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Speaking Skills: Different opinions

Speaking Skills: Different opinions

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack and Rich talk about football rules and laws they would like to change. The language focus is on words and phrases we use to give strong opinions and phrases we use to respond to other people's opinions. Your task is to tell us about a rule or law that you would like to change. As always, we have a new football phrase for you to guess at the end of the podcast. Enjoy!


If you found the listening difficult, you can read the transcript and listen at the same time.
Read the transcript and listen at the same time.


Jack: You can’t be happy with the result yesterday.

Rich: No, I’m not, not at all. To be honest, we were robbed.

Jack: Robbed? What do you mean?

Rich: The first goal they scored was miles offside and then we had a goal disallowed that was onside!

Jack: I see your point about the first, but the second looked like a good decision to me.

Rich: Well, what about that handball. It should never have been a penalty. The ball hit him in the chest.

Jack: I have to say that it looked like his arm to me.

Rich: And then, our goalkeeper was sent off for a well-timed tackle!

Jack: Well, if he meant to get him in the stomach then I suppose it was well-timed.

Rich: And we couldn’t even replace the goalkeeper when we tried to.

Jack: I think you might have misunderstood the rules there. You’d already made three substitutions. You can’t make any more.

Rich: Well, I don’t like that rule. We really should have won the game.

Jack: That’s absolute garbage! You’re telling me if it wasn’t for the handball rule, offside rule, rules about substitutes and not being allowed to tackle someone above the waist you’d have won the game?

Rich: Exactly.

Welcome - Different Opinions

Rich: Hello my name’s Rich

Jack: and I’m Jack

Rich: and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Jack: What’s happening this week, Rich?

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we’re going to look at two areas of language. First we’ll look at the language we use to give opinions in a strong way so other people agree with us.

Jack: We might say things like ‘I am 100% certain that football should be taught at school’ ...

Rich: Or ‘I am totally convinced that the best way to learn English is listening to podcasts!’.

Jack: We’re also going to look at the language we use to acknowledge someone’s opinion and say if we agree with it or not before giving our own opinion.

Rich: There were some examples of this in the opening conversation. Jack said, ‘ I see your point about the first but the second looked like a good decision to me’ and ‘That’s absolute garbage, you’re telling me …’

Jack: So we are going to ask you to listen to a few arguments and then your task this week is to tell us a rule that you’d like to change and to reply to others using some of the language from this podcast.

Rich: Don’t forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have this week’s football phrase for you to guess, too.

Topic Focus - Rules

Rich: In this section, you’re going to listen to two arguments. Jack and I are going to talk about a football rule we’d like to change or get rid of - abolish - not use any more. 

Jack: We want you to imagine that we can only change one football rule. We have twenty seconds to give our arguments and persuade you.

Rich: Listen to our arguments and decide who you agree with or if you agree with both of us. Who do you think has the most convincing arguments?

Roleplay 1

Jack: I’d like to get rid of the offside rule. I don’t understand why it exists. If there was no offside there would be many more chances to score and loads more goals. Also, I’m fed up of my team having goals disallowed. It’s not fair and we’d have won much more often if it wasn’t for this rule. 

Roleplay 2 

Rich: I believe that the rule we should change or in this case introduce is called the sin bin. It is clear that people are fed up of players getting a booking for diving, time-wasting and little fouls that slow the game down. I am convinced that the sin bin, which is something used in other sports like rugby and ice-hockey, would reduce these offences. Instead of a yellow card, a player is sent off the pitch for 10 minutes. You must agree that players would think twice if they knew that they’d have to leave the pitch. Not only would the sin bin reduce the amount of fouls on the pitch but would also mean more game time on the pitch. Wouldn’t that be a good thing?

Language Focus 1 

Jack: In the examples above, Rich used more persuasive or convincing language and had more reasons for his arguments than me.

Rich: You just whined.

Jack: I just whined?

Rich: Yeah, you know, you just complained about something. You didn’t really give any convincing arguments to why the rule should be changed.

Jack: Yes, you’re right. Let’s look at a few phrases you used. You started by saying ‘I believe’. This expresses a strong opinion. You also said ‘I am convinced’ which does the same thing.

Rich: I could have used a few other phrases that are similar, such as, ‘I’m 100% certain’ or ‘I’m totally sure’ or ‘I’m absolutely positive’. Adding an adverb like totally or absolutely makes what you are saying sound stronger.

Jack: You also said ‘you must agree’. That is a good way to convince people. By saying ‘you must agree’ you are telling people that this must be the right or correct opinion and anything else would be wrong or silly.

Rich: Some similar phrases you could use are: ‘you have to agree’, ‘you surely can’t disagree that’ ‘you can’t be in any doubt that’, ‘it is undeniable that’ or ‘you can’t deny the fact that’.

Jack: Rich also used a rhetorical question, he said ‘Wouldn’t that be a good thing?’ You don’t expect people to answer this type of question, you expect people to agree with you.

Rich: That’s right. You can also say things like ‘Wouldn’t it be better if …?’ or ‘Shouldn’t we all …?’ or ‘Isn’t it obvious …?’

Jack: Finally, Rich also gave reasons that backed up his opinions. It’s always good to give more than one reason and using the phrase ‘not only’ is a good way to do this.

Rich: I said, ‘Not only would the sin bin reduce the amount of fouls on the pitch but would also mean more game time on the pitch’.

Jack: You can use not only to give one reason to back up your argument and then but also to give a second reason to back up your argument.

Rich: I could also have used as well as. I could have said ‘as well as the sin bin reducing the amount of fouls it would also mean more game time on the pitch’.

Jack: Furthermore and what‘s more are two other phrases that can be used here. We look at these phrases on the website page below this podcast.


Rich: Now, in the next section we’re going to discuss another rule or law and we have different opinions. 

Jack: While you listen we want you to answer two questions. Number one: What is the law or rule that we discuss? Number two: Who do you agree with? 

Rich: At the end, we’ll look at more of the language.

Roleplay 3

Jack: I’m not sure about that, Rich. I see what you’re saying but they haven’t even been banned in London you just have to pay some extra money.

Rich: But, you must agree that we have to do something. There’s more and more pollution in city centres and most of it is from private cars. We could just ban them, as well as cleaner cities, this would mean quieter cities too.

Jack: I see your point, but it’s not as easy as that. I’m all for cleaner and quieter cities, but people wouldn’t be happy. They’d be up in arms.

Rich: We’d still have public transport. Wouldn’t it be better to see everybody using that?

Jack: I know, but in lots of cities it’s not good enough. You might have to walk a long way to the nearest bus stop or train station. I’m 100% certain that people don’t want to do that.

Rich: OK, you may have a point there, but I’m convinced people would get used to it and that’s something we should be trying to improve - public transport.

Jack: Yes, of course, that is always good. Having said that, I don’t think it’s the route we should go down. We should be looking at new car technologies and investing in them. We need cleaner cars not necessarily fewer cars.

Rich: That’s an interesting idea, but what about traffic problems. We’d still have lots of traffic jams with everybody using their own car.

Jack: Yes, but that’s a different discussion - at least they would be pollution free traffic jams!

Language Focus 2

Rich: In the last section, the rule that we discussed was whether cars should be banned in city centres.

Jack: The language we want to look at here is how we acknowledge or respond to the point or argument that the other person says.

Rich: It’s important not to ignore what the other person says in a discussion even if you disagree with them and there are some specific phrases you can use.

Jack: You may agree with what somebody says, agree partially or you may totally disagree with what someone says but that is not the most important thing. The important thing is that we want to move the discussion on to what you think and add a new point.

Rich: If you agree with what someone says you might say something like, ‘I couldn’t agree with you more’ or ‘You’re absolutely right’.

Jack: Then you may go on to make an additional point. You could then say something like, ‘And another thing is …’

Rich: If you partially agree with what someone says you might say something like, ‘OK, you may have a point there, but...’ or ‘I see your point, but ..’ or ‘I see what you’re saying, but …’.

Jack: We often use these phrases if we disagree with someone too. We are being polite by using these phrases.

Rich: That’s the same when we say things like, ‘That’s an interesting idea or that’s an interesting point’. In British culture when we say this, we often mean the opposite and don’t want to discuss it further.

Jack: It’s quite culturally specific but it’s often better to say ‘that’s a good idea’ if you really think something is interesting. In fact, I’ve read that ‘interesting idea’ is six times more likely to be followed by ‘but’ than when we say ‘good idea’.

Rich: If we disagree in an argument and want to be more direct we probably say things like: ‘I’m not sure about that’, ‘that’s not always the case/true’ or ‘not necessarily’.

Jack: These aren’t very direct.

Rich: I know. If we are even more direct we are probably angry and being rude or very impolite. We could use phrases like: ‘that’s absolutely rubbish’ or ‘that’s utter garbage’.

Jack: You can check your understanding of all of these phrases in the language activities on the Premier Skills English website. Just go to and you will see this podcast on the homepage. 


Rich: Your task this week is to tell us a rule or law that you’d like to change and to reply to other users using some of the language from this podcast.

Jack: If you want you can choose a football law or rule. It could be a rule that you’d like to introduce, a rule that you’d like to change or a rule that you’d like to get rid of.

Rich: Or if you’d prefer, you can choose a rule or law that you have at work, in your school or in your country. Again, it could be a rule or law that you’d like to introduce, you’d like to change or you’d like to get rid of.

Jack: We’d also like to invite you to make some troll arguments. 

Rich: Really? That’s a bit risky.

Jack: I know. But we want you to write some silly, strange and controversial arguments so that other people can disagree with you. When you write your comment, try to use some of the language for opinions that we introduced in this podcast.

Rich: Phrases like, ‘I’m convinced’, ‘I’m 100% certain’, ‘wouldn’t it be better if’ or ‘I reckon we should’.

Jack: We would then like you to reply to people using some of the language we used in the podcast to acknowledge and respond to other people’s opinions such as ‘I see what you’re saying but …’, ‘That’s an interesting point, but …’, ‘to be honest that is utter garbage!’

Rich: However, remember to be polite wherever you can!

Jack: We’ll start with the arguments that we made in this podcast and you can reply to them in the comments section.

Football Phrase

Rich: Have you got a football phrase for us this week? 

Jack: Yes, I have, but first, last week’s football phrase. The phrase was physio. When a player gets injured on the pitch, the first person to run on to the pitch is usually the physio whose job it is to assess and treat injuries to players. It’s a shortened version of physiotherapist.

Rich: Well done to Richard J from Ecuador, AssemJuve from Palestine, Liubomyr from Ukraine, Zaid from India, Milos from Serbia, Kwesimanifest from Ghana, Lakerwang from China, Acicala from Spain and Ahmed Adam from Sudan. All of you got it right! What’s this week’s phrase, Jack?

Jack: This week’s football phrase is a difficult one. The phrase is ******* ****. This is a tactic that football teams play in defence. The idea is that the defenders move up the field at the same time so the attackers are in an illegal position when the ball is passed to them. 

Rich: That is difficult. Here’s another clue. The second word in the phrase describes something you use to catch animals in the forest for example.

Jack: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to tell us about a rule or law that you’d like to change and to reply to other listeners in the comments section. 

Rich: And make a guess at our football phrase. Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

I'd like to get rid of the offside rule.

Rich backed up his opinions while I just whined.

There are lots of traffic jams and too much pollution in our cities.

There were a few tricky words in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to their definitions. All of the words were in this week's podcast.
Can you match the words to the definitions?
Sin-bins are used in sports such as ice-hockey and Rich thinks  they should be used in football. What do you think?


Strong opinions

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich gave their opinions about rules and laws they would like to change. They had some strong opinions. Take a look at the words in bold:

I am convinced that the sin bin, would reduce these offences.

You must agree that players would think twice if they knew that they’d have to leave the pitch. 

Not only would the sin bin reduce the amount of fouls on the pitch but would also mean more game time on the pitch.

Wouldn’t that be a good thing?

In the sentences above, you can see four different ways to make your opinion stronger and more persuasive.

  1. Personal opinions: 'I believe that ...' is the simplest form here but 'I am convinced that ...' is stronger. You could also use phrases such as: 'I am positive/sure/certain that ...'  To make this language even stronger you could add an adverb and say something like: 'I'm absolutely convinced that ...' or 'I'm 100% certain that ...' 
  2. Asking for agreement: Using phrases such as: 'You must agree that ...' encourages the listener to agree with you and that any alternative opinion would be wrong. Similar phrases are: 'it's undeniable that ...', 'you can't be in any doubt that' and 'you can't deny the fact that ...'. 
  3. Backing up your argument:: Giving additional reasons for your opinion is always a good idea. One way to do this is by using the phrases not only and but also. You could also use as well as and also: 'as well as more goals, abolishing offside would also mean more attacking football.'
  4. Rhetorical questions: Rhetorical questions are questions that don't need an answer or where the speaker doesn't expect an answer. They are useful to make your opinions stronger. Some examples are: 'Wouldn’t it be better if …?’, ‘Shouldn’t we all …?’ or ‘Isn’t it obvious …?’

Look at the activity below and try to complete the sentences.

Activity 2

Activity 2: in this activity, look at some of the sentences Jack and Rich used in the listening and try to fill in the gaps with the right word.
Can you complete the sentences from the podcast?

Rich thinks there is too much pollution from cars in our cities.


Words and phrases we use to respond to opinions

In the opening conversation and in the roleplay about pollution, Jack and Rich used lots of different words and phrases to respond to opinions. Take a look at the words and phrases in bold below. Are these phrases being used to agree or disagree with the speaker? Are they all polite? 

I’m not sure about that, Rich. I see what you’re saying but they haven’t even been banned in London.

I see your point but It’s not as easy as that.

That’s an interesting idea, but what about traffic problems.

That’s absolute garbage! You’re telling me if it wasn’t for the handball rule, and offside rule you’d have won the game?

The first three sentences include phrases that are used to either agree partially or disagree in a polite way whereas the final sentence is used to disagree and the phrases are impolite.

Listen to the podcast again if you're not sure about how to use these phrases and more like them. Then, check your understanding by having a go at this activity. Can you complete the sentences?

Rich thinks that more public transport is the answer but Jack doesn't necessarily think that is the case.


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A rule or law that you'd like to change:

Your task this week is to tell us a rule or law that you’d like to change and to reply to other users using some of the language from this podcast. As an example, here is what Rich said in the podcast:

I believe that the rule we should change or, in this case, introduce is called the sin bin. It is clear that people are fed up of players getting a booking for diving, time-wasting and little fouls that slow the game down. I am convinced that the sin bin, which is something used in other sports like rugby and ice-hockey, would reduce these offences. Instead of a yellow card, a player is sent off the pitch for 10 minutes. You must agree that players would think twice if they knew what was going to happen. Not only would the sin bin reduce the amount of fouls on the pitch but would also mean more game time on the pitch. Wouldn’t that be a good thing?

You can choose a football law or rule, or a rule or law that you have at work, in your school or in your country. It could be a rule that you’d like to introduce, a rule that you’d like change or a rule that you’d like to get rid of.

We would also like you to reply to other people and use some of the language we used in the podcast. As an example, here is Jack's response about the sin-bin:

I see what you're saying and I think it's a good point but I can't see it happening. I think the system works as it is so we probably won't see this change. What about a green card for time wasting and an extra minute gets added on at the end?

You can also add more controversial, silly or strange ideas to encourage more discussion, but remember to be polite wherever you can.  We’ll start with the arguments that we made in this podcast and you can reply to them in the comments section.

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I think that International Olympic Committee must get rid of football as an Olymic game.
I must agree that football is a popular game all over the world, but that is not the most important thing. Not only is football a silly game, but also it's a sport that costs a lot for nations...

07/03/2022 18:11

I think that International Olympic Committee must get rid of football as an Olymic game.
I must agree that football is a popular game all over the world, but that is not the most important thing. Not only is football a silly game, but also it's a sport that costs a lot for nations...

hsn's picture

• I'd like to get rid of some official arrangements like paying taxes however I have no arguments to back up my opinion.
• We can't deny the fact that nothing is hundred percent certain in the nature. Scientific progress shifts paradigm. For instance it has been proven that human have more than five senses.

hsn's picture
03/11/2021 17:49
Tottenham Hotspur

• I'd like to get rid of some official arrangements like paying taxes however I have no arguments to back up my opinion.
• We can't deny the fact that nothing is hundred percent certain in the nature. Scientific progress shifts paradigm. For instance it has been proven that human have more than five senses.

ghassan jaradat

I would like to change the rule of the throw-in so that it is with the foot instead of the hand.

ghassan jaradat
28/07/2021 23:00
Palestinian Territory

I would like to change the rule of the throw-in so that it is with the foot instead of the hand.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

Shouldn't the British football authorities ban playing on Saturday afternoons PL games after having a Wednesday Champions League match?

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
26/11/2020 04:27

Shouldn't the British football authorities ban playing on Saturday afternoons PL games after having a Wednesday Champions League match?

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

Wouldn't it be better if the future European football championship was played in one country, England, for example?

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
26/11/2020 04:23

Wouldn't it be better if the future European football championship was played in one country, England, for example?

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

Not only should the UEFA stop its decision on the Switzerland-Ukraine canceled match but make an investigation in respect of all the strange events with regard to banning Ukraine from playing the game.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
26/11/2020 04:20

Not only should the UEFA stop its decision on the Switzerland-Ukraine canceled match but make an investigation in respect of all the strange events with regard to banning Ukraine from playing the game.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

One must agree that coronavirus lockdown is all the more getting on nerves.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
26/11/2020 04:12

One must agree that coronavirus lockdown is all the more getting on nerves.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

It's undeniable that there are too many strange VAR decisions nowadays.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
26/11/2020 04:09

It's undeniable that there are too many strange VAR decisions nowadays.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

I'm absolutely convinced that Rich has a strong point as to the sin bin rule.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
26/11/2020 04:07

I'm absolutely convinced that Rich has a strong point as to the sin bin rule.

mobeckham's picture

I think this week's football phrase is ( the offside trap )

mobeckham's picture
30/05/2020 01:05
Manchester United

I think this week's football phrase is ( the offside trap )

mobeckham's picture

I’m convinced that the League Cup or what’s so called the Capital One Cup is a waste of time and energy for players , fans and managers. It’s clear in every country that there are 3 competitions the league , the cup and the continental tournament. I can see it’s pointless to have a fourth competition with a low profile compared to the Premier League or the FA Cup. In addition to that , big teams usually play with the reserve team and managers don’t consider it much. Nevertheless , if they lost from a lower league team or a non-league one , the media attacks the manager and the club. I do believed if it’s cancelled , it will save time , effort and energy and teams will be more focused and determined. Reserve team players and youngsters might be used in FA Cup games with the first team players to watch balanced teams who compete for an important cup

mobeckham's picture
30/05/2020 00:46
Manchester United

I’m convinced that the League Cup or what’s so called the Capital One Cup is a waste of time and energy for players , fans and managers. It’s clear in every country that there are 3 competitions the league , the cup and the continental tournament. I can see it’s pointless to have a fourth competition with a low profile compared to the Premier League or the FA Cup. In addition to that , big teams usually play with the reserve team and managers don’t consider it much. Nevertheless , if they lost from a lower league team or a non-league one , the media attacks the manager and the club. I do believed if it’s cancelled , it will save time , effort and energy and teams will be more focused and determined. Reserve team players and youngsters might be used in FA Cup games with the first team players to watch balanced teams who compete for an important cup

Aminrad11's picture

The footbal is the one of strange phenomenons in the shrunken world, today you bearly can find the country which is not get involve as member of football international federation association so called FIFA, the powerfull organization which has authority to control allfootball related activities around the globe. In this essay i would argue that the two most problmatic rules that should be considered. Analysing the terend of their effect on the matches results plus their corruption lead consequences would be discuss.

First and foremost, i am convinced that the penalty shootouts would be the first rule which is cuased the nervesness and anxiety throughout the pitch leades footballers to lose thier consentration hence their team couldn’t use the advatage of demonstrating better performance. If i were the member of FIFA council , i would bsolutely bring another alternative law aim to reduce the role of stress throughout the matches.

Secondly, i safely argue that , we should get rid of the offsides that plyays the prominent role as a corruptin mediator when you no control over the referee’s performace

Aminrad11's picture
20/09/2018 16:15
Manchester City

The footbal is the one of strange phenomenons in the shrunken world, today you bearly can find the country which is not get involve as member of football international federation association so called FIFA, the powerfull organization which has authority to control allfootball related activities around the globe. In this essay i would argue that the two most problmatic rules that should be considered. Analysing the terend of their effect on the matches results plus their corruption lead consequences would be discuss.

First and foremost, i am convinced that the penalty shootouts would be the first rule which is cuased the nervesness and anxiety throughout the pitch leades footballers to lose thier consentration hence their team couldn’t use the advatage of demonstrating better performance. If i were the member of FIFA council , i would bsolutely bring another alternative law aim to reduce the role of stress throughout the matches.

Secondly, i safely argue that , we should get rid of the offsides that plyays the prominent role as a corruptin mediator when you no control over the referee’s performace

acicala's picture

About the sin bin rule, I had never think it, but sincerely, I reckon that it could work. It should be tested. That's a very interesting idea. I can't find any logical reason why a player wants to leave the pitch. Players would make less fouls and waste less time, the risk would be too great.

I think this week’s football phrase is “******* ****”.

acicala's picture
05/09/2018 20:10

About the sin bin rule, I had never think it, but sincerely, I reckon that it could work. It should be tested. That's a very interesting idea. I can't find any logical reason why a player wants to leave the pitch. Players would make less fouls and waste less time, the risk would be too great.

I think this week’s football phrase is “******* ****”.


I agree with Jack opinion about offside rules.But my idea is a little different from him. My idea we can get rid off offside rules only in penalty area.How will work ? Let me explain.If the last pass is given in the penalty area, the offside rule will be void.The aim of offside rules are stop players from waiting in penalty area.But when the game playing penalty area this rule is not necessary.The offside rule will not be valid when the player passes in the penalty area.

05/09/2018 06:10

I agree with Jack opinion about offside rules.But my idea is a little different from him. My idea we can get rid off offside rules only in penalty area.How will work ? Let me explain.If the last pass is given in the penalty area, the offside rule will be void.The aim of offside rules are stop players from waiting in penalty area.But when the game playing penalty area this rule is not necessary.The offside rule will not be valid when the player passes in the penalty area.


I see your point, but I think offside is an important rule in football.
I'm totaly convinced that without this rule, football would look like other ball games such as handball and basketball. We would have more goals but not necessarily beautifull ones.
Not only does offside make football more creative, but it also make it unique and special.

07/03/2022 18:29

I see your point, but I think offside is an important rule in football.
I'm totaly convinced that without this rule, football would look like other ball games such as handball and basketball. We would have more goals but not necessarily beautifull ones.
Not only does offside make football more creative, but it also make it unique and special.


I believe that acts for wasting time will be disappearing on the pitch if we stop timing on a dead ball situation, just like basketball or five-a-side football matches. It's undeniable that it's no use wasting time by faking injuries or intentional rows. I'm convinced that we can set 70 minutes of a game.
The football phrase is "******* ****"

04/09/2018 17:11

I believe that acts for wasting time will be disappearing on the pitch if we stop timing on a dead ball situation, just like basketball or five-a-side football matches. It's undeniable that it's no use wasting time by faking injuries or intentional rows. I'm convinced that we can set 70 minutes of a game.
The football phrase is "******* ****"

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson

I am convinced that the away goals rule should be abolished. As Ahmed Adam pointed, this is completely unfair. What matters should be how much, not where, goals were scored.
Not only the rule is unfair but also it ia clear that teams tend to be more defensive and sometimes games are more a cagey affair with this rule.

In addition, I would like to see the VAR technology in Premier League. We can't deny the fact that some games are being decided by wrong decisions of match referees like penalties or offsides.

Speaking of offsides, I guess that the phrase is "******* ****".

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson
04/09/2018 05:16
Tottenham Hotspur

I am convinced that the away goals rule should be abolished. As Ahmed Adam pointed, this is completely unfair. What matters should be how much, not where, goals were scored.
Not only the rule is unfair but also it ia clear that teams tend to be more defensive and sometimes games are more a cagey affair with this rule.

In addition, I would like to see the VAR technology in Premier League. We can't deny the fact that some games are being decided by wrong decisions of match referees like penalties or offsides.

Speaking of offsides, I guess that the phrase is "******* ****".

RafaelRC's picture

I totally agree with you about away goals rule, it was abolished in Brazil's Cup this year.

RafaelRC's picture
05/09/2018 02:31

I totally agree with you about away goals rule, it was abolished in Brazil's Cup this year.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Hi Rafael!

I see what you're saying and I think it's a good point. But VAR was trialed at the World Cup in Russia and it even added more controversy to the game. You can't deny the fact that smaller teams fell victims under this technology as if it was exploited to help bigger teams exclusively.

You must agree that Nigeria were not awarded a clear-cut pen against Argentina, Iran were also denied a stone-wall penalty in their final group game against CR7's teammates. France on the other hand, got lucky with a soft penalty decision going their way in the final.

Unless the final decision is given to VAR, NOT the referee himself, I don't see it useful other than slowing down the fluid nature of the game. However, if it could be operated in the same way as the goal-line technology, then I would say, yest, that'd improve the game.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
04/09/2018 10:47

Hi Rafael!

I see what you're saying and I think it's a good point. But VAR was trialed at the World Cup in Russia and it even added more controversy to the game. You can't deny the fact that smaller teams fell victims under this technology as if it was exploited to help bigger teams exclusively.

You must agree that Nigeria were not awarded a clear-cut pen against Argentina, Iran were also denied a stone-wall penalty in their final group game against CR7's teammates. France on the other hand, got lucky with a soft penalty decision going their way in the final.

Unless the final decision is given to VAR, NOT the referee himself, I don't see it useful other than slowing down the fluid nature of the game. However, if it could be operated in the same way as the goal-line technology, then I would say, yest, that'd improve the game.

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the phrase is an '******* ****'

Liubomyr's picture
03/09/2018 21:12

I think that the phrase is an '******* ****'

elghoul's picture

About slowing down the game I must agree that I am often annoyed with players doing lots of tips for wasting time in particular at the end of the game but not only. We have also seen the entire squad collectivily wasting time and parking the bus from the beginning of the game. Italians with the Catenaccio have been doing that for years so it has become a playing scheme.

Some pundits or football commentators are convinced that referees with tools like sin-bins can get rid of that wasting time play.

Wouldn't be a good rule allowing referees to send off players for a small time in order to gain more playing shows.

football phrase, off-side net.

elghoul's picture
03/09/2018 13:54
Manchester City

About slowing down the game I must agree that I am often annoyed with players doing lots of tips for wasting time in particular at the end of the game but not only. We have also seen the entire squad collectivily wasting time and parking the bus from the beginning of the game. Italians with the Catenaccio have been doing that for years so it has become a playing scheme.

Some pundits or football commentators are convinced that referees with tools like sin-bins can get rid of that wasting time play.

Wouldn't be a good rule allowing referees to send off players for a small time in order to gain more playing shows.

football phrase, off-side net.

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson

I agree with you elghoul.
And I think, here in South America, this situation is worst. Sometimes we don't even have 50 minutes of game. In Brazil, we call this "cera" (which means "wax") or "catimba".

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson
03/09/2018 22:17
Tottenham Hotspur

I agree with you elghoul.
And I think, here in South America, this situation is worst. Sometimes we don't even have 50 minutes of game. In Brazil, we call this "cera" (which means "wax") or "catimba".

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Correct me.

That's absolute garbage! If a player feels tired, he'll deliberately get this sin bin in order to take a 10-minute rest and then come back. In this case a dive may not mean a dive, it could well mean a player is wanting to rest and this will even result in much more dives!

Another thing is that time-wasting is old part of the game, it winds up the fans & opposition and the referee is there to add on injury time and book players. So, I don't see the point. That's utter rubbish!

No offence teacher, Rich and teacher, Jack!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
03/09/2018 09:59

Correct me.

That's absolute garbage! If a player feels tired, he'll deliberately get this sin bin in order to take a 10-minute rest and then come back. In this case a dive may not mean a dive, it could well mean a player is wanting to rest and this will even result in much more dives!

Another thing is that time-wasting is old part of the game, it winds up the fans & opposition and the referee is there to add on injury time and book players. So, I don't see the point. That's utter rubbish!

No offence teacher, Rich and teacher, Jack!

Rich's picture

Hi Ahmed Adam,

I'm going to reply more to the content of what you say rather than the language you use as there is so little to correct in your message.

Of course, neither of us have taken any offence in what you have said, Ahmed, even if we may disagree on this point. Personally, I think players would be unlikely to take a rest in the sin bin as it would mean that their team are down to 10 men which would put the match at risk even if it was only for 10 minutes. Also, I am convinced that the manager would have a word in a player's ear if he thought a player was being lazy! What do you think?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team


Rich's picture
03/09/2018 11:53

Hi Ahmed Adam,

I'm going to reply more to the content of what you say rather than the language you use as there is so little to correct in your message.

Of course, neither of us have taken any offence in what you have said, Ahmed, even if we may disagree on this point. Personally, I think players would be unlikely to take a rest in the sin bin as it would mean that their team are down to 10 men which would put the match at risk even if it was only for 10 minutes. Also, I am convinced that the manager would have a word in a player's ear if he thought a player was being lazy! What do you think?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team


Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Great. I just wanted to use that language.

That's an interesting point, but some players are really selfish, and I'm a hundred percent certain that they'd do it. At least you seem to agree with the second point since you said no word about it. All in all, I believe it would be quite controversial to bring the so-called sin bin into the beautiful game!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
03/09/2018 12:38

Great. I just wanted to use that language.

That's an interesting point, but some players are really selfish, and I'm a hundred percent certain that they'd do it. At least you seem to agree with the second point since you said no word about it. All in all, I believe it would be quite controversial to bring the so-called sin bin into the beautiful game!

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson

Hi Ahmed.
I see your point about the sin bin but Rick convinced me that this could be a good idea. Not only the sin bin, but also the green card could make the game better.
On the oher hand, I completely agree with you when it comes to away goals rule. I would also abolish it, immediately. Furthermore, penalty kicks are much more exciting.

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson
04/09/2018 04:56
Tottenham Hotspur

Hi Ahmed.
I see your point about the sin bin but Rick convinced me that this could be a good idea. Not only the sin bin, but also the green card could make the game better.
On the oher hand, I completely agree with you when it comes to away goals rule. I would also abolish it, immediately. Furthermore, penalty kicks are much more exciting.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Hi Rafael!

To be honest, I wasn't serous when I replied to teacher Rich. I meant to be controversial because the only way to use that kind of language was by rubbishing what he has said!!

Moreover, if I replied to any other member here in that way, he might take it personally, and that's what I exactly wanted to avoid.

I agree, his suggestion was quite convincing. The Sin bin.

As for the away goals rule, I would simply say great minds think alike!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
04/09/2018 10:05

Hi Rafael!

To be honest, I wasn't serous when I replied to teacher Rich. I meant to be controversial because the only way to use that kind of language was by rubbishing what he has said!!

Moreover, if I replied to any other member here in that way, he might take it personally, and that's what I exactly wanted to avoid.

I agree, his suggestion was quite convincing. The Sin bin.

As for the away goals rule, I would simply say great minds think alike!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Correct me.

I believe that the rule we must totally abolish is the away goals rule. It's unfair and it paves the way to defensive football.

It's undeniable that footballers and managers won't be able to digest it will find it difficult to stomach when they have been knocked out in a certain competition even though having scored the same number of goals as their opposition. For example, a fantastic 3-1 home victory wouldn't be enough to even make it to extra time if that what followed was a 2-0 away defeat. (Which match came first?) This is completely unfair.

You must agree that with this rule the hosts will be thinking like not being able to find the back of the net is not a big issue as long as we're keeping a cleanshet. And a scoreless draw is better than any other draw, this particular attitude comes at the expense of the exciting nature of the game. Has anyone of you watched a knockout-stage encounter in which neither team is wanting to play?

We shouldn't attach importance as to in which ground the goals were scored, but how many of them were written in the scoresheet in the tie as a whole-- home & away. I'm convicted that putting an end to this rule will make the games more attractive. As well as making the beautiful game fairer, it'd also encourage teams to play more attacking football or possibly, a high-octane style of football.

Shouldn't we all work together, hand by hand, in order to get rid of this disgusting rule? A rule which makes football boring rather than exciting to watch!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
03/09/2018 09:25

Correct me.

I believe that the rule we must totally abolish is the away goals rule. It's unfair and it paves the way to defensive football.

It's undeniable that footballers and managers won't be able to digest it will find it difficult to stomach when they have been knocked out in a certain competition even though having scored the same number of goals as their opposition. For example, a fantastic 3-1 home victory wouldn't be enough to even make it to extra time if that what followed was a 2-0 away defeat. (Which match came first?) This is completely unfair.

You must agree that with this rule the hosts will be thinking like not being able to find the back of the net is not a big issue as long as we're keeping a cleanshet. And a scoreless draw is better than any other draw, this particular attitude comes at the expense of the exciting nature of the game. Has anyone of you watched a knockout-stage encounter in which neither team is wanting to play?

We shouldn't attach importance as to in which ground the goals were scored, but how many of them were written in the scoresheet in the tie as a whole-- home & away. I'm convicted that putting an end to this rule will make the games more attractive. As well as making the beautiful game fairer, it'd also encourage teams to play more attacking football or possibly, a high-octane style of football.

Shouldn't we all work together, hand by hand, in order to get rid of this disgusting rule? A rule which makes football boring rather than exciting to watch!

Rich's picture

Hi Ahmed Adam,

I've made a few corrections to your post above but would like you to correct the words in red as I think you more than capable of doing that. You use lots of great language as usual but, to be honest, there are more mistake in this comment to what I've become accustomed to.

Let me know if you have any questions,

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
03/09/2018 11:49

Hi Ahmed Adam,

I've made a few corrections to your post above but would like you to correct the words in red as I think you more than capable of doing that. You use lots of great language as usual but, to be honest, there are more mistake in this comment to what I've become accustomed to.

Let me know if you have any questions,

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

First, I have to admit that I wrote it in a hurry.
Alright here are my corrections. let me know if I still need some help.

1. In/of
2. Having/if they.
3. Their/the
4. Of course the away game came first.
5. Be thinking/think.
6. We're keeping/we can keep.
7. Scoreless/goalless. Doesn't the first word exist?
8. In which ground/ on who's stadium?
9. Hand by hand/ Hand on hand?
10. disgusting/ horrible.

Yeah, this time there are quite a lot of mistakes, but hopefully, that means more things to learn. Thanks teacher, Rich, for spotting them and please, keep your corrections coming. They're very helpful indeed.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
03/09/2018 13:01

First, I have to admit that I wrote it in a hurry.
Alright here are my corrections. let me know if I still need some help.

1. In/of
2. Having/if they.
3. Their/the
4. Of course the away game came first.
5. Be thinking/think.
6. We're keeping/we can keep.
7. Scoreless/goalless. Doesn't the first word exist?
8. In which ground/ on who's stadium?
9. Hand by hand/ Hand on hand?
10. disgusting/ horrible.

Yeah, this time there are quite a lot of mistakes, but hopefully, that means more things to learn. Thanks teacher, Rich, for spotting them and please, keep your corrections coming. They're very helpful indeed.


This week football pharase is ******* ****.
I totally agree that sin bin would be a good rule for football game.That’s an interesting idea,but maybe it would be better to use this rule like experiment in youth leauge to see how it work,and than apply in more serious competetion.I would like to see more frequently substitutions during football games.Something like baskeball substitutions.You can change whatever players you want whenewer you want.
I believe that change a football game a lot.

03/09/2018 07:32
Manchester United

This week football pharase is ******* ****.
I totally agree that sin bin would be a good rule for football game.That’s an interesting idea,but maybe it would be better to use this rule like experiment in youth leauge to see how it work,and than apply in more serious competetion.I would like to see more frequently substitutions during football games.Something like baskeball substitutions.You can change whatever players you want whenewer you want.
I believe that change a football game a lot.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

I'm not sure about that, Milos. I see what you're saying, but this rule is difficult to carry out. Imagine it's the 80th minute and some team is wining 1-0, then they want to make 5 changes. By the time these players come off the bench, the final whistle might have been blown!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
03/09/2018 11:04

I'm not sure about that, Milos. I see what you're saying, but this rule is difficult to carry out. Imagine it's the 80th minute and some team is wining 1-0, then they want to make 5 changes. By the time these players come off the bench, the final whistle might have been blown!


That is an interesting point of view,i agree with you.This rule would change the game definitively.Not only in the sense of game,which is obviously but in also in other aspect such as time for substitution,game speed ect.But it would be interesting to see this rule in use.

06/09/2018 06:59
Manchester United

That is an interesting point of view,i agree with you.This rule would change the game definitively.Not only in the sense of game,which is obviously but in also in other aspect such as time for substitution,game speed ect.But it would be interesting to see this rule in use.


I'm not sure that Sin-bin will work that well in football. But, I agree that it's an interesting idea and should be implemented on the basis of trial and error.
And a rule that I'd like to change is players getting booked for removing their jersey while celebrating. It just seems ridiculous. I mean you could argue that it is necessary to keep discipline in check. But I think players shouldn't get booked for that. Instead, they should get booked or sent off if they do any insane or offensive gestures while celebrating. Wouldn't it be better?
And this week's football phrase is that difficult to be honest. It's '******* ****'

02/09/2018 09:35
Manchester United

I'm not sure that Sin-bin will work that well in football. But, I agree that it's an interesting idea and should be implemented on the basis of trial and error.
And a rule that I'd like to change is players getting booked for removing their jersey while celebrating. It just seems ridiculous. I mean you could argue that it is necessary to keep discipline in check. But I think players shouldn't get booked for that. Instead, they should get booked or sent off if they do any insane or offensive gestures while celebrating. Wouldn't it be better?
And this week's football phrase is that difficult to be honest. It's '******* ****'

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson

I got your point Zaid, but we can't forget that sponsors spend a lot of money to have their brands on the jjerseys. And this is an important income for the teams.

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson
04/09/2018 04:03
Tottenham Hotspur

I got your point Zaid, but we can't forget that sponsors spend a lot of money to have their brands on the jjerseys. And this is an important income for the teams.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

I totally agree. The moment once a goal is scored is considered to be the peak moment for advertising because the player who scored the goal would be at the centre of attention.

The replay, the way in which he celebrates, and we must not forget that this particular moment could be shared worldwide. That's why sponsors wouldn't be pleased to see their brand or company name being excluded from this very special moment.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
04/09/2018 11:09

I totally agree. The moment once a goal is scored is considered to be the peak moment for advertising because the player who scored the goal would be at the centre of attention.

The replay, the way in which he celebrates, and we must not forget that this particular moment could be shared worldwide. That's why sponsors wouldn't be pleased to see their brand or company name being excluded from this very special moment.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

I see your point, Zaid. And I can add that it also takes away the joy, especially if the goal scored was an absolutely crucial one. But footballers must take control of their emotions since the game is being televised worldwide and there's simply no point in seeing a naked chest or a political message in a game that calls for sportsmanship. Don't you find that quite offensive, Zaid?

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
03/09/2018 10:47

I see your point, Zaid. And I can add that it also takes away the joy, especially if the goal scored was an absolutely crucial one. But footballers must take control of their emotions since the game is being televised worldwide and there's simply no point in seeing a naked chest or a political message in a game that calls for sportsmanship. Don't you find that quite offensive, Zaid?


I believe that the week's phrase is"******* ****"

02/09/2018 06:38

I believe that the week's phrase is"******* ****"

kwesimanifest's picture

This week's phrase is ******* ****

kwesimanifest's picture
01/09/2018 23:00
Manchester United

This week's phrase is ******* ****

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Once again, something went wrong with my football prase submission. it's '******* ****'

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
01/09/2018 21:37

Once again, something went wrong with my football prase submission. it's '******* ****'

Rich's picture

I'm not sure what happened there. I didn't see an earlier comment. Let's keep an eye on it. There could be some kind of bug in the system.

Rich's picture
03/09/2018 11:40

I'm not sure what happened there. I didn't see an earlier comment. Let's keep an eye on it. There could be some kind of bug in the system.

RafaelRC's picture

Correct me please.

I see what Jack said about offside but I believe that this rule is really important to the football, without it the match would bet tactically strange with the defensive, midifilder and attacking lines away each other. I'm convinced that is more important do the rule work well instead to get rid of the offside. Wouldn't be great if the referees had a technological way to mark offside?

I totally agree with Jack about cleaner cars, are there many electrical cars in your country? Here in Brazil not yet. With more investment at public transportation and cleaner vehicles the environment would be better.

If I could change a law in Brazil I would ban companies give money to political campaigns. Here we have many problems with corruption, the most part involves big companies and politics. The companies "donate" to politics but after the elections they receive benefits like contracts and others kind of "help".

RafaelRC's picture
01/09/2018 18:01

Correct me please.

I see what Jack said about offside but I believe that this rule is really important to the football, without it the match would bet tactically strange with the defensive, midifilder and attacking lines away each other. I'm convinced that is more important do the rule work well instead to get rid of the offside. Wouldn't be great if the referees had a technological way to mark offside?

I totally agree with Jack about cleaner cars, are there many electrical cars in your country? Here in Brazil not yet. With more investment at public transportation and cleaner vehicles the environment would be better.

If I could change a law in Brazil I would ban companies give money to political campaigns. Here we have many problems with corruption, the most part involves big companies and politics. The companies "donate" to politics but after the elections they receive benefits like contracts and others kind of "help".

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Hi Rafael RC!

I see you point and yes, it would indeed. I would also love to see football being automated although I feel that'd never happened. I think we'll be liberated from the man in the middle's errors, the wrong offside decisions made by the assistant referees and of course any other contentious decisions. Imainge players doing their part on the pitch and the whistles coming from a technical room, just like PlayStayion!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
04/09/2018 12:05

Hi Rafael RC!

I see you point and yes, it would indeed. I would also love to see football being automated although I feel that'd never happened. I think we'll be liberated from the man in the middle's errors, the wrong offside decisions made by the assistant referees and of course any other contentious decisions. Imainge players doing their part on the pitch and the whistles coming from a technical room, just like PlayStayion!

Rich's picture

Hi RafaelRC

Here are some things to think about:

  1. Articles: When we use plural nouns or talk about something that is uncountable we don't use an article (the). Can you find anything that you would like to change?
  2. Make & do: It's easy to confuse these two words sometimes. Can you find an example that you can change?
  3. Prepositions: Specific words go with specific prepositions. Can you complete these phrases ... 'invest ___ something', 'instead ___ doing that, you ...'

Hope that helps,

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
03/09/2018 11:39

Hi RafaelRC

Here are some things to think about:

  1. Articles: When we use plural nouns or talk about something that is uncountable we don't use an article (the). Can you find anything that you would like to change?
  2. Make & do: It's easy to confuse these two words sometimes. Can you find an example that you can change?
  3. Prepositions: Specific words go with specific prepositions. Can you complete these phrases ... 'invest ___ something', 'instead ___ doing that, you ...'

Hope that helps,

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

RafaelRC's picture

Thanks for the help, I will try to fix my comment. Could you help me again if I make a mistake again?

Correct me please.

I see what Jack said about offside but I believe that this rule is really important for football, without it the match would be tactically strange with defensive, midifilder and attacking lines away each other. I'm convinced that is more important make the rule works well instead than to get rid of the offside. Wouldn't be great if referees had a technological way to mark offside?

I totally agree with Jack about cleaner cars, are there many electrical cars in your country? Here in Brazil not yet. With more investment at public transportation and cleaner vehicles the environment would be better.

If I could change a law in Brazil I would ban companies give money to political campaigns. Here we have many problems with corruption, the most part involves big companies and politics. Companies "donate" to politics but after elections they receive benefits like contracts and others kind of "help".

RafaelRC's picture
05/09/2018 02:52

Thanks for the help, I will try to fix my comment. Could you help me again if I make a mistake again?

Correct me please.

I see what Jack said about offside but I believe that this rule is really important for football, without it the match would be tactically strange with defensive, midifilder and attacking lines away each other. I'm convinced that is more important make the rule works well instead than to get rid of the offside. Wouldn't be great if referees had a technological way to mark offside?

I totally agree with Jack about cleaner cars, are there many electrical cars in your country? Here in Brazil not yet. With more investment at public transportation and cleaner vehicles the environment would be better.

If I could change a law in Brazil I would ban companies give money to political campaigns. Here we have many problems with corruption, the most part involves big companies and politics. Companies "donate" to politics but after elections they receive benefits like contracts and others kind of "help".


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United146539
5Manchester City58633
6Tottenham Hotspur19335
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4887


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Language: Phrases to give strong opinions

Language: Phrases to respond to other people's opinions

Task: Describe a rule or law you'd like to change