to people as well. But I am truly sceptical about his theory since nowadays there are still apes living round the jungles and I think this is an evidence that debunks Darwin. There must not be apes but humans being. They certainly link apes with humans because of their moves and capacity or faculty of learning, but there is a parte difference from them to , I say.

Johan®7's picture
16/05/2020 04:01

3.This theory made by Darwin in 1857 personally is a brilliant idea, since Darwin was a botanical biologist and he had an exceptional sense of sight but I also think it was a theory made by the pressure he had since they spent lots of money in his journeys and so much people were interested about his discoveries, I remember he had a hard influence of other biologists that had made some travels through the "Isla the los Galápagos" in America and had discovered different kinds of butterflies so Darwin wanted to bring so much discoveries to people as well. But I am truly sceptical about his theory since nowadays there are still apes living round the jungles and I think this is an evidence that debunks Darwin. There must not be apes but humans being. They certainly link apes with humans because of their moves and capacity or faculty of learning, but there is a parte difference from them to , I say.

Johan®7's picture

Jejej, that's sense of humour is everywhere!
This week's football phrase is: Liverpool have swept Tottenham this season.
1.I really don't believe it. Last week on Sunday I was watching that "awesome" programs of History Channel about alien's life. They first was talking about the arc of alliance; an ancient and divine tool from the first communities of the World. Then, they started talking about the existence of alliens out of the blue. As they said, there was a light coming from the sky to the mezquita of Jerusalem(the sacred temple) and stayed in the point of it for a few time and then the light emited a flash and dissapeared but the record seemed to be edited by someone which is not a real evidence. They argued that the arc of alliance could be buried below the temple. I personally think it s a conspiracy theory, both the existence of alliens and the arc of alliance.
At least, nobody has seen or had physical with anyone or anything.
2. Yes, I totally agree with you. Our hearing sense that makes us able to listen the environmental sounds. Some musicians were born with an special sense of it that gave them a fantastic abilitie and gift of compousing music. Blind people also have an extraordinary and exceptional sense of hearing. The sense of sight; invaluable for artists, and all of us. The sense of touch that is useful to prove the things we see are real, we can touch everything though. The sense of smell that is also like a warning our body has to take us far away of dangers or risks such as dead bodies, all kind of gases, dangers from the nature...and the sense of taste that is a kind of warning too. Some people count intuition as other sense. I don't know, I am not sceptical at all but I am not convinced neither.
3.This theory

Johan®7's picture
16/05/2020 03:42

Jejej, that's sense of humour is everywhere!
This week's football phrase is: Liverpool have swept Tottenham this season.
1.I really don't believe it. Last week on Sunday I was watching that "awesome" programs of History Channel about alien's life. They first was talking about the arc of alliance; an ancient and divine tool from the first communities of the World. Then, they started talking about the existence of alliens out of the blue. As they said, there was a light coming from the sky to the mezquita of Jerusalem(the sacred temple) and stayed in the point of it for a few time and then the light emited a flash and dissapeared but the record seemed to be edited by someone which is not a real evidence. They argued that the arc of alliance could be buried below the temple. I personally think it s a conspiracy theory, both the existence of alliens and the arc of alliance.
At least, nobody has seen or had physical with anyone or anything.
2. Yes, I totally agree with you. Our hearing sense that makes us able to listen the environmental sounds. Some musicians were born with an special sense of it that gave them a fantastic abilitie and gift of compousing music. Blind people also have an extraordinary and exceptional sense of hearing. The sense of sight; invaluable for artists, and all of us. The sense of touch that is useful to prove the things we see are real, we can touch everything though. The sense of smell that is also like a warning our body has to take us far away of dangers or risks such as dead bodies, all kind of gases, dangers from the nature...and the sense of taste that is a kind of warning too. Some people count intuition as other sense. I don't know, I am not sceptical at all but I am not convinced neither.
3.This theory


UFO crash-landed in Brazil on Tuesday

Its absolutly false, the evidence show that is not happened.

We have five senses.

I belive that, certanly I convicend, that we have a five senses.

Human beings evolved from apes

Taht ist true, Darwin prove the human beings envolved from apes.

15/05/2020 22:29

UFO crash-landed in Brazil on Tuesday

Its absolutly false, the evidence show that is not happened.

We have five senses.

I belive that, certanly I convicend, that we have a five senses.

Human beings evolved from apes

Taht ist true, Darwin prove the human beings envolved from apes.


last week answer could be ****** ****** *****

15/05/2020 17:39

last week answer could be ****** ****** *****

Rich's picture

Good work, Vic. You're right! Do you want to have a go at this week's phrase?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
15/05/2020 20:48

Good work, Vic. You're right! Do you want to have a go at this week's phrase?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Marco Zapien's picture
Marco Zapien

I am just guessing: to ** *** ******, Liverpool have **** *** ****** ****.

Marco Zapien's picture
Marco Zapien
15/05/2020 16:26
Wolverhampton Wanderers

I am just guessing: to ** *** ******, Liverpool have **** *** ****** ****.

Nicolasm27's picture

I believe that this week's phrase is to ** *** ****** ****. And for this week's task I'm convinced that 2 and 3 are true, as for 1 I would like to see some evidence first, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is also true.

Nicolasm27's picture
15/05/2020 15:25

I believe that this week's phrase is to ** *** ****** ****. And for this week's task I'm convinced that 2 and 3 are true, as for 1 I would like to see some evidence first, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is also true.

Rich's picture

Good work, Nicolas! You're the first with the phrase this week. Good use of this week's key language in your answers. I also like how you've used the phrase to go out on a limb. A very high level idiom and appropriately used.
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
15/05/2020 15:38

Good work, Nicolas! You're the first with the phrase this week. Good use of this week's key language in your answers. I also like how you've used the phrase to go out on a limb. A very high level idiom and appropriately used.
Rich - The Premier Skills English Team


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United146539
5Manchester City58633
6Tottenham Hotspur19335
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4887


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Vocabulary: Phrases to talk about things we don't believe

Vocabulary: Phrases to talk about things we believe

Task: React to three different ideas