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The smallest league in the world can be found in the Scilly Isles.

Speaking Skills: Truth and lies

Speaking Skills: Truth and lies

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack and Rich talk about some strange football stories. Your task is to guess if these stories are real or if they are 'fake news'. The language focus is on phrases we use when we think someone is lying. Do you know the phrases 'economical with the truth' or 'that's a load of baloney'? We also have a new football phrase for you to guess. Enjoy!


If you find the podcast difficult to understand, you can read the transcript and listen at the same time.
Read and listen at the same time.


Jack: Good morning Rich! How's it going?

Rich: Hello Jack. Good thanks. How about you?

Jack: Well, I can't complain.  Here, you'll never guess who I saw yesterday.

Rich: Who?

Jack: Harry Kane.

Rich: Shut up. You did not see Harry Kane.

Jack: I did. I saw him. Honestly.

Rich: Really?  Where did you see him?

Jack: I saw him doing some shopping in town.

Rich: In Ludlow?

Jack: Yeah. He was coming out of Pickfords ... the hardware shop.

Rich: You're telling me you saw Harry Kane coming out of a hardware shop in Ludlow with … a spade?

Jack: Yeah, well almost. He was carrying a dustpan and brush.

Rich: Are you having a laugh?

Jack: No, I saw him. He was with his family.

Rich: In Ludlow?  He doesn't even live in Ludlow

Jack: I’m not saying he lives here.

Rich: Are you serious?

Jack: All I'm telling you is I saw Harry Kane with his family coming out of a hardware store carrying a dustpan and brush.

Rich: Really Jack? I’m not sure that’s true.

Jack: Are you calling me a liar?

Rich: No, I’m just saying that you might be mistaken.

Jack: Hmmm. That’s possible. But if it wasn’t Harry Kane, it was someone that looked a lot like him.

Rich: I think that’s more likely.

Jack: Perhaps it was his brother.

Rich: Hmmm.

Welcome - truth and lies 

Rich: Hello my name’s Rich

Jack: and I’m Jack

Rich: and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Jack: What’s happening this week, Rich?

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we’re going to lie to you!

Jack: We’re going to lie to people?

Rich: Yeah, well a little bit. We’re going to tell the truth, too! We’re going to look at the language we use when people think that we are lying or not telling the truth.

Jack: Like me in the opening conversation? I was telling the truth you know.

Rich: Yeah, of course, you just got a bit muddled up that’s all. You saw a tall, blonde bloke with a dustpan and brush and thought it was Harry Kane. Nothing to worry about - go and have a lie down. 

Jack: Yeah, yeah, anyway … we’re going to play a game which they play on a popular TV show in the UK called Would I lie to you?

Rich: I’m going to tell a story and Jack has to guess whether I’m telling the truth or lying through my teeth!

Jack: And then I will do the same.

Rich: After that, we’ll look at some of the language and then we’ll tell two more stories and this time you have to guess whether they are true or not.

Jack: And, don’t forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have another football phrase for you to guess as well. 

Rich: That’s a lot to get through. Shall we make a start?

Topic Focus

Jack: You’re going to to go first, yeah?

Rich: Yes, I have my true story that I’ve just read about this morning.

Jack: Don’t say that!

Rich: It’s a bluff! But it is true, honestly!

Jack: mmm ok Go on then.

Rich: Right, my story is about Danish football. I think this happened last season but it might have been the season before.

Jack: You’re not sure …

Rich: No, I can’t remember exactly … anyway, one of the teams was winning. I think the score was 5-4 or 4-3 so there’d been lots of goals. There were only seconds left. It was injury-time and the team that was behind was attacking and looking for an equaliser. Well, the referee was about to blow the final whistle and you’re not going to believe this but … his false teeth fell out.

Jack: His false teeth … you’ve got to be joking! You’re lying through your teeth!

Rich: No, I’m not and I’m not finished, you’re not going to believe what happened next. Well, the referee tried to blow the whistle but he couldn’t because he didn’t have any teeth, no sound came out. And then, this is the best bit, the team equalised to make it 4-4 or 5-5 or something.

Jack: Shut up! You’re having a laugh?

Rich: No, it’s true! Honestly!

Jack: So, it finished as a draw?

Rich: No, the referee disallowed the goal so the other team won.

Jack: Really? But the match wasn’t finished?

Rich: The ref said it was. The players complained but they couldn’t do anything about it! I’m not sure if he found his false teeth.

Jack: Right, I’m not sure about this. It sounds like fake news to me, a load of baloney. How old was this referee? 83? Go on tell me …

Rich: I was telling the truth!!

Jack: Really? How funny!


Rich: Right, Jack. It’s your turn. Have you got a story?

Jack: Yep, here we go. A few years ago, to tell the truth, many many years ago, I think there was a match between Spurs and Dynamo Moscow at White Hart Lane - Spurs' stadium. The weather was really bad, really foggy. Nobody could see each other - it probably should have been called off but I suppose the players from Moscow had come a long way.

Rich: That makes sense.

Jack: Well, because nobody could see, the teams shall we say took advantage of the situation. Dynamo made a substitution at one point and didn’t take a player off! They had fifteen players on the pitch at one point.

Rich: Mmm, nobody noticed?

Jack: Nobody could see. The referee sent one Tottenham player off at one point but he came back on to the pitch!

Rich: Likely story!

Jack: No, it’s true. The fog was so bad that the Spurs goalkeeper ran into a post and was replaced by a fan!

Rich: This is a pack of lies!

Jack: Is that your guess … you think I’m lying?

Rich: Yes, I think you might be being economical with the truth!

Jack: Haha! You’re right, but most of the story is true the only thing I changed was the club, it was actually Arsenal playing at White Hart Lane and not Spurs - even stranger!

Language Focus

Rich: In our conversations, you heard some different phrases connected to lying and telling the truth.

Jack: Before we look at the some of the phrases we used in the conversations it’s important to think about how we use this type of language. We’re playing a game and our language is quite informal. If we were speaking to someone we didn’t know very well and we thought they were lying we might not say anything or we might just say something like: ‘Are you sure about that?’. 

Rich: You’re right, we probably wouldn’t say ‘you’re lying through your teeth, you horrible little man’ to someone we didn’t know. 

Jack: No, I don’t think we would say that. All of the phrases we used are more informal. These are all fine to use if you’re talking to your friends. Let’s start with some phrases that you can use if you don’t believe someone.

Rich: Jack said to me; ‘you’re having a laugh’, ‘that’s a load of baloney’, and ‘you’re lying through your teeth’.

Jack: Baloney! That’s a funny word. It’s actually a type of sausage, but in this context it means nonsense. You can say other things here too like ‘a load of rubbish’ or ‘a load of garbage’ to mean the same thing.

Rich: The phrase ‘you’re having a laugh, aren’t you?’ is a good one. You can use this phrase when you think someone is joking or not telling the truth but we can also use it when we think something is unfair. When I give my students lots and lots of homework they might ‘you’re having a laugh’ and I would give them even more for being a bit rude!

Jack: And Rich said to me; ‘a likely story’, ‘a pack of lies’ and ‘you’re being economical with the truth’.

Rich: Being sarcastic is quite common when we think someone is lying and ‘likely story’ is an example of that because we don’t think the story is very likely. Economical is used to say that we don’t use much of something, for example, if a car is economical on fuel it doesn’t use much petrol. If you’re being economical with the truth it means you're not using the truth very much.

Jack: We also used some phrases to ask someone to believe you when what you are saying is true. 

Rich: When Jack said he’d seen Harry Kane in a shop he said ‘honestly’ and when I questioned him he said ‘are you calling me a liar’.

Jack: You have to be careful with this last expression because you don’t want to get into an argument with someone.

Rich: Another common phrase that people use is: ‘you’re not going to believe this, but …’

Jack: This phrase is used a lot when someone says something unbelievable or they are possibly lying.

Rich: We have lots of other phrases and some activities for you to do on the page below this podcast.


Jack: Our task for you this week is to listen to two more stories and decide if we are telling the truth or not. Write your answers in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

Rich: Then, we want you to write a story that could be true a true story or false - like fake news. It doesn’t have to be about football, it can be about any topic you like. Me, Jack and our other listeners have to guess if your story is true or not.

Jack: Here’s story one.

Rich: Minute silences are very common in matches these days. They are a good way to show respect to someone connected to a football club who has died. However, in a non-league match a few years ago there was a communication breakdown. The club was called Congleton Town and they announced in the match programme that their biggest fan had sadly passed away at the age of 83. Just before the minute’s silence was due to start, the fan walked into the stadium and I imagine asked what was going on.

Rich: Here’s story two.

Jack: The Isles of Scilly, are off the coast of the UK and the Scilly Isles are home to the world’s smallest football league. There are just two teams in the league. The teams play each other seventeen times to decide who wins the league each season. For a bit of variety, they also have two cup competitions where they are also the only teams in the competition. A few years ago a film was made on the Islands called ‘Dream Big’ which starred David Beckham, Patrick Viera and Steven Gerrard. 

Football phrase

Rich: Have you got a football phrase for us this week? 

Jack: Yes, I have, but first, last week’s football phrase. The phrase was the man in the middle. This phrase is used to talk about the referee at the beginning of the match by commentators on TV. The commentators usually say something like the man in the middle today is Michael Oliver. 

Rich: It was quite a difficult one, but some people worked most of it out from the clues. Congratulations to Lakerwang from China, Liubomyr from Ukraine, Ahmed Adem from Sudan and also to Milos from Serbia and Kwesimanifest from Ghana for getting it mostly right. What’s this week’s phrase?

Jack: This week’s phrase is a bit easier, I hope. It’s a noun that you use to describe a player who can dribble, pass, shoot, attack and defend very well. If a player is strong in all aspects of the game, you can call them an ***-*******. I like to think of myself as a bit of an English teacher ***-*******. What about you Rich? Are you more of a specialist or are you an ***-*******?

Rich: Hmmm, I’m not sure. I’ve never really compared English teaching to playing football. 

Jack: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below.

Rich: If you have enjoyed this podcast or found it useful, leave us a rating or review and that will help other people find us. Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

Well, the referee was about to blow the final whistle and you’re not going to believe this but … his false teeth fell out.

The weather was really bad, really foggy. Nobody could see each other - the match should have been called off.

There were a few more tricky words in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to the descriptions.
Can you match the words to their definitions?

Jack said that he saw Harry Kane in a hardware shop. Is that him?



In this week's podcast, Rich and Jack told each other some stories that might or might not have been true. Jack thought Rich was lying and Rich thought Jack was not telling the truth either. They used different phrases to tell them this. They spoke in quite an informal way and most of the phrases they used were also informal. It's important to think about appropriacy when you are speaking in English. In general, appropriacy includes:

  • the words you choose to use
  • how you say these words (pronunciation)
  • body language

For example, in the podcast, you heard this example:

Rich: Hello Jack. Good thanks. How about you?
Jack: Well, I can't complain.  Here, you'll never guess who I saw yesterday.
Rich: Who?
Jack: Harry Kane.
Rich: Shut up. You did not see Harry Kane.
Jack: I did. I saw him. Honestly.

Jack and Rich know each other well so they speak to each other in an informal way. The use of 'shut up' could be rude if you didn't know someone well or it was a more formal situation. If you listen again, you will also notice that Rich spoke in a high-pitched voice and his voice went down (falling intonation) when he said 'shut up', which shows disbelief rather than anger. Many of the phrases Jack and Rich used in this podcast are best used (most appropriate) in informal situations. Try listening to the above section again and try repeating what Rich says.

Hello? Is there anybody there? Do you believe Jack's story about the teams cheating in the fog?


Phrases to use when you think someone is lying

In the podcast, you heard lots of phrases that we use to show disbelief or to use when we think someone is not telling the truth. Take a look at this example from the podcast:

Rich: This is the best bit, the team equalised to make it 4-4 or 5-5 or something.
Jack: Shut up! You’re having a laugh?
Rich: No, it’s true! Honestly!

We looked at 'shut up' in the previous section, 'you're having a laugh?' can be used when you think someone is not telling the truth or when you think something is not fair.

Another useful phrase is 'a load of ...' You can complete this phrase in a number of ways, for example: 'a load of rubbish/garbage/baloney.'

Take a look at the activity below and see if you can complete all the sentences with a phrase from this week's podcast.

How can a referee blow his whistle without his teeth?


Fake News

This week's task is to listen to the two stories that Rich and Jack tell you in the task section of the podcast (the stories are about the Scilly Isles and the minute's silence). 

  1. Listen to the two stories.

  2. Decide if the stories are real or fake.

  3. Write your own story in the comments section.

  4. Tell other listeners if you think their stories are real or fake.

Write your answers and stories in the comments section at the bottom of the page.


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What do you think?

In this week’s podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about fake news and the language of lies.

Have you ever believed a story that was fake? Do you think fake news exists?

Is football gossip usually true or invented by the media?

Do you know this week's football phrase?

Don't forget this week's task. We'd love to read your fake/real stories!

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hsn's picture

• I think both of them are true because specifically places' name are given in the questions.
• Especially in the business life load of baloney often spread out. My attitude is to be wary about them. I beleived some of them when I was inexperienced and young.I think fake news exists
Nearly all of football gossip invented by the media to increase sales of newspaper
• Although it was working hours some officers was having lie down in the office.I'm muddled up.
• Unless media explain truth to the public, politicians'll continue lying through their teeth.

hsn's picture
28/10/2021 18:22
Tottenham Hotspur

• I think both of them are true because specifically places' name are given in the questions.
• Especially in the business life load of baloney often spread out. My attitude is to be wary about them. I beleived some of them when I was inexperienced and young.I think fake news exists
Nearly all of football gossip invented by the media to increase sales of newspaper
• Although it was working hours some officers was having lie down in the office.I'm muddled up.
• Unless media explain truth to the public, politicians'll continue lying through their teeth.

mobeckham's picture

I think the first story is fake whereas the second one sounds true :)

mobeckham's picture
28/05/2020 17:32
Manchester United

I think the first story is fake whereas the second one sounds true :)

mobeckham's picture

I think this week’s football phrase is ( an expertise )

mobeckham's picture
28/05/2020 17:31
Manchester United

I think this week’s football phrase is ( an expertise )

mobeckham's picture

I think football gossip is usually false and lies to attract public’s attention and to sell more but some are trustworthy for sure

mobeckham's picture
28/05/2020 17:25
Manchester United

I think football gossip is usually false and lies to attract public’s attention and to sell more but some are trustworthy for sure

mobeckham's picture

Yes sometimes I believe fake stories are true if the plot is well-narrated
And I do believe fake news exists everywhere in this world of lies

mobeckham's picture
28/05/2020 17:24
Manchester United

Yes sometimes I believe fake stories are true if the plot is well-narrated
And I do believe fake news exists everywhere in this world of lies

elghoul's picture

The first story is false but the second about the Isles and the movie is true.

This is my story. One professional second League team was playing the leader at home. This team was seriously near to go through the trap. As they were losing 1-0 all the stand hurryed into the pitch and rooted all things around even in the visitors dressing room calling them not to win the match. The matched ended 4-1 against the away team.

elghoul's picture
14/05/2018 15:13
Manchester City

The first story is false but the second about the Isles and the movie is true.

This is my story. One professional second League team was playing the leader at home. This team was seriously near to go through the trap. As they were losing 1-0 all the stand hurryed into the pitch and rooted all things around even in the visitors dressing room calling them not to win the match. The matched ended 4-1 against the away team.


This is fake.
On a match day the Germans took on France.
The final score by half was 7-0.
And in the end France won 12- 9!

25/06/2018 06:25

This is fake.
On a match day the Germans took on France.
The final score by half was 7-0.
And in the end France won 12- 9!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Correct me.

● Last year 2 persons called themselves FC Barca representatives and claimed to had been sent by FC Barca. They brought along with them a Barca shirt signed by Messi. This shirt was gifted to our president as the country was celebrating something, I don't remember, but I guess it was the independence day.

The news had spread all across the country. Everywhere you go people were talking about it. In restaurants, workplaces, transportations, on the streets and even the school children were talking about it.

I also listened to a radio channel in which so many people were praising the 5-time Ballon D'or winner and the Spanish club for this wonderful gesture.

Our president - who hardly watches football - even went on to say that 90% of Sudanese people are Barca fans! A portion that's unlikely to be found even in Catlunia where the club is located!

A couple of days later, the Barca forward said he hadn't sent any representatives. Then immediately after that people started making fun out of the president not only for falling a victim of fake news, but also for the statement he made based on a rumour!

● Nowadays there's a lot of fake news on TV, on radio, in printed press and so much of it is on social media.

● Football gossip sometimes happens to be true. However, on many occasions it just turns out to be a made-up sorry. I can say it's 10% true and quite often invented by the media.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
12/05/2018 06:08

Correct me.

● Last year 2 persons called themselves FC Barca representatives and claimed to had been sent by FC Barca. They brought along with them a Barca shirt signed by Messi. This shirt was gifted to our president as the country was celebrating something, I don't remember, but I guess it was the independence day.

The news had spread all across the country. Everywhere you go people were talking about it. In restaurants, workplaces, transportations, on the streets and even the school children were talking about it.

I also listened to a radio channel in which so many people were praising the 5-time Ballon D'or winner and the Spanish club for this wonderful gesture.

Our president - who hardly watches football - even went on to say that 90% of Sudanese people are Barca fans! A portion that's unlikely to be found even in Catlunia where the club is located!

A couple of days later, the Barca forward said he hadn't sent any representatives. Then immediately after that people started making fun out of the president not only for falling a victim of fake news, but also for the statement he made based on a rumour!

● Nowadays there's a lot of fake news on TV, on radio, in printed press and so much of it is on social media.

● Football gossip sometimes happens to be true. However, on many occasions it just turns out to be a made-up sorry. I can say it's 10% true and quite often invented by the media.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

It's Wednesday evening which means this could be a last-gasp guess regarding the football phrase. Is it 'an *** *******'? Hope it won't be disallowd anyway!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
09/05/2018 21:15

It's Wednesday evening which means this could be a last-gasp guess regarding the football phrase. Is it 'an *** *******'? Hope it won't be disallowd anyway!

Rich's picture

Hi Ahmed Adam,

I would like to give you my hearty congratulations for getting the phrase correct. Well done as it was a pretty tough one! I'm sorry to say that you were a little too late for a shout out as we recorded this week's podcast this afternoon (Wednesday). Sorry!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
09/05/2018 22:14

Hi Ahmed Adam,

I would like to give you my hearty congratulations for getting the phrase correct. Well done as it was a pretty tough one! I'm sorry to say that you were a little too late for a shout out as we recorded this week's podcast this afternoon (Wednesday). Sorry!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

No problems teacher Rich as I came along to the wetbsite very late and I had a feeling that I was on the brink of missing out which of course did happen. However, this week the podcast boat won't sail without me! I'm definitely gonna be on board

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
12/05/2018 06:21

No problems teacher Rich as I came along to the wetbsite very late and I had a feeling that I was on the brink of missing out which of course did happen. However, this week the podcast boat won't sail without me! I'm definitely gonna be on board

kwesimanifest's picture

Am gonna try again
This week's phrase is all spheres

kwesimanifest's picture
09/05/2018 19:55
Manchester United

Am gonna try again
This week's phrase is all spheres

kwesimanifest's picture

Aww am going to take another try
This week's phrase is *** knowing

kwesimanifest's picture
08/05/2018 21:52
Manchester United

Aww am going to take another try
This week's phrase is *** knowing


I think that story abot Scilly Isles is truth.In my country almost every news is a fake news.What do you think about this?Is this statment is true or false?This week football phrase is hard to guess.

08/05/2018 07:20
Manchester United

I think that story abot Scilly Isles is truth.In my country almost every news is a fake news.What do you think about this?Is this statment is true or false?This week football phrase is hard to guess.

kwesimanifest's picture

Okay Rich another take on this week's phrase is *** general

kwesimanifest's picture
08/05/2018 07:04
Manchester United

Okay Rich another take on this week's phrase is *** general

Rich's picture

You've moved further away from the answer!!

Rich's picture
08/05/2018 08:52

You've moved further away from the answer!!

kwesimanifest's picture

@Lakerwang could you confirm that my country Ghana played a math sometime in the 60s or 70s and we're trashed by 100-0 by China. I think it's one of those fake news. lol

kwesimanifest's picture
07/05/2018 07:32
Manchester United

@Lakerwang could you confirm that my country Ghana played a math sometime in the 60s or 70s and we're trashed by 100-0 by China. I think it's one of those fake news. lol

kwesimanifest's picture

Like the name suggest football "gossip" might not be entirely true so it could be true or fabricated by the media to get attention to their website or media medium.

kwesimanifest's picture
07/05/2018 07:29
Manchester United

Like the name suggest football "gossip" might not be entirely true so it could be true or fabricated by the media to get attention to their website or media medium.

kwesimanifest's picture

I have ever been deceived to believe some fake news because o the credibility of the person/s or source telling it only to realize that it was not the whole truth or false.
False news still exist.

kwesimanifest's picture
07/05/2018 07:26
Manchester United

I have ever been deceived to believe some fake news because o the credibility of the person/s or source telling it only to realize that it was not the whole truth or false.
False news still exist.

kwesimanifest's picture

This week's phrase is *** *******

kwesimanifest's picture
07/05/2018 07:18
Manchester United

This week's phrase is *** *******

Rich's picture

Hi Kwesimanifest,

Both of your guesses are super close so I've covered them up, but they're not exactly right. Do you want to have another go?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
07/05/2018 08:18

Hi Kwesimanifest,

Both of your guesses are super close so I've covered them up, but they're not exactly right. Do you want to have another go?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

kwesimanifest's picture

This week's phrase is *** *****

kwesimanifest's picture
07/05/2018 07:17
Manchester United

This week's phrase is *** *****


The story about the Scilly Isles is true, because I looked up on Wikipedia and found the entry of Isles of Scilly Football League.
Now I'll tell you a story about Chinese football league. Do you think it's true or not?
About ten years ago, the Chinese football league was in economic plight because of the bad policies made by Chinese Football Association. As a result of decreasing of revenue, CFA didn't have enough money as profit shared with those clubs. At the hard time, one of the sponsors, a beer company, made a poposal that they could give away beer worth equality of the profit. Eventually, each club got 790 boxes of bottled beer!
This week's phrase is "***-*******".

04/05/2018 17:53

The story about the Scilly Isles is true, because I looked up on Wikipedia and found the entry of Isles of Scilly Football League.
Now I'll tell you a story about Chinese football league. Do you think it's true or not?
About ten years ago, the Chinese football league was in economic plight because of the bad policies made by Chinese Football Association. As a result of decreasing of revenue, CFA didn't have enough money as profit shared with those clubs. At the hard time, one of the sponsors, a beer company, made a poposal that they could give away beer worth equality of the profit. Eventually, each club got 790 boxes of bottled beer!
This week's phrase is "***-*******".

Liubomyr's picture

Yes, fake news exists all across the world, that’s for sure. It’s a pity but nowadays there is one country that built a quite mighty industry of ‘fake news’ and has no morals at all. Since I’m fluent in Russian I witnessed not once that they, among many other things, even not stopped to make ‘faked translation’ of direct speech of some people or politicians.

Liubomyr's picture
04/05/2018 09:39

Yes, fake news exists all across the world, that’s for sure. It’s a pity but nowadays there is one country that built a quite mighty industry of ‘fake news’ and has no morals at all. Since I’m fluent in Russian I witnessed not once that they, among many other things, even not stopped to make ‘faked translation’ of direct speech of some people or politicians.

Liubomyr's picture

The story about Isles of Scilly interested me. I found and watched the film ‘Dream Big’ mentioned in the podcast. To my big surprise Ukrainian player Andriy Voronin starred in the film as well. He played for Liverpool in mid-2000s and Steven Gerrard introduced him as his teammate.

Liubomyr's picture
04/05/2018 09:22

The story about Isles of Scilly interested me. I found and watched the film ‘Dream Big’ mentioned in the podcast. To my big surprise Ukrainian player Andriy Voronin starred in the film as well. He played for Liverpool in mid-2000s and Steven Gerrard introduced him as his teammate.

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the phrase is an ‘***-*******’

Liubomyr's picture
03/05/2018 16:43

I think that the phrase is an ‘***-*******’


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United146539
5Manchester City58633
6Tottenham Hotspur19335
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4887


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Functional language: Phrases we use when we think others are lying

Task: Fake news