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A Town and Gown match being played in Cambridge.

Understanding Grammar: Using the passive

Understanding Grammar: Using the passive

In this week's Premier Skills English podcast, Jack visits Cambridge and talks about an important event in the history of football. He also shows us a little bit of Cambridge and the famous university that is in the city. The language focus is on the passive. Jack and Rich give some general examples and explanations of when and how to use the passive and then focus on one specific example - the present continuous passive. Jack talks about Cambridge and connects the city to football. Your task is to talk about a city in your country and connect it to the Premier League or a Premier League club in a similar way.

You can watch Jack's report from Cambridge here.


If you find the podcast difficult to understand, you can read the transcript and listen at the same time.
Read the transcript and listen at the same time.

Cambridge & Passives


Jack: What’s that noise? What’s all that banging?

Rich: I’m not sure. I think something’s being done on the roof or something.

Jack: Can you go and have a word, Rich? We can’t do the podcast with all that noise.

Rich: Alright. Hold on …

Rich: Some new windows are being put in upstairs. The builders said they’re having a tea break in a minute. We’ll be able to start the podcast then.

Jack: I hope so, I want to get home for kick off. The match starts at three.

Welcome - Passives

Rich: Hello my name’s Rich

Jack: and I’m Jack

Rich: and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Jack: What’s happening this week, Rich?

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we have a special report from Cambridge.

Jack: That’s right. Last week I visited Cambridge so I decided to record a little report that should help you with this week’s language focus.

Rich: This week the focus is on the passive. First we want to make sure that you’re using the passive correctly and then we’re going to talk more about one specific way that the passive is used when we are speaking which is very common but often not seen in textbooks.

Jack: And we’ve got a task for you to do too. In the report, I’m in Cambridge and I talk about the city a bit and it’s connection to football. When I talk I use the passive quite a lot.

Rich: We want you to talk about a city in your country, use the passive and connect your city to football in a similar way.

Jack: Don’t forget, there is more information about the language we use on the page below and activities to help you understand. 

Rich: Make sure you listen to the end of the podcast because we’ve got another football phrase for you as well.

Topic Focus

Rich: As I mentioned earlier, Jack was in Cambridge and he made a report from the city for you. There’s a video on the page too.

Jack: While you are listening, we want you to listen for three things that you learn about Cambridge.

Rich: One, what is Cambridge famous for?

Jack: Two, who was the most famous professor?

Rich: Three, what’s the link between Cambridge and football? Are you ready Jack?

Jack: What do you mean, Rich? I’m not in Cambridge now. I only have to press play.

Rich: Yes, yes you know what I mean …  that’s what I mean ... press play!

Jack: Alright here it is.



Jack: Cambridge is probably most famous for its university. The University of Cambridge is one of the most famous and prestigious in the world. The university was founded in 1209, over 800 years ago, and university buildings or colleges have been built and added to the university from the 13th century. Most of these buildings are still used today.

Jack: Over the centuries, many wonderful things have been discovered and invented at the University of Cambridge. The first ever computer game, noughts and crosses, was created here in the 1950s and the webcam was also invented here in the 1990s. But, Isaac Newton is probably the most well-known employee at Cambridge. He was an amazing mathematician and inventor - he discovered and invented many things but his most famous discovery was probably Newton’s law of universal gravitation … you probably know the story … an apple falls on Newton’s head from a tree and the rest ... is history!


Jack: So, if you kick a football up in the air, it must come down again because of gravity. We know that because of Isaac Newton. But, what connects Cambridge and football? Well, I’m now in a park called Parker’s Piece in the centre of Cambridge. In this park, in 1848, the first ever football rules were written down. The rules were actually pinned to this tree I’m looking at now. I’ll take a photo of this plaque and put it on the website for you to look at when we get this podcast on the website. The plaque is very small but there is a plan for a big sculpture in the park. I’ve been told that it’s being built this year and it’s going to be put right in the middle of the park so everybody who comes to Cambridge will know this is where modern football began.

Jack: Right, that’s all from me. I need to get a cup of tea. Are you there Rich?

Language Focus

Rich: Thanks for that Jack. It was really interesting. 

Jack: Did you answer the questions we gave you?

Rich: The answers are: Cambridge is famous for its university, Cambridge University’s most famous professor was Isaac Newton and the link between Cambridge and football is that Cambridge is the place where the first ever football rules were written down. I had no idea that football originated in Cambridge.

Jack: No, I don’t think many people know about that football link. What we want to focus on now is the language that I used in the last section.

Rich: Yes, you used the passive a lot - was founded, are used today, were written down, have been discovered. 

Jack: We use the passive a lot when we are talking about discoveries and inventions; especially when we are not interested in who did the discovering or the inventing, or we don’t know, or it is obvious.

Rich: For example, Jack said the webcam was invented here. He was talking about Cambridge University and inventions and it wasn’t important to speak about who invented the webcam.

Jack: But, when I was talking about Isaac Newton I didn’t use the passive because he was the subject and the person who did the action. I wanted to talk about him. For example, I said he discovered many things.

Rich: We create the passive by using the verb to be + the 3rd form of the verb. You can use the passive in the present, past or future or in the continuous form.

Jack: We use the passive to talk about football a lot too. Let’s look at an example.

Rich: Liverpool were given a penalty. 

Jack: Here we are more interested in Liverpool getting a penalty. We’re not that interested in who gave the penalty. And anyway, we know who gave the penalty - it was the referee - we know it, it’s obvious. It would be strange to say ‘the referee gave Liverpool a penalty’ if you were telling someone about what happened in a match.

Rich: We’re going to give you five sentences and we want you to think why the passive is being used, is being used - that’s the passive too!

Jack: Number 1: An Arsenal player was sent off.

Rich: Number 2: The shot was brilliantly saved by De Gea.

Jack: Number 3: The first football rules were written down in Cambridge.

Rich: Number 4: Most of the buildings are still used today.

Jack: Number 5: Many wonderful things have been discovered at Cambridge University.

Rich: In Cambridge, Jack used the passive in one other form that we didn’t look at in the last section. Jack said the sculpture ‘is being built this year’. 

Jack: Using the present continuous passive is a common way to talk about something that is being done but you have no control over it or it’s being done by someone else.

Rich: We use the present continuous passive to talk about an action that is happening now or a process that is in progress.

Jack: At the beginning of the podcast, we had some problems with noise. There were some builders upstairs putting some new windows in.

Rich: I said ‘something’s being done on the roof or something’ and ‘some new windows are being put in upstairs’.

Jack: Rich used the present continuous passive because it was happening at that moment but when I said ‘the sculpture is being built’ that was about something that is in progress, but I don’t know if it is being built right now or not.

Rich: Some examples could be phrases like lots of new stadiums are being built for the World Cup in Qatar or my visa application is being processed at the embassy. 

Jack: Don’t forget, there is more information about the language we use on the page below and activities to help you understand. 


Rich: Jack connected Cambridge to football in the report and our task for you this week is a simple one.

Jack: We want you to connect a city in your country to the Premier League or a Premier League club.

Rich: We also, like Jack did, want you to use the passive a lot when you are telling us about your city.

Jack: Tell us a little about a city in your country, its history and maybe something that was discovered or built there ..

Rich: Then tell us how the city connects to the Premier League. It could be something like a player from the city who plays or played in the Premier League, a time a team visited your city, clubs that wear the same kit or something more complicated.

Jack: What’s the task again?

Rich: First,  choose a city in your country. Second, write a little about the city. Third, write about the connection the city has with the Premier League and fourth, remember to use the passive.

Jack: Got it! Write your answers in the comments section at the bottom of the page and don’t forget to respond to other people’s comments too. It’s another way to practise your English skills - building conversations!

Can you work out this week’s football phrase?

Rich: Have you got a football phrase for us this week? 

Jack: Yes, I have, but first, last week’s football phrase. The phrase was to chip the keeper. This phrase is what a striker often does when he is one on one with the keeper. He runs towards the goal and chips the keeper. The ball goes over the head of the keeper and into the net.

Rich: Well done to everyone who got it right. What’s this week’s football phrase?

Jack: This week’s football phrase is a *** ***. This is a type of pass on the football pitch. One player passes to a teammate then runs forward to receive the ball immediately from that teammate. This type of pass is used to go past defenders.

Rich: If you can count in English you should be able to get this phrase …

Jack: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below.

Rich: And don’t forget to listen to our round-up show called ‘This Week’. All the action from Matchweek 8 will be on the Premier Skills homepage on Monday.

Jack: Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

There is a small plaque in the park to show where the first ever football rules rules were written down.

There are plans for a big sculpture in the park so everybody will know where modern football began.

There were a few more tricky words in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to their definitions. All of the words were in this week's podcast.
Can you match the words to their definitions?

A 19th century football match being played in Cambridge.


The Passive - A review

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about the passive. The structure of the passive is the verb to be + the past participle.  You can use the passive in all tenses; you just need to change the verb to be. There were different examples in the podcast:

The first ever football rules were written down in 1848. = The past simple passive

A sculpture is going to be put in the middle of the park. = Going to future passive

Many wonderful things have been invented at Cambridge University. = Present perfect passive

It's important to know when to use the passive and not to use it too much. One important thing is to think about is the person or thing that does the action in the sentence. We can call this person or thing the actor in the sentence. A passive sentence doesn't include the actor unless it's at the end of a sentence; often after the preposition by. Let's look at an example:

People wrote down football rules for the first ever time in Cambridge in 1848.

Football rules were written down for the first ever time in Cambridge in 1848 (by people).

In this example, we can see that the actor is people. In the first sentence, the actor is also the subject of the verb. The sentence is active. In the second sentence, there is no actor and the subject of the sentence is football rules, here the sentence is passive. We use the passive because the actor is obvious and not important.

Why do we use the passive?

When we don't care or don't know who did the action

We often use the passive when the thing or person who does the action is obvious, not important or we don't know the actor. In the example above, the actor was obvious so we didn't add 'people'. Here are some other examples: 

Manchester Utd were given a penalty.

Lots of hamburgers are eaten in the USA.

My bike was stolen last night.

When we want to hide or not talk about who did the action

People often use the passive so they don't have to talk about the person who did something. Sometimes it is used if you don't want to say that you did something yourself! Some examples are:

We are sorry to announce that your flight has been delayed.

Mistakes were made and the government is going to do something about it.

Your package seems to have been lost.

When we are using more formal English

You will often see the passive used in more academic books, especially when describing procedures. Here are some examples:

The liquid is placed into the jar and is then heated to 200 degrees.

It has been discovered that some foods contain dangerous chemicals.

In the activity below, take a look at some sentences that use the passive and decide why the passive is being used. There could be more than one correct answer!

Activity 2

Activity 2: Read each sentence and decide which words to put in each gap.
How well do you know the passive?

Cambridge is more famous for the annual Cambridge - Oxford boat race than football.


Present Continuous Passive

Using the present continuous is one example of the passive that is often used in more informal conversations and its construction often causes learners some problems. Take a look at these examples from the podcast:

I've been told that the sculpture's being done this year.

Lots of new stadiums are being built for the World Cup in Qatar.

My visa application is being processed at the embassy.

The present continuous passive is used to show that something is happening now or a process is in progress. 

In this activity, take a look at some sentences which use the present continuous passive and decide which past participle to use.

Activity 3

Activity 3: Look at these examples of the present continuous passive and decide which past participle is most appropriate to use.
Can you choose the right verb?

The Burnley midfielder WAS GIVEN a red card.


Connecting Cities

In this week's podcast, Jack visited Cambridge and spoke about the city and its connection to football. Your task this week is to write about a city in your country and try to find a connection to the Premier League or a Premier League club. This might be easier than you think - 106 FIFA affiliated nations have been represented in the Premier League - from Albania to Zimbabwe! The connection doesn't have to be a specific player; it could be a match, a club tour, team colours, a nickname or anything you could think of. 

Here is what you have to do. 

  1. Choose a city in your country 

  2. Write a little about the city's history, famous places or geography

  3. Tell us about football in the city and its connection to the Premier League or a Premier League club

  4. Use the passive where appropriate

  5. Write your answers in the comments section below.


Please login to take this quiz.

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What do you think?

In this week’s podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about Cambridge and the passive.

Would you like to visit Cambridge? Have you ever visited the UK? Which cities would you like to visit?

Do you know about the history of football in your country? Where was it first played? 

Look at the task above and write your answers. Don't forget to reply to other listeners too.

Remember to write your guess at this week's football phrase, too!

If you want us to correct your English, just write 'correct me' at the beginning of your comment.

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hsn's picture


1-I've visited the U.K. and I've been in Cambridge.Lovely place.

2- History of football in my country;

First football club was founded in İzmir city by British. In 1897 first football match was held in İstanbul. First Turkish football clup's name was Black Stocking. In 1903 first football league was founded. After 1905 today’s famous clubs GS-FB and BJK clubs were founded respectively. After new republic state was founded in 1923 Turkish Football Federation became member of FIFA. In 1959 today’s Super League kicked off.

İstanbul is the biggest city of my country which settled on a strait named Bosphorus. Medical doctor Prof. Hulusi Behçet who lived here dicovered "Behçet Disease" . The world’s first car ferry was built and used here to transport cars,goods and human In the 1800s. There was first attempt of human by wearing wings to fly from top of Galata tower in Medieval times. Liverpool visited this city for a match with Milan. My teams Tottenham and BJK wear same kit "Black and White".
2021 UEFA Champions League Final match will be taken place in İstanbul.


•All this datas about new customers are being processed to kick off a new campaign .


•I read a book about history of universities in the World. The second university in Europe in the Medieval times was Paris University. When France king II.Henry banned British students to study there, they went back to their country and established Oxford university in 1167 . Cambridge university was the second university which was founded in 1209 in the U.K.

• As far as I know first foot "ball" game was played by the ancient Maya-Inka civilizations in the South America.

hsn's picture
08/04/2021 18:08
Tottenham Hotspur


1-I've visited the U.K. and I've been in Cambridge.Lovely place.

2- History of football in my country;

First football club was founded in İzmir city by British. In 1897 first football match was held in İstanbul. First Turkish football clup's name was Black Stocking. In 1903 first football league was founded. After 1905 today’s famous clubs GS-FB and BJK clubs were founded respectively. After new republic state was founded in 1923 Turkish Football Federation became member of FIFA. In 1959 today’s Super League kicked off.

İstanbul is the biggest city of my country which settled on a strait named Bosphorus. Medical doctor Prof. Hulusi Behçet who lived here dicovered "Behçet Disease" . The world’s first car ferry was built and used here to transport cars,goods and human In the 1800s. There was first attempt of human by wearing wings to fly from top of Galata tower in Medieval times. Liverpool visited this city for a match with Milan. My teams Tottenham and BJK wear same kit "Black and White".
2021 UEFA Champions League Final match will be taken place in İstanbul.


•All this datas about new customers are being processed to kick off a new campaign .


•I read a book about history of universities in the World. The second university in Europe in the Medieval times was Paris University. When France king II.Henry banned British students to study there, they went back to their country and established Oxford university in 1167 . Cambridge university was the second university which was founded in 1209 in the U.K.

• As far as I know first foot "ball" game was played by the ancient Maya-Inka civilizations in the South America.

mobeckham's picture

This week's football phrase is ( one-two pass ) or ( wall pass )

mobeckham's picture
20/05/2020 08:39
Manchester United

This week's football phrase is ( one-two pass ) or ( wall pass )

mobeckham's picture

Well , I am gonna talk about my home city ( Izmir )
* Smyrna was an Ancient Greek city located at a central and strategic
point of the Aegean coast of Anatolia.
* This place is known today as Izmir
* Izmir is a metropolitan city in the western extremity of Anatolia
* It's the third most populous city in Turkey after Istanbul and Ankara
* It's one of the most westernized cities in Turkey
* The Historic Elevator was built in 1907
* The Clock Tower was donated by German Emperor Wilhelm II
* The Balcova Teleferik cable car was built in 1974
* Ephesus is located only an hour-ride away from Izmir
* The football team here , Göztepe , wears kits that is similar to
Manchester United and the badge is red and yellow like United's too

mobeckham's picture
20/05/2020 08:37
Manchester United

Well , I am gonna talk about my home city ( Izmir )
* Smyrna was an Ancient Greek city located at a central and strategic
point of the Aegean coast of Anatolia.
* This place is known today as Izmir
* Izmir is a metropolitan city in the western extremity of Anatolia
* It's the third most populous city in Turkey after Istanbul and Ankara
* It's one of the most westernized cities in Turkey
* The Historic Elevator was built in 1907
* The Clock Tower was donated by German Emperor Wilhelm II
* The Balcova Teleferik cable car was built in 1974
* Ephesus is located only an hour-ride away from Izmir
* The football team here , Göztepe , wears kits that is similar to
Manchester United and the badge is red and yellow like United's too

mobeckham's picture

Actually I am not very good at history but I think it was first played in Istanbul where there are the most famous teams but I'm not sure

mobeckham's picture
20/05/2020 08:25
Manchester United

Actually I am not very good at history but I think it was first played in Istanbul where there are the most famous teams but I'm not sure

mobeckham's picture

I'd love to visit Cambridge as it seems a historical city
I've got my CELTA certificate from Cambridge University though
It's one of the most prestigious moments of my life :)

mobeckham's picture
20/05/2020 08:24
Manchester United

I'd love to visit Cambridge as it seems a historical city
I've got my CELTA certificate from Cambridge University though
It's one of the most prestigious moments of my life :)

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Correct me


1- It's Obvious, "it's the referee".
The same as Liverpool were given a penalty.

2- It's not important, "we want to concentrate on the save".

3- We don't not know, "who wrote them".

4- It's obvious, "the students and the university emploees are using the buildings".

5- It's not important...

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
19/10/2017 21:03

Correct me


1- It's Obvious, "it's the referee".
The same as Liverpool were given a penalty.

2- It's not important, "we want to concentrate on the save".

3- We don't not know, "who wrote them".

4- It's obvious, "the students and the university emploees are using the buildings".

5- It's not important...

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Correct me


Omdurman is the power house of football in our country. People often call it "the football capital of Sudan" and it was the capital city of the country in the 1880s untill the early 1920s. It has a special place in every Sudanese person's heart!

There are some good places to visit in Omdurman city including, Alkhalefa Museam, the river banks in the southern countryside, the parks in the city centre, Albusta Market, the Doctors' Street, etc.

And as I said, it's a city of football, the most famous Sudanese footballers came from here and the country's biggest clubs are also from "Omdur" too.

No Sudanese players are playing or even played (another tense would be better here) in the Premier League and I don't think this long journey from England to Sudan was made by a PL side. However, the PL is watched here even more than our domestic league and lots of PL clubs are being backed here.

Football phrase, this time I think it's PSE's all-time easiest phrase! It is a "*** ***" pass.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
19/10/2017 20:42

Correct me


Omdurman is the power house of football in our country. People often call it "the football capital of Sudan" and it was the capital city of the country in the 1880s untill the early 1920s. It has a special place in every Sudanese person's heart!

There are some good places to visit in Omdurman city including, Alkhalefa Museam, the river banks in the southern countryside, the parks in the city centre, Albusta Market, the Doctors' Street, etc.

And as I said, it's a city of football, the most famous Sudanese footballers came from here and the country's biggest clubs are also from "Omdur" too.

No Sudanese players are playing or even played (another tense would be better here) in the Premier League and I don't think this long journey from England to Sudan was made by a PL side. However, the PL is watched here even more than our domestic league and lots of PL clubs are being backed here.

Football phrase, this time I think it's PSE's all-time easiest phrase! It is a "*** ***" pass.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Correct me


Cambridge is a great place to visit especially, its university and it's also a good choice for some sight-seeing. (Have you visited Cambridge? Do you think you should be using 'would'?)

Actually, I haven't been to the UK before, but it would be fantastic if I had to visit it. And for everyone who's planning to visit the UK, London is definitely a must visit.

As for me, I would like to visit the county of Dumfries & Galaway in the south coast of Scotland once on a holiday. It's such a beautiful place for a vacation. Why?

Now, being a Liverpool fan, I would love to enjoy a Premier Leauge experience at Anfield, to watch the PL from the heart of the scene and to live the moment with the Liverpool fans spreading their famous red scarves in the stadium!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
19/10/2017 19:42

Correct me


Cambridge is a great place to visit especially, its university and it's also a good choice for some sight-seeing. (Have you visited Cambridge? Do you think you should be using 'would'?)

Actually, I haven't been to the UK before, but it would be fantastic if I had to visit it. And for everyone who's planning to visit the UK, London is definitely a must visit.

As for me, I would like to visit the county of Dumfries & Galaway in the south coast of Scotland once on a holiday. It's such a beautiful place for a vacation. Why?

Now, being a Liverpool fan, I would love to enjoy a Premier Leauge experience at Anfield, to watch the PL from the heart of the scene and to live the moment with the Liverpool fans spreading their famous red scarves in the stadium!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Correct me

Another great podcast! In fact, all the PSE pods are great, but the last four ones were special great. Anyway, let me start with task one, cuz it seems there's a lot of work to be done in podcast!

Thanks Ahmed Adam! We try our best!


Football in Sudan has a long history. It began when some members of the British colonial army brought the game with them in 1898, but it took a long time before the Sudanese Football Association was founded in the mid thirties from (different preposition needed here) the last century.
Between 1898 and 1935, a different type of football has been played (wrong tense) by the locals. The teams were six-a-side each and there were no corner-kicks! Instead, one point was given to the opposition. And after a team had scored a goal, they were given three points for that.

I have been told that Pele's Santos FC came to Sudan in the 1970s and played against Al-Hilal SC -- the team which I support -- in the world's all-time greatest first ever visit to the contenent.

Gone were the days when the Falcons of Jediane were crowned champions of African Cup of Nations and having been finalists on two seperate occasions.

When the Sudanese football was at its peak, the government unconstitutionally decided to stop all the domestic football in 1976 because the president's favourite team were well-beaten by Al-Hilal SC and the fans celebrated in a way that angered the president, as a result, all football players in the country crossed the border to the Gulf region, and to the KSA in particular in their quest for practising (can you rephrase this?) the game.

Nowadays, our domestic league is completely ignored by the responsible bodies and there's a lack of professionality ( a different part of speech needed here) in managing the game.

The quality is very poor and there are no football academies at all although some teams have started building their own academies in the last two years or so.

At the moment, almost the only people who watch the Sudanese Premier League are the old people, even the children are much more interested in Europe's top leagues, me myself I don't remember when last time I watched a domestic league game!

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
19/10/2017 18:56

Correct me

Another great podcast! In fact, all the PSE pods are great, but the last four ones were special great. Anyway, let me start with task one, cuz it seems there's a lot of work to be done in podcast!

Thanks Ahmed Adam! We try our best!


Football in Sudan has a long history. It began when some members of the British colonial army brought the game with them in 1898, but it took a long time before the Sudanese Football Association was founded in the mid thirties from (different preposition needed here) the last century.
Between 1898 and 1935, a different type of football has been played (wrong tense) by the locals. The teams were six-a-side each and there were no corner-kicks! Instead, one point was given to the opposition. And after a team had scored a goal, they were given three points for that.

I have been told that Pele's Santos FC came to Sudan in the 1970s and played against Al-Hilal SC -- the team which I support -- in the world's all-time greatest first ever visit to the contenent.

Gone were the days when the Falcons of Jediane were crowned champions of African Cup of Nations and having been finalists on two seperate occasions.

When the Sudanese football was at its peak, the government unconstitutionally decided to stop all the domestic football in 1976 because the president's favourite team were well-beaten by Al-Hilal SC and the fans celebrated in a way that angered the president, as a result, all football players in the country crossed the border to the Gulf region, and to the KSA in particular in their quest for practising (can you rephrase this?) the game.

Nowadays, our domestic league is completely ignored by the responsible bodies and there's a lack of professionality ( a different part of speech needed here) in managing the game.

The quality is very poor and there are no football academies at all although some teams have started building their own academies in the last two years or so.

At the moment, almost the only people who watch the Sudanese Premier League are the old people, even the children are much more interested in Europe's top leagues, me myself I don't remember when last time I watched a domestic league game!

Rich's picture

Hi Ahmed Adam

I've made a couple of comments and changes. Let me know if you have any questions. I've made a couple of comments on your later replies too.

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
23/10/2017 16:43

Hi Ahmed Adam

I've made a couple of comments and changes. Let me know if you have any questions. I've made a couple of comments on your later replies too.

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado


No Sudanese players (have played) in the PL

I haven't visited Cambridge and it would be nice to visit it one day.

Why that county?
Well, I usually like to spend my holidays in the countryside and to spend my weekends on the beach.

Knowing that Britain is an island, so many of its cities have beaches, but what makes me choose that area in Scotland is, I once saw a programme about it and loved it. It just has a great nature: green countryside, beatiful beaches and hills. It's also a chance to discover new places within the UK and not just England

In the mid thirties (of) the last cetury

between 1898 and 1935, a different type of football (was played or had been played?)

In their quest (to practise) the game.

There's a lack (profession?) in managing the game.

Thanks a bunch our teacher for evey minute you sacrify.
Patiently waitting for you to confirm them.

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
24/10/2017 12:19


No Sudanese players (have played) in the PL

I haven't visited Cambridge and it would be nice to visit it one day.

Why that county?
Well, I usually like to spend my holidays in the countryside and to spend my weekends on the beach.

Knowing that Britain is an island, so many of its cities have beaches, but what makes me choose that area in Scotland is, I once saw a programme about it and loved it. It just has a great nature: green countryside, beatiful beaches and hills. It's also a chance to discover new places within the UK and not just England

In the mid thirties (of) the last cetury

between 1898 and 1935, a different type of football (was played or had been played?)

In their quest (to practise) the game.

There's a lack (profession?) in managing the game.

Thanks a bunch our teacher for evey minute you sacrify.
Patiently waitting for you to confirm them.


correct me
My country is Serbia,and capital city is Belgrade.Belgrade has two famous teams Red star and Partizan.Many great players where played for this teams.One of them was Nemanja Vidic who played for Manchester United.Nemanja Vidic played for Red Star and he is a legend among the fans of the Red star.Sasa Curcic played for Partizan and he also played for several teams in Premier league.This week Red star will play against Arsenal in uefa cup,and that wil be a great match.The stadium will be crowded.Fans are excited,about upcoming match,and it will be the real football spectacle.Arsenal is a favorite but a Red star with the support of fans can get a favorable result.
This week's phrase is a *** *** .

16/10/2017 07:28
Manchester United

correct me
My country is Serbia,and capital city is Belgrade.Belgrade has two famous teams Red star and Partizan.Many great players where played for this teams.One of them was Nemanja Vidic who played for Manchester United.Nemanja Vidic played for Red Star and he is a legend among the fans of the Red star.Sasa Curcic played for Partizan and he also played for several teams in Premier league.This week Red star will play against Arsenal in uefa cup,and that wil be a great match.The stadium will be crowded.Fans are excited,about upcoming match,and it will be the real football spectacle.Arsenal is a favorite but a Red star with the support of fans can get a favorable result.
This week's phrase is a *** *** .

Rich's picture

Hi Milos

Thanks for your message.

There isn't much to correct because your English is very good. However, I will look at a couple of mistakes with articles:

  • Don't use 'the' in front of football clubs but do say 'the capital city' because there is only one. We say the UEFA Cup the Premier League, the upcoming match, the favourite and a real spectacle.

Sorry about the Red Star - Arsenal result. Red Star were unfortunate to get a man sent off but Giroud's goal was very good. What did you think?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
23/10/2017 16:38

Hi Milos

Thanks for your message.

There isn't much to correct because your English is very good. However, I will look at a couple of mistakes with articles:

  • Don't use 'the' in front of football clubs but do say 'the capital city' because there is only one. We say the UEFA Cup the Premier League, the upcoming match, the favourite and a real spectacle.

Sorry about the Red Star - Arsenal result. Red Star were unfortunate to get a man sent off but Giroud's goal was very good. What did you think?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado

Hi Milos
have you heared of Milutin Sredojevic "Micho"?

Ahmed Adam Mamado's picture
Ahmed Adam Mamado
19/10/2017 21:21

Hi Milos
have you heared of Milutin Sredojevic "Micho"?

elghoul's picture

I have spent some days in London in 1978. Highbury was one of my best remembering place.

Essay :

Turquish buildings has been dominating in all Algerian towns before French penetration. But in my birth town there is one which is famous for old citizens. It is Belbahar Villa that has been built in the center of the new town. Old Kouba as well as New town have been constructed by French pionneers. Not far away from the Turquish house there is La Croix cross which has history to tell. As you stroll ahead to the Old Kouba border you have The National High School Teachers Center which outcomes are well known through the country since its beginning in the twentieth century. Just accross the street a new coffee house  opened called the "Arsenal" where young people like to meet.

Football phrase, ***-*** pass.

elghoul's picture
14/10/2017 11:31
Manchester City

I have spent some days in London in 1978. Highbury was one of my best remembering place.

Essay :

Turquish buildings has been dominating in all Algerian towns before French penetration. But in my birth town there is one which is famous for old citizens. It is Belbahar Villa that has been built in the center of the new town. Old Kouba as well as New town have been constructed by French pionneers. Not far away from the Turquish house there is La Croix cross which has history to tell. As you stroll ahead to the Old Kouba border you have The National High School Teachers Center which outcomes are well known through the country since its beginning in the twentieth century. Just accross the street a new coffee house  opened called the "Arsenal" where young people like to meet.

Football phrase, ***-*** pass.

Rich's picture

Is the coffee house named after the football club or is there another reason it is called 'Arsenal'?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
23/10/2017 16:29

Is the coffee house named after the football club or is there another reason it is called 'Arsenal'?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

haruyuki's picture

I’d like to introduce you Osaka city in Japan.
It’s one of the biggest city in Japan and it’s famous for its local food culture such as Okonomiyaki and Takoyaki.
There are two professional football teams in Osaka, Cerezo and Gamba.
Cerezo is older and it was established in 1957. Gamba is more popular but I love Cerezo.
Kagawa Shinji who is famous Japanese national football player started his career in Cerezo. He used to play at Man Utd in 2012-13 season. Although he didn’t play a significant role there, the dream match Cerezo vs Man Utd were held in Osaka owing to his work.
I was really excited to watch this match at the stadium.

Please correct me, if I’m wrong.

I think this week phrase is a through ball.

haruyuki's picture
14/10/2017 07:02

I’d like to introduce you Osaka city in Japan.
It’s one of the biggest city in Japan and it’s famous for its local food culture such as Okonomiyaki and Takoyaki.
There are two professional football teams in Osaka, Cerezo and Gamba.
Cerezo is older and it was established in 1957. Gamba is more popular but I love Cerezo.
Kagawa Shinji who is famous Japanese national football player started his career in Cerezo. He used to play at Man Utd in 2012-13 season. Although he didn’t play a significant role there, the dream match Cerezo vs Man Utd were held in Osaka owing to his work.
I was really excited to watch this match at the stadium.

Please correct me, if I’m wrong.

I think this week phrase is a through ball.

Rich's picture

Hi Haruyuki

It was great to hear about Osaka. Kagawa Shinji is a great player but he played much better in Germany than in England. Do you know why? Who won the match between Cerezo and Manchester Utd?

The football phrase was one-two.

Thanks for your message.

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
23/10/2017 16:28

Hi Haruyuki

It was great to hear about Osaka. Kagawa Shinji is a great player but he played much better in Germany than in England. Do you know why? Who won the match between Cerezo and Manchester Utd?

The football phrase was one-two.

Thanks for your message.

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

elghoul's picture

First of all I want to congratulate you football team for World Cup qualifiers.

You must be lucky you Japaneses and its not our case in Algeria.

Good Moscow trip!

PS The phrase might be "***-*** pass"

elghoul's picture
14/10/2017 11:36
Manchester City

First of all I want to congratulate you football team for World Cup qualifiers.

You must be lucky you Japaneses and its not our case in Algeria.

Good Moscow trip!

PS The phrase might be "***-*** pass"

haruyuki's picture

Thank you for your comment.

I hope Vahid Halilhodžić makes Japan football team so strong as he did in Algeria.

haruyuki's picture
19/10/2017 07:11

Thank you for your comment.

I hope Vahid Halilhodžić makes Japan football team so strong as he did in Algeria.

kwesimanifest's picture

This week's phrase is *** ***
Its a great delight when successfully played out however if one is obstructed from completing the process by an opponent, the refree might award a foul to the players engaged in that act.

kwesimanifest's picture
14/10/2017 05:05
Manchester United

This week's phrase is *** ***
Its a great delight when successfully played out however if one is obstructed from completing the process by an opponent, the refree might award a foul to the players engaged in that act.

Khaldoun83's picture

The football phrase is ***-***.


Khaldoun83's picture
13/10/2017 16:28

The football phrase is ***-***.


Liubomyr's picture

The phrase is ‘***-***’.
In Ukrainian such kind of play is called a ‘wall’, because its looks a little bit like the player kicks the ball to a wall and then the ball returns to him.

Liubomyr's picture
13/10/2017 13:01

The phrase is ‘***-***’.
In Ukrainian such kind of play is called a ‘wall’, because its looks a little bit like the player kicks the ball to a wall and then the ball returns to him.

Jack Radford's picture
Jack Radford

Wow - fast and accurate as usual!

Jack Radford's picture
Jack Radford
13/10/2017 14:29
United Kingdom

Wow - fast and accurate as usual!


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United146545
5Manchester City58636
6Tottenham Hotspur19351
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4895


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Language: Revise the passive voice

Language: Present continuous passive

Task: Write about a city in your country