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Exam Training: Quizzes & Listening

Exam Training: Quizzes & Listening

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack has the chance to win £10,000 in a TV quiz. Will he win the top prize. Rich and Jack also give you some tips for dealing with listening exams. They look at the different types of exam questions you might need to answer and focus on how to answer summary completion activities. The language focus is on some confusing words connected to sports. Do you know the difference between 'spectator' and 'viewer' or 'umpire' and 'referee'?  Your task is to write a quiz question for other listeners. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess. Enjoy!


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Read the transcript and listen at the same time.


Rich: Fingers on buzzers everyone. Here’s question one. This one's for £1,000.

Rich: True or False? The people who watch a match at the stadium are called viewers.

Jack: [Buzz]. I know this one, it’s...

Rich: Correct. Question two for £2,000. Which ‘R’ is the place you go ice skating?

Jack: Buzz. Easy. It’s ...

Rich: Good work. Question three for another thousand pounds. Ice hockey is played with (A) a bat, (B) a stick or © a cue?

Jack: Buzz. No problem. The correct answer is ...

Rich: Well played. Question four. What do you call a player who replaces another because he is injured?

Jack: Buzz. I’m sure of this one. The answer is ...

Rich: Well done. That’s four thousand pounds. Do you want to carry on?

Jack: Yes

Rich: OK. Question five. This player was top scorer in the Premier League in 2017/18.

Jack: Buzz. I know this one, too. The player is ...

Rich: You’re doing really well. We’ll be right back after this commercial break to see if Jack will take the money and run or go all the way to tonight’s top prize of £10,000.


Rich: Welcome back. Jack is up to question nine for £9,000. Are you ready Jack?

Jack: I’m ready, Rich.

Rich: Question 9. What is the missing word? In football you have referees, in boxing, you have referees and judges but in cricket and tennis, you have ______.

Jack: Buzz. In tennis, you have ...

Rich: Fantastic. You have made it all the way to tonight’s £10,000 big question. You have a decision to make, Jack. Do you take what you have and go home or do you risk it all for the top prize of £10,000?

Jack: I’m going to go for it.

Rich: Are you sure? Remember you go home with nothing if you get it wrong.

Jack: I know. Let’s go.

Rich: Here we go. Tonight’s £10,000 big question is: What’s the best football team in the world?

Jack: That’s a tough question. It’s subjective - there can’t be a right answer.

Rich: There is. You have 10 more seconds. 

Jack: Manchester United?, Real Madrid? Barcelona? Manchester United - I’m going for Manchester United.

Rich: I’m sorry, the correct answer was Liverpool. You’re going home with nothing! Thanks, everyone for joining us …

Jack: You can’t do that. That’s not fair. That’s just your favourite team.

Rich: Thanks for joining us and we’ll see you next time on the £10,000 big question. Get off! Don’t touch me.

Jack: Come here! I want to speak to you!

Rich: Music, people! Can someone call security, please?

Welcome -  Listening Exams

Rich: Hello my name’s Rich

Jack: and I’m Jack

Rich: and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Jack: What’s happening this week, Rich?

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we’re going to look at some vocabulary connected to sports and give you some advice about the types of questions which are used in listening exams.

Jack: That’s right. Listening exams can be a lot easier if you prepare for the exam in the right way.

Rich: We’re going to start by giving a few general tips for dealing with listening exams and the questions they use.

Jack: Then, we’re going to focus on one exam question that learners often find difficult.

Rich: After this, we will go back to the quiz you heard at the beginning of the podcast and look at the answers and some vocabulary connected to sports that is sometimes a bit confusing.

Jack: And, Don’t forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have this week’s football phrase for you to guess.

Types of  Listening Exam Questions and General Advice

Rich: In the quiz, at the beginning of the podcast you heard some of the most common types of question you might come across in listening exams.

Jack: You have probably come across or seen these types of questions before because they are very common.

Rich: You have true or false questions, complete the gap and multiple choice. When you see this type of question you usually know exactly what to do, but here is some general advice that will help you even more. Some of it might seem obvious but it’s amazing how many people don’t do it when they are under stress in an exam.

Jack: The first thing to remember is to read the question or questions before the listening starts. This will help you know what information you need to be listening for.

Rich: If you wait until after the listening it becomes more a test of memory and not your listening abilities.

Jack: At the beginning of an exam, you might be given a specific amount of time to read the questions, or instructions might be given. Take advantage of this time to read the questions.

Rich: Another piece of advice is to make predictions before you listen. Sometimes there are only a few possible answers; especially with gap fill type questions.

Jack: Think about the topic and the grammar. What type of word could be in the gap?

Rich: Another good thing to remember is that the answers are nearly always in order. The answer to question one will be at the beginning of the listening and the last answer near the end.

Jack: If the first answer you hear is the answer to question three, forget about questions one and two and start listening for the answer to question four.

Rich: OK, there’s some general advice for listening exams, in the next section we’re going to look at one type of question that is a bit more difficult.

Summary Completion Activity

Jack: One question type that is becoming more common in listening exams is the summary completion activity.

Rich: In this type of activity, you listen to something and then you will see a paragraph with some gaps in it. It is a summary of what you have just listened to.

Jack: The text is not the same as what you heard as it’s a summary; the task is to complete the gaps using the exact words you heard in the listening.

Rich: The instructions might say use one word or a maximum of two or three words you heard in the listening.

Jack: The task is difficult because the text you are looking at is not the same as what you heard but has the same meaning.

Rich: We’re going to look at two of these activities. We’ll start off with an easy one and the other will be a little more difficult.

Jack: In this first example, the topic is baseball and the summary question is ‘The baseball season is in the ___________.’ You need to complete the sentence with one word from the listening.

Rich: Before we listen, think about two or three possible answers. ‘The baseball season is in the _________.’

Jack: OK, let’s listen:

Rich: “Baseball is one of the most popular sports in the United States and is usually played in the summer months when the football and basketball seasons have ended.”

Jack: The answer is ‘summer’. Did you get it right?

Rich: Right we’re going to do another example. We want you to listen to the sentence with the gap, think of some possible answers and then listen to the summary.

Jack: If you know the answer, write it in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

Rich: Example two: Doing physical education at school can improve your concentration due to the _______ which are released when we do sports.

Jack: Think of some possible answers … now listen and complete the gap with one word that you hear.

Rich: Sport can help us feel happy and put us in a good mood because of chemicals that are present in our bodies when we exercise. It also improves our capacity to concentrate, which is why doing PE at school can actually help you do better in exams.

Jack: If you want to practise this style of question a little more, you can look at the take IELTS British Council website. We’ve put a link to this website on this podcast page on the Premier Skills English website.


Jack: We said at the beginning of the podcast that we’re going to look at some words connected to sports that can be a bit confusing.

Rich: Let’s go back to the quiz you heard earlier and Jack’s answers.


Rich: True or False? The people who watch a match at the stadium are called viewers.

Jack: Buzz. It’s false. Viewers are people who watch on television.

Rich: That’s right. Viewers watch on TV. In the stadium, you have spectators, or more informally, fans if they are following their team. We don’t usually use the word audience for sports events; audience is usually used for the theatre or cinema.

Rich: Question two for £2,000. Which ‘R’ is the place you go ice skating?

Jack: Buzz. It’s a rink an ice rink or ice skating rink.

Rich: Well done. A rink with a K, not a ring. That’s for boxing. A boxing ring.

Rich: Question three for another thousand pounds. Ice hockey is played with (A) a bat, (B) a stick or © a cue?

Jack: Buzz. Hockey and ice hockey are played with sticks. Hockey sticks.

Rich: Well played. Hockey sticks, cricket bats and snooker cues. Easy.

Jack: I’m ready for the next question.

Rich: Question 9. What is the missing word? In football you have referees, in boxing, you have referees and judges but in cricket and tennis, you have ______.

Jack: Buzz. In tennis you have umpires. 

Rich: Well done you are right again. In some sports we have umpires and in others referees.


Jack: We’ve got more explanations and activities about words to describe sports on the website. You can find this podcast on the Premier Skills English homepage.

Rich: Right, your task this week is to write a question about sports.

Jack: Use one of the types of questions we have used in this podcast. You could choose a true or false question, a gap fill or a multiple choice question.

Rich: You can choose to test other listener’s knowledge of sports or English. Let’s see how many questions and answers we can get on the website.

Football Phrase

Rich: Have you got a football phrase for us this week? 

Jack: Yes, I have, but first, our last football phrase. The phrase was the spine of the team. This phrase describes the players who play in central positions on the pitch.

Rich: Well done to Ahmed Adam from Sudan, Liubomyr and Sabanoleg from Ukraine, Thaitn from Vietnam, Lakerwang from China and Acicala from Spain. You all got the right answer! What’s this week’s phrase, Jack?

Jack: This week’s football phrase is just a word. The word is ******. You hear this a lot in football when a player or manager doesn’t agree with a decision made by the referee or football association. If someone doesn’t agree with something they can ****** against the decision by making a formal request to the authorities for the decision to be changed.

Rich: Oh yeah, you can sometimes get ******* overturned but usually ******* are upheld.

Jack: Right, that’s all we have time for this week. Don’t forget to write your answers to the task and football phrase in the comments section below.

Rich: Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

Fingers on buzzers everyone. Here's question one.

We'll be right back after this commercial break.

You have probably come across these types of questions before.

There were a few more tricky words and phrases in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words. This can really help your understanding.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to their definitions. All of the words were in this week's podcast.
Can you match the words to their definitions?

True or False? These people are called spectators?


Types of question

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about the types of questions you see in listening exams. It's important that you learn about the exam before you take it. What type of questions are used in the listening section? Some of the most common types of questions are:

  1. True or False
  2. Multiple Choice
  3. Gap Fill
  4. Summary Completion
  5. Short-answer

General Tips

Rich and Jack gave some general advice for listening exams. Here are the tips they gave that will help you in listening exams:

  1. The first thing to remember is to read the question or questions before the listening starts. This will help you know what information you need to be listening for.

  2. Underline key words in the questions and think of words with similar meanings. The same words are often not repeated in the questions and the listening.

  3. Make predictions before you listen. Sometimes there are only a few possible answers; especially with gap fill type questions. Think about the topic and the grammar. What type of word could be in the gap?

  4. The questions are nearly always in order. The answer to question one will be at the beginning of the listening and the last answer near the end. If the first answer you hear is to question three, forget about questions one and two.

This ex-Premier League footballer tried swapping the football pitch for the boxing ring. Who is he?

Question Type

Summary Completion

One question type that takes some getting used to is the summary completion task. This is when you listen to something and are given a text with gaps that summarises what you heard. You have to fill in the gaps with words you heard in the listening.

This was the example question Rich and Jack gave you in the podcast:

The baseball season is in the _________.

The advice is to look at the question and think of as many alternatives as possible before you listen. Now, listen to the section again. What is the correct answer?

Now, here is the second example. The question is:

Doing physical education at school can improve your concentration due to the _______ which are released when we do sports.

Remember, before you listen, think of as many possibilities to the fill gap as you can. Now, listen again.

What is the answer? Write your answer in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

Hockey is played with A. a bat B. a stick or C. a cue?


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How many tennis _______ can you see?


Quiz Questions

This week's task is to write a quiz question about sport to challenge the rest of our listeners. You can test our listeners knowledge of sport and/or English.

Use one of the question types Rich and Jack used in this week's podcast:

  • true or false
  • multiple choice
  • complete the gap
  • What 'R'...?

Don't forget to make a guess at our football phrase, tell us the answer to the summary question we gave you in the podcast and look at the photos on this page and answer the quiz questions.

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hsn's picture

A quiz question - Only one player is allowed to play with hand. Others have to play with foot.What sort of sport is this?
• Nobody would risk what is possessed all for the temporary adventure like changing job close to end of career life.

hsn's picture
30/08/2021 13:23
Tottenham Hotspur

A quiz question - Only one player is allowed to play with hand. Others have to play with foot.What sort of sport is this?
• Nobody would risk what is possessed all for the temporary adventure like changing job close to end of career life.

mobeckham's picture

I think this week's football phrase is ( objection )

mobeckham's picture
31/05/2020 14:22
Manchester United

I think this week's football phrase is ( objection )

mobeckham's picture

Questions in the Podcast :
The baseball season is in the __Summer__.
Doing physical education at school can improve your concentration due to the __chemicals__ which are released when we do sports.
How many tennis __courts__ can you see ?

mobeckham's picture
31/05/2020 14:21
Manchester United

Questions in the Podcast :
The baseball season is in the __Summer__.
Doing physical education at school can improve your concentration due to the __chemicals__ which are released when we do sports.
How many tennis __courts__ can you see ?

mobeckham's picture

Testing the knowledge of my colleagues on Premier Skills English :

1. Premier League is the best football competition ever T F
2. Mohamed Salah is the best African player in EPL T F
3. Manchester United won the Treble in 1998-99 season T F

4. Which team won the Premier League in 2003-04 season ?
a) Manchester United b) Aesenal c) Chelsea
5. Who's the all-time Top Scorer of Manchester United ?
a) Ryan Giggs b) Bobby Charlton c) Wayne Rooney
6. What is the English team with the most European Trophies ?
a) Liverpool b) Manchester City c) Manchester United

7. Ryan Giggs played a record of ............. games for Manchester United in EPL.
8. ..................... and Andy Cole scored in the last game in 1998-99 Premier League season vs Spurs to give the title to Manchester United
9. Chelsea won the Premier League ................. times

10. Who are the top 3 scorers of all-time in the Premier League ?

mobeckham's picture
31/05/2020 14:18
Manchester United

Testing the knowledge of my colleagues on Premier Skills English :

1. Premier League is the best football competition ever T F
2. Mohamed Salah is the best African player in EPL T F
3. Manchester United won the Treble in 1998-99 season T F

4. Which team won the Premier League in 2003-04 season ?
a) Manchester United b) Aesenal c) Chelsea
5. Who's the all-time Top Scorer of Manchester United ?
a) Ryan Giggs b) Bobby Charlton c) Wayne Rooney
6. What is the English team with the most European Trophies ?
a) Liverpool b) Manchester City c) Manchester United

7. Ryan Giggs played a record of ............. games for Manchester United in EPL.
8. ..................... and Andy Cole scored in the last game in 1998-99 Premier League season vs Spurs to give the title to Manchester United
9. Chelsea won the Premier League ................. times

10. Who are the top 3 scorers of all-time in the Premier League ?


Doing physical education at school can improve your concentration due to the chemicals which are released when we do sports.

The baseball season is in the summer.

21/11/2018 06:32
Manchester United

Doing physical education at school can improve your concentration due to the chemicals which are released when we do sports.

The baseball season is in the summer.

M.s. Aboelsafa's picture
M.s. Aboelsafa

The Football Phrase is "Objection"

M.s. Aboelsafa's picture
M.s. Aboelsafa
13/11/2018 17:23

The Football Phrase is "Objection"

elghoul's picture

Chemicals  are released when you make physical education so you better concentrate on quizzes.

football phrase, try out or opposition.

Football was created in UK. true or false.

Bobby Charlton survived an aeroplane crash. true or false.

What is the name of his brother?

elghoul's picture
13/11/2018 12:47
Manchester City

Chemicals  are released when you make physical education so you better concentrate on quizzes.

football phrase, try out or opposition.

Football was created in UK. true or false.

Bobby Charlton survived an aeroplane crash. true or false.

What is the name of his brother?


Jack Chalton

14/11/2018 15:08

Jack Chalton

Pascal Nt's picture
Pascal Nt

Who is the most scorer of english Premier league?

Pascal Nt's picture
Pascal Nt
13/11/2018 06:40
Congo (Kinshasa)

Who is the most scorer of english Premier league?

acicala's picture

It's Alan Shearer.

acicala's picture
13/11/2018 15:16

It's Alan Shearer.

acicala's picture

1. How many players are there in a basketball team? There are (5/6/7) players.
2. How many players are there in a baseball team? There are (9/10/11) players.
3. How many players are there in a football team? There are (10/11/12) players.
4. How many players are there in an American football team? There are (9/11/13) players.
5. How many players are there in an indoor football team? There are (5/6/7) players.
6. How many players are there in a volleyball team? There are (5/6/7) players.
7. How many players are there in a water polo team? There are (5/6/7) players.
8. How many players are there in a rugby team? There are (11/13/15) players.
9. How many players are there in an ice hockey team? There are (5/6/7) players.

I think this week’s football phrase is “******”.

acicala's picture
12/11/2018 16:04

1. How many players are there in a basketball team? There are (5/6/7) players.
2. How many players are there in a baseball team? There are (9/10/11) players.
3. How many players are there in a football team? There are (10/11/12) players.
4. How many players are there in an American football team? There are (9/11/13) players.
5. How many players are there in an indoor football team? There are (5/6/7) players.
6. How many players are there in a volleyball team? There are (5/6/7) players.
7. How many players are there in a water polo team? There are (5/6/7) players.
8. How many players are there in a rugby team? There are (11/13/15) players.
9. How many players are there in an ice hockey team? There are (5/6/7) players.

I think this week’s football phrase is “******”.

Pascal Nt's picture
Pascal Nt

1. 5
2. 9
3. 11
4. 13
5. 5
6. 5
7. 7
8. 15
9. 6

Pascal Nt's picture
Pascal Nt
13/11/2018 06:33
Congo (Kinshasa)

1. 5
2. 9
3. 11
4. 13
5. 5
6. 5
7. 7
8. 15
9. 6


The phrase of this week is "******".

The answer I should fill in the gap is "*********". ( Actually they are endorphins.)

The number of all tennis courts I can see is 10. Maybe there're more out of the picture.

My question of multiple choice
Which one of these four football superstars never played as the captain of the international team?
A) Pele
B) Diego Maradona
C) Franz Beckenbauer
D) Johan Cruyff

12/11/2018 15:38

The phrase of this week is "******".

The answer I should fill in the gap is "*********". ( Actually they are endorphins.)

The number of all tennis courts I can see is 10. Maybe there're more out of the picture.

My question of multiple choice
Which one of these four football superstars never played as the captain of the international team?
A) Pele
B) Diego Maradona
C) Franz Beckenbauer
D) Johan Cruyff

acicala's picture

A. Pelé

acicala's picture
13/11/2018 15:20

A. Pelé

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the world is the '*******'

Liubomyr's picture
12/11/2018 14:40

I think that the world is the '*******'

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson

I think the football phrase is "review".

Is the correct word "*********"? (...concentration due to the ********* which are released...)

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson
12/11/2018 13:52
Tottenham Hotspur

I think the football phrase is "review".

Is the correct word "*********"? (...concentration due to the ********* which are released...)

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson

I have two quiz questions.
Here's my 'complete the gap' question:

According to _______ __________, he is currently the best and most victorious football manager in the Premier League.

The other question is:
How many World Cup titles have all countries from South America together?

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson
12/11/2018 13:38
Tottenham Hotspur

I have two quiz questions.
Here's my 'complete the gap' question:

According to _______ __________, he is currently the best and most victorious football manager in the Premier League.

The other question is:
How many World Cup titles have all countries from South America together?

acicala's picture

I'm going to try.
According to Nemanja Matic, he is currently the best and most victorious football manager in the Premier League.
How many World Cup titles have all countries from South America together? South America has 9 World Cups.

acicala's picture
12/11/2018 16:16

I'm going to try.
According to Nemanja Matic, he is currently the best and most victorious football manager in the Premier League.
How many World Cup titles have all countries from South America together? South America has 9 World Cups.

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson

Hi acicala
In the first question, this wasn't the answer I was expecting before but I think I got your point.
The second answer is definitely right!

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson
14/11/2018 11:00
Tottenham Hotspur

Hi acicala
In the first question, this wasn't the answer I was expecting before but I think I got your point.
The second answer is definitely right!


I can see 9 tennis courts

10/11/2018 14:09

I can see 9 tennis courts


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United146535
5Manchester City58633
6Tottenham Hotspur19335
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4887


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening (summary completion task) 

Language: Vocabulary connected to sports

Task: Writing quiz questions


This link will take you to the Take IELTS-British Council website where you can practise more exam style listening questions.