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A meeting in the worrkplace.

English & Enterprise: Brainstorming

English & Enterprise: Brainstorming

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack and Rich start a new mini-series of podcasts called 'English & Enterprise'. For the next four podcasts, they will introduce lots of words and phrases (functional language) that are used in business. The topic in this episode is 'brainstorming' and the language focus is 'making suggestions'. Rich and Jack work for a tech company and have been asked to think of lots of ideas for a new football product the company can sell. Your task is to 'brainstorm' ideas for other football products with other listeners. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess, too. Enjoy!


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Read the transcript and listen at the same time.

Welcome - English & Enterprise  - Brainstorming (Making Suggestions)

Jack: Hello my name’s Jack

Rich: and I’m Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Rich: We recommend that you listen to this podcast on the Premier Skills English website because that is where we have the transcript, language examples, activities, quizzes and a discussion page to help you understand everything we talk about.

Jack: However, if you’re listening on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, you can leave answers to our questions in the review section. We do read all the reviews and would love to hear from you. 

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we’re starting a new mini-series of podcasts that focus on enterprise skills. These are skills that will help you with your English at work or in the workplace.

Jack: For the next four podcasts, we’re going to be speaking about English and Enterprise or business English because there are important chunks of functional language that you need. 

Rich: We’ll be introducing lots of words and phrases we use at work and when talking about business. We’ll look at the type of language you need in meetings at work; when you have to brainstorm or come up with lots of ideas with colleagues.

Jack: We’ll look at language connected to problem-solving or troubleshooting in the workplace.

Rich: We’ll look at the language you need when giving presentations.

Jack: And we’ll discuss negotiation skills and the language you need when you’re trying to make a business deal.

Rich: All of the language we use is going to be helpful if you have to use English at work now or in the future, but it will also be useful for those of you who want to improve your general English, too.

Jack: And there will always be a football connection or two.

Rich: In this podcast, we are going to talk about the language you need when you're discussing ideas or brainstorming with colleagues at work.

Jack: This is something that you often have to do either at work or in the classroom at school or at university.

Rich: The language focus will be on some of the words and phrases you need to participate in a brainstorming session or meeting successfully.

Jack: The roleplay will be colleagues at a technology company brainstorming ideas about possible new football products they could develop.

Rich: After the roleplay, we will have a task for you to do, which is when we ask you to use your English. This week we’re going to ask you to brainstorm ideas for a football product in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website.

Jack: And, don’t forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have another football phrase for you to guess.

Football Phrase 1 

Jack: But, before we look at all that, let’s look at last week’s football phrase. If you didn’t hear it last week we’ll give you one more chance to guess and give you the correct answer at the end of the show when we give you a new football phrase.

Rich: The phrase was  _________.  This is a word that you won’t find in dictionaries yet but is becoming more and more common. It describes the result in a knockout match when a small team beats a big team. The word is two common words put together. The first word is a synonym of trophy and the second word is a synonym of surprise in a football context. 

Jack:  Well done if you got the right answer last week. It was a difficult one and there were some interesting answers. However, a special well done to Elghoul from Algeria who got the right answer and wrote the correct answer on the Premier Skills English website.

Rich: He has got lots of our questions right over the years. I think his football English must be excellent now! 

Jack: I bet it is. We’ll tell you the answer to this football phrase and we’ll have a new one at the end of the show.

Introduction to Roleplay

Jack: You are now going to listen to a roleplay. 

Rich: You are going to hear two employees of a tech company (me and Jack), brainstorming ideas for a new product.

Jack: While you listen, try to answer these two questions: one: How many different ideas do we think of? And question two: What do we think is the best idea?


Boss: So we need something new - something exciting. We need a game changer OK? Get to work.

Rich: OK, so the boss wants something big. Something that is going to blow the competition out of the water. 

Jack: I think we need to start by brainstorming some ideas. Let’s try to put some of the best ideas up on the board and we can come back to them later. Rich? Any ideas?

Rich: Well there are lots of new technology products coming out all the time. Sports tech has that new training app and TechEd have a great new app, too. Should we go for an app like the competition?

Jack: Yeah, I’ve heard that Footy Tech have got an app which allows fans to hear and see like they are one of the players on the pitch - live. It uses 3D glasses, the works.

Rich: We could make a better one. Something that tracks players movements and fans can watch on their phones.

Jack: Sounds good. I’ll put it up on the board. We could try to undercut our rivals. A better app at a better price.

Rich: With more competition, we’d have less income and less profit. The boss wants something big. Let’s try to think out of the box a little. Let’s think of something totally different.

Jack: What about a remote control ball or some kind of magnetic football gloves? Kids would love those.

Rich: They would. I’ve never seen anything like that. That would be a great USP - a ball that goes where you choose. Nobody else in the sector has that. I’ll put it up on the board.

Jack: It’s good but maybe only for kids. We want a big market. Let’s think about something that covers everyone. Something that we could sell to all football fans all over the world.

Rich: What about hair?

Jack: Everyone has hair. Well nearly everyone.

Rich: What about hair dye? Why don’t we produce hair dye in different team colours? Could we make something that fans could spray on just for the match?

Jack: I like it and I like the hair idea. 

Rich: Or smart clothing. I haven’t really thought this through but we could have clothes that change colour depending on the score for your team or your mood at the match.

Jack: I like it but let’s go back to the hair idea. Here, what about this … hair moulds.

Rich: Hair moulds?

Jack: Yeah! Moulds for hairdressers or fans could do them themselves. You know, a mould is like when you make cakes or jelly. You put the mixture in a shape and cook it. You can have a star-shaped cake, a cake that looks like a boy or a football.

Rich: Kids have all kinds of shapes in their hair these days. What’s new? What’s the USP?

Jack: Let’s do moulds that are specific to your favourite player. Let’s make them 3D printable.

Rich: I like it. Go to the hairdresser and say I want an Eden Hazard or a Paul Pogba. You don’t get a haircut like the player, you get the player cut into your head!

Jack: Exactly. You could do them at home, too. These moulds. We get the patents … the rights. Nobody else can do them.

Rich: And building on that, we could get player moulds for pets, too. A Sergio Aguero dog or a Harry Kane cat.

Jack: No, a Harry Kanine. The boss is going to love this!

Roleplay Answers

Jack: Before we take a look at the language we used in the roleplay, let’s give you the answers to those questions we asked.

Rich: The first question was: How many ideas did we think of in the brainstorm? Well, we spoke about lots of different possible football products: remote control footballs, 3D football apps, football team hair dyes and smart clothes that change colour when your team scores and of course the hair mould idea.

Jack: Well, that’s five ideas. And the second question was: Which idea did we think was the best?

Rich: The answer, of course, is the hair mould idea. The idea is to create pictures of players in your hair. 

Jack: Now, let’s look at some of the language we used in the roleplay.

Language Focus

Jack: In the roleplay, you heard me and Rich brainstorming a problem. If you haven’t heard the word ‘brainstorm’ before it is the technique we use to generate lots of ideas in meetings.

Rich: Brainstorming is an opportunity for groups of people to make suggestions about an idea or a problem. We can use lots of different phrases to make suggestions in a brainstorm.

Jack: In the roleplay, Rich said, ‘What about hair dye? Why don’t we produce hair dye in different team colours? Could we make something that fans could spray on just for the match?’

Rich: In these examples, I used some basic phrases for making suggestions: ‘What about …?’, ‘Why don’t we …?’, and ‘Could we …?’. All of these are used in question forms but they are suggestions.

Jack: We could use some different phrases to show that the idea is a little more unusual. In the roleplay, Rich said, ’I haven’t really thought this through but we could have clothes that change depending on the score for your team or your mood at the match’.

Rich: We could use some other phrases to introduce more unusual ideas. Some examples are things like: ‘this might sound crazy but …’, ‘I’m just thinking aloud for a moment but maybe we could …’, and ‘in an ideal world we could …’.

Jack: Another common way of making a suggestion is by using ‘let’s + verb’.

Rich: In the roleplay, Jack said ‘Let’s do moulds that are specific to your favourite player. Let’s make them 3D printable.’

Jack: When we are brainstorming we also try to build on other people’s ideas. In the roleplay, Rich said ‘And building on that, we could get player moulds for pets, too.’

Rich: Building on that is giving an extra idea to one that has already been started. We could also use phrases such as ‘we could combine that with …’ or ‘that reminds me of what we said earlier …’

Jack: When we brainstorm an idea it’s also important that a group stays focused. There are some phrases we can use to make sure we do this. In the roleplay, I said ‘I like it but let’s go back to the hair idea.’

Rich: Jack’s using ‘let’s get back to’ to get back to the original idea or topic. We could use some other phrases in similar situations such as ‘we’re getting off track here’, ‘let’s get back to what we were talking about’ or ‘going back to what you were saying earlier’.

Jack: Right, we’ve got lots more vocabulary connected to brainstorming and business meetings on the Premier Skills English website. Find this lesson on the homepage or in the skills section and you will find lots of activities, the transcript and a quiz to test your understanding.

Rich: And that’s where you can write your answers to this week’s task, too!


Jack: This week’s task is to brainstorm ideas for a football product. In the roleplay, we spoke about lots of different possible football products: remote control football, 3D football apps, football team hair dyes and smart clothes that change colour when your team scores were just some of our strange ideas.

Rich: We want our listeners to work together and brainstorm as many ideas as possible. In a brainstorm, no idea is a bad idea.

Jack: We want you to think of a football product and use some of the language to make suggestions we have introduced in this podcast. 

Rich: Then, we want you to reply to other listeners and say what you like about their product and how you can make them even better.

Jack: OK, so that’s your task this week. Write your answers in the comments section at the bottom of the page on the Premier Skills English website or in the review section on Apple Podcasts.

This week’s football phrase:

Jack: The final section this week is our football phrase. 

Rich: The football phrase this week is ***** ****. In the past couple of weeks, Huddersfield Town and Fulham have been relegated from the Premier League. They are not staying up, they are ***** ****.

Jack:  Let’s see who can get it right! If you know the answer, write it in the comments section at the bottom of the page. We will announce your name in next week’s podcast if you get it right.

Rich: We also need to give you the answer to the football phrase we set at the beginning of the show. The answer as you may already know was cupset.

Jack: Right, that’s all we have time for this week. Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

This app, it allows fans to hear and see like they are one of the players on the pitch - live. It uses 3D glasses, the works.

OK, so the boss wants something big. Something that is going to blow the competition out of the water.

What about something that tracks players' movements and fans can watch on their phones.

Let’s try to think out of the box a little.

There were a few more tricky words and phrases in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words. This can really help your understanding.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to their definitions. All of the words were in this week's podcast.
Can you match the words to the definitions?

It's common for colleagues to have brainstorming meetings at work.


Brainstorming - Making Suggestions

In the second roleplay, you heard Jack and Rich 'brainstorming' ideas for a new football product. 'Brainstorming' is a technique that is often used at work or in the classroom to generate new ideas. A 'brainstorm' is an opportunity for groups of people to make suggestions about an idea or a problem. We can use lots of different phrases to make suggestions in a brainstorm.

Here are some of the phrases that were used in the roleplay. Do you know the phrases in bold?

What about hair dye?

Why don't we produce hair dye in different team colours?

Could we make something that fans could spray on just for the match?

Let’s do moulds that are specific to your favourite player. Let’s make them 3D printable.

We often form suggestions as questions to be polite which include: 'What about ...?', 'Why don't we ...?', and 'How about ...?'. These types of questions are good for brainstorming as they are polite and the listener can respond by extending the idea if they like it or just say something like 'good idea' if they don't want to discuss that idea further.

We also use modal verbs (could, might, shall) when we make suggestions. We use 'could' in question forms and positive sentences, 'might' is more common in positive sentences and 'shall' in questions to make suggestions.

Another phrase that is very common to make suggestions is let's + verb. Remember that 'let's' means 'let us' so the suggestion always includes the speaker.


More unusual suggestions

In a brainstorm, we often hear the phrase that 'no idea is a bad idea'. During the roleplay, Rich and Jack had some more unusual ideas for new football products. When they spoke about their ideas they used some slightly different phrases. Do you know the phrases in bold?

I haven’t thought this through, but we could have clothes that change depending on the score for your team or your mood at the match.

This might sound crazy but …

I'm just thinking aloud for a moment but maybe we could

In an ideal world we could …


Extending other people's suggestions

When someone thinks of a good idea in a brainstorming session, colleagues or classmates often want to talk about that idea more or they have ideas that are similar. Here are some phrases you could use in that situation:

And building on that, we could get player moulds for pets, too.

We could combine that with the idea that you said earlier.

That reminds me of what we said earlier about needing something that would appeal to all football fans.


Getting back on topic

During a brainstorm, the focus can sometimes be lost and people move away from the topic. We may need to bring people back to the original topic. Some phrases that can be used in this situation include:

I like it but let’s go back to the hair idea.

We’re getting off track here, let's get back to the hair idea.’

Going back to what you were saying earlier.

Try the activity below, you need to read the dialogue of a brainstorming session and write the correct words in the gaps. All of the words were used in this podcast.

Activity 2

Activity 2: In this activity, write the correct word in each gaps. All of the phrases are used to make suggestions and were used in the podcast.
Can you complete the phrase?

Football fans and players often dye their hair for big matches. Is it popular in your country?



In both roleplays, Jack and Rich used quite a few words connected to business. Do you know the words in bold?

They have this new football product - a game-changer they call it. 

Should we go for an app like the competition?

We could try to undercut our rivals. A better app at a better price.

With more competition, we’d have less income and less profit

It’s good but only for kids. We want a big market. Let’s think about something that reaches everyone.

You could do them at home, too. These moulds. We get a patent … the rights. Nobody else can do them.

Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words. This can really help your understanding.

Activity 3

Activity 3: In this activity, try to match the business words and phrases to their definitions. All of the words were in this week's podcast.
How good is your business English?

Paul Pogba often changes his hairstyle. Red for Manchester United?


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A Brainstorm: Football Products

This week’s task is to brainstorm ideas for a football product. In the roleplay, we spoke about lots of different possible football products: remote control footballs, 3D football apps, football team hair dyes and smart clothes that change colour when your team scores were just some of our strange ideas.

We want you to think of another product (or use one of the ideas above) and say why you think it's a good idea and why it would make money. We want all of you to brainstorm ideas together.

  1. Write your suggestion in the comments section (use language for making suggestions we used in this podcast).
  2. Reply to other people's suggestions 
  3. Try to keep our brainstorm together in one discussion!  

Write your answers in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at our football phrase.

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hsn's picture

• Why don’t we produce clothes that keep cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
• I haven’t thought this through, water drops in the air could be source of watering or drinking by collecting and processing.
• This might sound crazy, I know I'm getting off track but the spiritiual journeys could happen among planets in the future.
• I'm just thinking aloud for a moment but maybe we could focus on the other aspect of issue like minimazing costs instead of increasing sales..
• In an ideal world we could produce environmental friendly goods.
All the products that suggested in this lesson based on the sensor tech.
• Thinking out of the box also improve human brain capacity.
• “Turkish bagel” is much common traditional breakfast food in my country. It's being sold for many years in the street counter. A "game changer" started to serve it in a cafe that only for this product. Building on that, he combined it with tea and cheese. Sales boomed. It’s a great USP.
• New coach tried to change players habits and motions, by this way finally he managed to blow the competitors out of the water.
• For a better brainstorm activity people should firstly use their brain which is given as a present. Not carrying it aimless-:) The key to solving problem is "analytical thinking".
• This lesson reminded me a TV news I watched earlier. In a country that ruled by dictatorship oppositionists furnish streets with commercial posters in the night. When the sunshine is rised the dye of posters changes and protesting slogans appear.

hsn's picture
09/09/2021 13:19
Tottenham Hotspur

• Why don’t we produce clothes that keep cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
• I haven’t thought this through, water drops in the air could be source of watering or drinking by collecting and processing.
• This might sound crazy, I know I'm getting off track but the spiritiual journeys could happen among planets in the future.
• I'm just thinking aloud for a moment but maybe we could focus on the other aspect of issue like minimazing costs instead of increasing sales..
• In an ideal world we could produce environmental friendly goods.
All the products that suggested in this lesson based on the sensor tech.
• Thinking out of the box also improve human brain capacity.
• “Turkish bagel” is much common traditional breakfast food in my country. It's being sold for many years in the street counter. A "game changer" started to serve it in a cafe that only for this product. Building on that, he combined it with tea and cheese. Sales boomed. It’s a great USP.
• New coach tried to change players habits and motions, by this way finally he managed to blow the competitors out of the water.
• For a better brainstorm activity people should firstly use their brain which is given as a present. Not carrying it aimless-:) The key to solving problem is "analytical thinking".
• This lesson reminded me a TV news I watched earlier. In a country that ruled by dictatorship oppositionists furnish streets with commercial posters in the night. When the sunshine is rised the dye of posters changes and protesting slogans appear.

mobeckham's picture

This week's football phrase is ( to go down ) or ( downgrade )

mobeckham's picture
04/06/2020 01:41
Manchester United

This week's football phrase is ( to go down ) or ( downgrade )

mobeckham's picture

Let's think about a vest that should be worn by players and fans as well with a technology device within it that shows the efforts made by players on the pitch and how much distance have they covered.
It will be worn by fans as well and connected to each other to motivate players to do their best because they are tracked by fans in the stands digitally
And building on that , we can also make bracelets that shows the results on fans' hands like the new watch gears. it can also shows the highlights and goals of the game and fans can save them as well

mobeckham's picture
04/06/2020 01:37
Manchester United

Let's think about a vest that should be worn by players and fans as well with a technology device within it that shows the efforts made by players on the pitch and how much distance have they covered.
It will be worn by fans as well and connected to each other to motivate players to do their best because they are tracked by fans in the stands digitally
And building on that , we can also make bracelets that shows the results on fans' hands like the new watch gears. it can also shows the highlights and goals of the game and fans can save them as well


Let's try the idea about 3D football apps, I think the fans we'll love it.
My suggestion for the football phrase is... ***** ****.

10/05/2019 01:38

Let's try the idea about 3D football apps, I think the fans we'll love it.
My suggestion for the football phrase is... ***** ****.


I think that the phrase is demote to a lower division

24/04/2019 10:33
Manchester United

I think that the phrase is demote to a lower division

Rich's picture

Hi Milos,

Sorry, that's not the right answer. You can find the correct answer in the following podcast:

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
24/04/2019 11:25

Hi Milos,

Sorry, that's not the right answer. You can find the correct answer in the following podcast:

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Thenext75's picture

This is the first I guess the phrase... I'm excited

Thenext75's picture
16/04/2019 14:02

This is the first I guess the phrase... I'm excited

Camelia Nguyen

what is the '***** ****' ?

Camelia Nguyen
16/04/2019 11:07
Manchester City

what is the '***** ****' ?

Rich's picture

Hi Camelia Nguyen,

Listeners are making a guess at our football phrase which we do in the podcast. If someone gets the right answer we put asterisks (****) so other listeners can try to make a guess, too.

We announce the answer and the people who got it right in the following podcast :)

Rich - The Premier SKills English Team

Rich's picture
16/04/2019 13:00

Hi Camelia Nguyen,

Listeners are making a guess at our football phrase which we do in the podcast. If someone gets the right answer we put asterisks (****) so other listeners can try to make a guess, too.

We announce the answer and the people who got it right in the following podcast :)

Rich - The Premier SKills English Team

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the phrase is '***** ****'

Liubomyr's picture
15/04/2019 13:35

I think that the phrase is '***** ****'


Hello again All,
Thanks Rich and Jack for this podcast.

It is hard for me to form the phrase "5 letters + 4 letters"
The slot can fit a couple of words.
Anyway, I think the phrase is "dropped ****" or could be "***** ****".

15/04/2019 06:13
Manchester City

Hello again All,
Thanks Rich and Jack for this podcast.

It is hard for me to form the phrase "5 letters + 4 letters"
The slot can fit a couple of words.
Anyway, I think the phrase is "dropped ****" or could be "***** ****".

Khaldoun83's picture


Well, it could be good idea to creat an app which informs us about the decisions that the referee makes during the match and whether his decisions are correct or worng, the app works by the internet and conected directly with our phones to judge the referee's actions before he goes to the VAR.

2- The football phrase may be: ** ****. 

Khaldoun83's picture
14/04/2019 22:40


Well, it could be good idea to creat an app which informs us about the decisions that the referee makes during the match and whether his decisions are correct or worng, the app works by the internet and conected directly with our phones to judge the referee's actions before he goes to the VAR.

2- The football phrase may be: ** ****. 

Thenext75's picture

this might sound quite crazy but we could have a special battery powered umbrella that turn its colour into your favourite team's colour each time it scores.
the football phrase may be ***** ****

Thenext75's picture
14/04/2019 18:54

this might sound quite crazy but we could have a special battery powered umbrella that turn its colour into your favourite team's colour each time it scores.
the football phrase may be ***** ****

elghoul's picture

football phrase, ***** ****.

My idea is an app that help fans getting data of players performances. In live everyone could have access to information on the player's speed or technical aspect in defending style or even tactics references. Building on that we could imagine that pundits and analysts would use it too.

elghoul's picture
14/04/2019 12:38
Manchester City

football phrase, ***** ****.

My idea is an app that help fans getting data of players performances. In live everyone could have access to information on the player's speed or technical aspect in defending style or even tactics references. Building on that we could imagine that pundits and analysts would use it too.

ldzingirai's picture

Football Phrase

***** ****


What about an offline app that keeps fans posted.Fans have to choose their favourite teams or players then the app sends info while there are not online.

ldzingirai's picture
14/04/2019 03:42

Football Phrase

***** ****


What about an offline app that keeps fans posted.Fans have to choose their favourite teams or players then the app sends info while there are not online.


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United146545
5Manchester City58636
6Tottenham Hotspur19351
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4895


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Language: Phrases to use when brainstorming with colleagues

Vocabulary: Words connected to business

Task: Brainstorm ideas for a new product or service