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Playing bowls.

Understanding Grammar: Relative Clauses

Understanding Grammar: Relative Clauses

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack and Rich focus on grammar and take a look at relative clauses. In the roleplay, they visit a sports expo and talk about unusual or minority sports. Your task is to describe an unusual sport or minority sport in your country using relative clauses and other listeners have to guess the sport you are describing. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess, too. Enjoy!


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Read and listen at the same time.


Jack: Hello my name’s Jack

Rich: and I’m Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Rich: We recommend that you listen to this podcast on the Premier Skills English website because that is where we have the transcript, language examples, activities, quizzes and a discussion page to help you understand everything we talk about.

Jack: However, if you’re listening on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, you can leave answers to our questions in the review section. We do read all the reviews and would love to hear from you. 

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we’re going to help you with a tricky bit of grammar. We’re going to look at things called relative clauses.

Jack: Relative clauses are parts of more complicated sentences and are really useful when we are speaking or writing in more complex ways.

Rich: Relative clauses use relative pronouns to join two parts of a sentence together. Examples are words such as that, which, who and whose.

Jack: We’ll look at these in more detail later on. The topic of the podcast is unusual sports or minority sports; sports that are less popular than common sports like football.

Rich: We’re going to be speaking about some more unusual sports in this week’s roleplay and this week’s task is to describe an unusual or minority sport and to read and guess some sports from other listeners descriptions.

Jack: OK, unusual sports, relative clauses and writing a description to come but before all that, we need to take a look at last week’s football phrase.

Last week’s Football Phrase

Jack: Last week’s phrase was really difficult, Rich.

Rich: I thought it was, but we still got a few right answers and Luibomyr from Ukraine actually said it wasn’t one of our tougher football phrases.

Jack: I’ll have to disagree with Luibomyr, there. I thought it was really tough. But well done to those few of you who got it right. Luibomyr from Ukraine was one of them but a big well done to Ahmed Abdallah from Egypt who also got the correct answer.

Rich: Right, well, if you didn’t hear it last week we’re going to give you one more chance to guess now and we’ll give you the correct answer at the end of the show when we give you a new football phrase.

Jack: OK, if you remember the phrase was connected to the countryside which was the topic of last week’s podcast. Let’s hear it one more time, Rich.

Rich: The phrase is ****** ** *** **** ** *** ***** and it describes a team that is at the bottom of the league by a big margin and there is little chance of them moving upwards - they are stuck. The key word in the phrase is the part of a plant that grows under the ground. 

Jack: Have a think and we’ll give you the answer at the end of the show. I will also have a new football phrase for you to guess. I think I’ll make this week’s football phrase a bit easier.

Introduction to roleplay

Rich: This week Jack and I are visiting a sports expo at a sports centre in his town.

Jack: A sports expo that’s a bit much. It’s not that big.

Rich: OK, well there is an exhibition in Jack’s local sports centre. There are lots of local sports clubs there and they are trying to encourage people to join up and register for their club.

Jack: That’s right. There are loads of different sports, some that lots of people play like football and tennis and more unusual sports like taekwondo, fencing and canoeing.

Rich: After our conversation, we’ll talk about some of the language we used and focus on relative clauses.

Jack: While you listen, we want you to answer a question. The question is: 

Rich: Which sports do I sign up for?


Rich: Hey, Jack. What kept you? I’ve been here for an hour already?

Jack: Yeah, sorry. Traffic ..., weather ..., I overslept. Yep, that one. My alarm didn’t go off.

Rich: Alright, whatever. You’re here now.

Jack: It’s busy - lots of people here. I see you’ve been busy, too. You’ve got a pile of leaflets there.

Rich: I know. This one is for the 5-a-side football club, this one is for the squash club, this one is for the water polo club, this is for fencing and this one is for the local bowls team …

Jack: Bowls? Bowls? Don’t you do this every year? You pick up loads of leaflets, talk to the people, you even join up and then ... nothing.

Rich: That's not true. I go to the gym. I have an occasional game of five-a-side. I go swimming sometimes and get my bike out when it’s sunny.

Jack: I’m not saying you don’t do anything but you sign up to these minority sports but then never do them.

Rich: I did baseball last year.

Jack: How many times did you go?

Rich: Once, but that was because I was standing too close to the batter and he broke my nose. I wasn’t going to go back after that. I tried abseiling the year before though.

Jack: But you’re scared of heights, aren’t you?

Rich: Mmm yeah … but, bowls, I think it would be good. Not too tiring or frightening and I don’t think I’m going to get injured.

Jack: What do you even know about bowls?

Rich: I know that there are more bowling greens than football pitches in the UK.

Jack: Really? That’s not true, is it?

Rich: Probably not but there are a lot and it is true that it’s a really old sport. It’s been played in England since the 12th century.

Jack: I’ve done a bit of bowling before I reckon bowls would be much easier.

Rich: You’re talking about ten-pin bowling. Everyone can do that. I think bowls is much more difficult. That’s why I’ve signed up. 

Jack: I’m not sure about that and it’s played by … how should I say this ... people who no longer play more energetic sports.

Rich: That’s a bit of a myth. Loads of younger people play bowls. The world champion is in his early thirties, that’s not too old, is it?

Jack: I suppose not. So tell me a bit more about what you found out? When and where do you play bowls? How do you play?!

Rich: You play outside on something that is called a green, which is basically a flat square area of short grass. You throw a small white ball, which is called the jack, and then one player throws red balls, that are actually called bowls, and the other player throws blue bowls. The winner is the player whose bowl gets the closest to the jack. You can also hit the other player’s bowls out of the way, which is a lot of fun.

Jack: Nah! I’m not signing up for that. It’s a bit slow-paced, isn’t it? I want something that is fun but that will also keep me fit.

Rich: Well, I’ve also signed up for ice-hockey, weight-lifting, triathlon and Zumba classes.

Jack: You haven’t, have you?

Rich: No, but I might next year.

Language Focus: Defining Relative Clauses

Jack: Right, did you get the answer to the question we gave you: which sports did Rich sign up for?

Rich: I only actually signed up for bowls. I got information about fencing, 5-a-side football, squash and water polo and I was joking about ice-hockey, weight-lifting, triathlon and Zumba classes.

Jack: Bit I wouldn’t be surprised if you signed up for the lot. You’ll never go though.

Rich: Probably not.

Jack: In the roleplay, we were at a sports expo where you get the chance to find out about or try out lots of different sports.

Rich: The sport I signed up for and said I was going to try out is bowls which can be described as a minority sport especially outside of the UK.

Jack: Minority sports are sports that have less exposure in the media and on television and fewer participants or players than popular sports.

Rich: Many of the sports we mentioned in the roleplay could be described as minority sports in the UK. Sports like water polo, fencing, abseiling, squash, weightlifting, triathlon even 5-a-side football can be described as minority sports in the UK.

Jack: Your task this week is to describe one of those sports we’ve just mentioned or another minority sport in your country.

Rich: When you write your description we want you to include some defining relative clauses. I used these when talking about bowls.

Jack: So, let’s look at what defining relative clauses are and how to use them in your speaking and writing.

Rich:  A relative clause is the part of a sentence that comes after words like ‘which’, ‘that’, ‘who’, ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘whose’. These words are called relative pronouns. Relative clauses are connected or related to the first part of the sentence. 

Jack: For example, Manchester City is the club that won the Premier League last season. Here we are using the relative pronoun ‘that’ and the relative clause is ‘that won the Premier League last season’.

Rich: Or to take an example from the roleplay: A sports expo is a place where you get the chance to find out about or try out lots of different sports. Here we are using the relative pronoun ‘where’ and the relative clause is ‘where you get the chance to find out about or try out lots of different sports’.

Jack: A defining relative clause is when the relative clause is essential for the sentence to make sense. Both of the above examples are defining relative clauses.

Rich: There are also non-defining relative clauses which just add extra information and are not essential for the meaning of the sentence.

Jack: Listen to this example: Sergio Aguero, who has 7 goals already this season, will be in action on Saturday.

Rich: Here we used a non-defining relative clause. The information is extra - the sentence makes sense without the non-defining relative clause.

Jack: Sergio Aguero will be in action on Saturday.

Rich: When we write non-defining relative clauses we use commas at the beginning and the end of the clause.

Jack: When Rich was talking about bowls he used a few relative clauses. Listen to Rich talking about bowls again. Can you hear the relative clauses? There are six to find.

Rich: You play outside on something that is called a green, which is basically a flat square area of short grass. You throw a small white ball, which is called the jack, and then one player throws red balls, that are actually called bowls, and the other player throws blue bowls. The winner is the player whose bowl gets the closest to the jack. You can also hit the other player’s bowls out of the way, which is a lot of fun.

Jack: Did you hear them all? If you want to learn more about how to use relative clauses, take a look at the page for this podcast on the Premier Skills English website or take a look at the grammar pages on our Learn English website.


Rich: If you are confident about how to use relative clauses, we want you to have a go at our task, which is to describe a minority sport.

Jack: The sport can be one of the minority sports we mentioned in the roleplay or a minority sport in your country.

Rich: When you describe your sport we want you to use relative clauses but we don’t want you to tell us the name of the sport.

Jack: No, don’t tell us the name of the sport you are describing. We want other listeners to try and guess the sport in the comments section.

Rich: OK, so write your descriptions of a minority sport in the comments section on the Premier Skills website but don’t say the name of the sport!

Football Phrase

Jack: OK, it’s time for this week’s football phrase.

Rich: It’s your turn this week, Jack. You’ve been thinking of one that everybody can get right, right?

Jack: I have and I’m also going to use a relative clause.

Rich: I think you definitely should. Let’s hear the phrase then.

Jack: This week’s football phrase is * **** ***. * **** *** is a moment in a basketball or maybe an ice-hockey match when the players stop playing in the middle of the match so the coaches can talk tactics with the players.

Rich: We don’t have **** **** in football though!

Jack: But this week we were talking about minority sports so I thought I’d do that one. I bet loads of people get it right!

Rich: I suppose but we’ll go back to football phrases next week. 

Jack: OK. Before we forget, if you’re still thinking about last week’s football phrase - the answer was to be rooted to the foot of the table.

Rich: Write your answers in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website and we’ll announce your name on next week’s show.

Jack: Right, that’s all we have time for this week. Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

Yeah, sorry. Traffic ..., weather ..., I overslept. Yep, that one. My alarm didn’t go off.

I’m not saying you don’t do anything but you sign up to these minority sports but then never do them.

I reckon bowls would be much easier.

That’s a bit of a myth. Loads of younger people play bowls. 

It’s a bit slow-paced, isn’t it? I want something that is fun but that will also keep me fit.

All of these phrases were in the roleplay. Listen to the roleplay again and read the transcript. Listen for the phrases in bold. If you're not sure what they mean, have a go at the activity below or ask us a question in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to their definitions. All of the words were in this week's podcast.
Can you match the words to the definitions?

Ice-hockey is a minority sport in the UK but not in Canada!


Minority Sports

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich visited a sports expo which is a type of exhibition where sports clubs try to get more members. These types of sports expos or 'fairs' are popular at universities at the start of the academic year. They also give people a chance to get to know more about minority sports and might get the chance to try these sports out.  

Minority sports are sports that have less exposure in the media and on television and fewer participants or players than popular sports.

Football is the biggest sport in the UK and is the most popular. Rugby and cricket would also be described as major sports in the UK and also horse racing. There are horse racing tracks all around the UK that attract thousands of spectators every week. Tennis, golf, cycling, motor racing and athletics would also be described as major sports but are more popular at specific times of the year e.g. tennis during the Wimbledon Championships and athletics during the Olympics or Athletics World Championships.

In the roleplay, we mentioned many minority sports. Have a go at this activity and see if you can match the sports to their definitions.

Activity 2

Activity 2: In this activity, match the definitions to the minority sports.
How well do you know your minority sports?

Rich is scared of heights so abseiling is probably not the sport for him.


Relative Clauses

In the language focus, Jack and Rich spoke about relative clauses. Relative clauses give us more information about people and things. To indicate the start of a relative clause we often use a relative pronoun. The pronoun we use depends on what we we are talking about:

  • which refers to things
  • that refers to people or things
  • who refers to people
  • whose refers to possessions
  • where refers to places
  • when refers to times

Fencing is a minority sport in the UK.

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used lots of relative clauses:

Manchester City is the club that won the Premier League last season. 

A sports expo is a place where you get the chance to find out about or try out lots of different sports.

The winner is the player whose bowl gets the closest to the jack.

Have a go at this activity and try to choose the correct relative pronoun in each sentence.

Activity 3

Activity 3: In this activity, look at the relative clauses and type the correct relative pronoun in the gap.
Can you write the right pronoun?

Water polo is a minority sport in the UK but more popular in other countries.


Defining and non-defining relative clauses

A defining relative clause is when the relative clause is essential for the sentence to make sense. Both of the above examples are defining relative clauses. There are also non-defining relative clauses which just add extra information and are not essential for the meaning of the sentence. Let's have a look at the differences:

A defining relative clause gives you essential information about the subject. Without the defining relative clause, it wouldn’t be clear who or what you were talking about:

The winner is the player whose bowl gets the closest to the jack

A non-defining relative clause adds extra information and is not essential for the meaning of the rest of the sentence:

Sergio Aguero, who has 7 goals already this season, will be in action on Saturday.


You can find many practice activities about relative clauses on the Learn English website.


Rich broke his nose playing baseball. Where do you think he was standing?



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Describe a minority sport

Rich described the sport of bowls in this podcast. Can you describe a minority sport?

This week we want you to describe a minority sport. It could be one of the sports we mentioned in the roleplay or a minority sport in your country. Include relative clauses in your description but don't name the sport! Other listeners have to guess the sport you are describing.

Try to answer these questions in your description:

  1. Where is the sport played? Is it played outdoors? Is it played on a court?
  2. Who plays this sport? Who is the best at this sport?
  3. What equipment do you need?
  4. How do you play this sport? What are the rules?
  5. Is this sport becoming more popular?

Write your answers in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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hsn's picture

1.It’s an Italy originated sport but now played everywhere even in my country. It can be played both indoor and outdoor. It’s played on a court which has special dimensions.

2.Everybody who interested in this sport can play. Umberto Granaglia ever best player.

3.Just nine plastic balls and a small court.

4. There is a ball called Pallino which is target of the game.Two or four players can play this game.Their aim to throw four balls as close as possible to pallino. The ball which close or touch to the pallino gets point.The player who gets fifteen points win the game.

5. This sport is getting popular than before.

A poem which included acrostic made up to give a clue-:)

Ball must be rolled to the pallino.
Out of game balls don’t get any points.
Court covered by gravel.
Close to pallino balls get points.
Everybody who interested can play this game.

hsn's picture
28/03/2021 19:07
Tottenham Hotspur

1.It’s an Italy originated sport but now played everywhere even in my country. It can be played both indoor and outdoor. It’s played on a court which has special dimensions.

2.Everybody who interested in this sport can play. Umberto Granaglia ever best player.

3.Just nine plastic balls and a small court.

4. There is a ball called Pallino which is target of the game.Two or four players can play this game.Their aim to throw four balls as close as possible to pallino. The ball which close or touch to the pallino gets point.The player who gets fifteen points win the game.

5. This sport is getting popular than before.

A poem which included acrostic made up to give a clue-:)

Ball must be rolled to the pallino.
Out of game balls don’t get any points.
Court covered by gravel.
Close to pallino balls get points.
Everybody who interested can play this game.

mobeckham's picture

This week's football phrase is ( time out )

mobeckham's picture
09/06/2020 13:57
Manchester United

This week's football phrase is ( time out )

mobeckham's picture

1. This sport is always played outdoors. Actually it must be played in the sky.

2. Lots of people play this sports everywhere nevertheless , it's not appropriate for everyone because it needs a lot of training and it's an extreme sport.
New Zealand and USA are arguably the best in this sport

3. You must have container which is fitted with an Automatic Activation Device ( ADD ) , main parachute , reserve parachute , altimeter and helmet , water bottle and knee pads.

4. It is a sport in which athletes jump out of an airplane at a certain altitude and perform acrobatic movements in free fall.
It is parachuting from an airplane for fun and it can be done individually and with groups of people. Training is required. Players often wait until they are low, before opening the parachute. The jump can also be made from a helicopter or a balloon that is high enough in the sky

5. It's becoming more popular in the recent years

mobeckham's picture
09/06/2020 13:52
Manchester United

1. This sport is always played outdoors. Actually it must be played in the sky.

2. Lots of people play this sports everywhere nevertheless , it's not appropriate for everyone because it needs a lot of training and it's an extreme sport.
New Zealand and USA are arguably the best in this sport

3. You must have container which is fitted with an Automatic Activation Device ( ADD ) , main parachute , reserve parachute , altimeter and helmet , water bottle and knee pads.

4. It is a sport in which athletes jump out of an airplane at a certain altitude and perform acrobatic movements in free fall.
It is parachuting from an airplane for fun and it can be done individually and with groups of people. Training is required. Players often wait until they are low, before opening the parachute. The jump can also be made from a helicopter or a balloon that is high enough in the sky

5. It's becoming more popular in the recent years

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson

****** (5-a-side soccer) is quite popular in Brazil, especially for people who cannot run the entire football pitch. Falcão, who retired a few years ago, is the best ever ****** player and author of astounding and brilliant plays.

On the other hand, rugby and American football are minority sports here; although the NFL is becoming increasingly popular with young people.

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson
03/10/2019 13:50
Tottenham Hotspur

****** (5-a-side soccer) is quite popular in Brazil, especially for people who cannot run the entire football pitch. Falcão, who retired a few years ago, is the best ever ****** player and author of astounding and brilliant plays.

On the other hand, rugby and American football are minority sports here; although the NFL is becoming increasingly popular with young people.



02/10/2019 08:47
Manchester City



I think bowls so fun. I tried it before.
It was so good!

30/09/2019 00:52
Manchester City

I think bowls so fun. I tried it before.
It was so good!


The phrase is "* **** ***"

26/09/2019 17:22

The phrase is "* **** ***"


Phrase for this week is **** ***.

I would describe a minority sport that is popular in my country.Sport played outdoors.It is played on the half of the basketball court.The court have a regular basketball playing court sized zone including a free trown line,a two point line and a “no-charge semi-circle” area underneath the basket. Each team can play with 3 players and only one substitution.This game is played for ten minutes or until one team score 21 points.The ball for this game is smaller than ball for basketball but it is the same weight.Teams have only 12 seconds in one possession to score.If the defensive team steals or blocks the ball, it must return the ball behind the arc (by passing or dribbling). Every shot from inside the arc (1-point field goal area) is awarded 1 point, shot from behind the arc (2-point field goal area) is awarded 2 points and every successful free throw shall is awarded 1 point. This sport becoming more and more popular,and next game it will be the Olympics sport.

25/09/2019 06:20
Manchester United

Phrase for this week is **** ***.

I would describe a minority sport that is popular in my country.Sport played outdoors.It is played on the half of the basketball court.The court have a regular basketball playing court sized zone including a free trown line,a two point line and a “no-charge semi-circle” area underneath the basket. Each team can play with 3 players and only one substitution.This game is played for ten minutes or until one team score 21 points.The ball for this game is smaller than ball for basketball but it is the same weight.Teams have only 12 seconds in one possession to score.If the defensive team steals or blocks the ball, it must return the ball behind the arc (by passing or dribbling). Every shot from inside the arc (1-point field goal area) is awarded 1 point, shot from behind the arc (2-point field goal area) is awarded 2 points and every successful free throw shall is awarded 1 point. This sport becoming more and more popular,and next game it will be the Olympics sport.


It's 3 on 3 street basketball. In fact, it's really popular in grassroots basketball.

26/09/2019 17:19

It's 3 on 3 street basketball. In fact, it's really popular in grassroots basketball.


Yes,it is 3x3 basketball.

30/09/2019 05:07
Manchester United

Yes,it is 3x3 basketball.

Liubomyr's picture

Hi milos,
is it streetball?

Liubomyr's picture
26/09/2019 15:39

Hi milos,
is it streetball?


Hello,Liubomyr.Yes it is 3x3 basketball.

30/09/2019 05:09
Manchester United

Hello,Liubomyr.Yes it is 3x3 basketball.

elghoul's picture

Basketball phrase, **** ***.

Other comments on my sport :

1. It is played on dry hard road material with small stones. The court is white lined to limit it.

2. Men and women can play it. France is hisoriginal country but nowadays lots of Mediteraneen populations use to play it, indoors or outdoors.

3. You need iron balls of more than half a kilog weight and a small wood one.

4. You can play it between two teams of either 2 players or three. In the first case it is named 'doublettes' and in the second 'triplettes'.

5. Each player has two balls to throw or three in either case. The score is changed when all the players have thrown their balls. The team winner whose balls are the closest to the small woody score one point for each nearest ball. The game ends when the score reaches 13 points.

5. This sport of low pace efforts and mindfull needs can become more popular. People enjoye it but some games can be stressful and nervous. Involving friends it can support drinking and gossiping during the game like the Marseille people like to do.

elghoul's picture
24/09/2019 15:39
Manchester City

Basketball phrase, **** ***.

Other comments on my sport :

1. It is played on dry hard road material with small stones. The court is white lined to limit it.

2. Men and women can play it. France is hisoriginal country but nowadays lots of Mediteraneen populations use to play it, indoors or outdoors.

3. You need iron balls of more than half a kilog weight and a small wood one.

4. You can play it between two teams of either 2 players or three. In the first case it is named 'doublettes' and in the second 'triplettes'.

5. Each player has two balls to throw or three in either case. The score is changed when all the players have thrown their balls. The team winner whose balls are the closest to the small woody score one point for each nearest ball. The game ends when the score reaches 13 points.

5. This sport of low pace efforts and mindfull needs can become more popular. People enjoye it but some games can be stressful and nervous. Involving friends it can support drinking and gossiping during the game like the Marseille people like to do.

elghoul's picture

The sport is played in a small flat pitch which surface is squadered 4 by 15 meters.

elghoul's picture
24/09/2019 15:13
Manchester City

The sport is played in a small flat pitch which surface is squadered 4 by 15 meters.

Liubomyr's picture

Seems that you are describing Petanque which is very popular in France, and as I could guess, in Algeria as well.

Liubomyr's picture
26/09/2019 15:38

Seems that you are describing Petanque which is very popular in France, and as I could guess, in Algeria as well.

elghoul's picture

It is popular in most mediterranean countries. I am happy for having written an easy description.

elghoul's picture
29/09/2019 12:36
Manchester City

It is popular in most mediterranean countries. I am happy for having written an easy description.

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the phrase is '* **** ***'.

Liubomyr's picture
23/09/2019 11:34

I think that the phrase is '* **** ***'.

ldzingirai's picture

Football Phrase

The phrase is called a box ***.

ldzingirai's picture
22/09/2019 10:22

Football Phrase

The phrase is called a box ***.

ldzingirai's picture

There is this rare sport where
a mountain of food is set at the table for each participant. Then competitors will circle the table. When time goes off, each competitor has to eat a lot of food in order to win. The one who eats a lot wins the prize.

The only rule is that players have to eat a lot and cannot abandon ship before the end of the competition. Anyone who thinks he or she knows the language of eating or drinking is free to participate. The downside is that sometimes some participates end up throwing up because there is too much food in the system.

This type of sport can be both indoor or outdoor.

ldzingirai's picture
22/09/2019 10:03

There is this rare sport where
a mountain of food is set at the table for each participant. Then competitors will circle the table. When time goes off, each competitor has to eat a lot of food in order to win. The one who eats a lot wins the prize.

The only rule is that players have to eat a lot and cannot abandon ship before the end of the competition. Anyone who thinks he or she knows the language of eating or drinking is free to participate. The downside is that sometimes some participates end up throwing up because there is too much food in the system.

This type of sport can be both indoor or outdoor.

ldzingirai's picture

This sport is an outdoor event and is done on stage where there could be a live band or a DJ playing music and participants compete either as a group or individuals.Large crowds of people usually gather to watch competitors display various skills. There are judges who determine which competitor did better or not. Three winners, who performs better than others, are awarded prizes that could be cash or payment in kind or both.

This is a one-off annual event. The sport,which is open to all age groups above 16 and competitors have to pre-register for each edition of the competition, is loved by many in my area. In my view it is one of the oldest sport in the world. It is endangered, under threat and dying.

There are no special skills needed nor dress codes. Participants have to show their natural talent using their legs, arms, head or the whole body while music, which lasts for five minutes, is playing. When the five minute ends, another player comes on stage. This process is repeated until all competitors are finished. Each competitor is played the music of his or her own choice. No beer on stage.

It is a minority sport in that it is not covered by pay TV companies and it receives little or no attention on national newspapers and media, but in areas where it takes place it draws large crowds and the local press say something about it.

The worst year is when there is no sponsor. No music, nothing to watch, no participants and no judges.

ldzingirai's picture
22/09/2019 09:45

This sport is an outdoor event and is done on stage where there could be a live band or a DJ playing music and participants compete either as a group or individuals.Large crowds of people usually gather to watch competitors display various skills. There are judges who determine which competitor did better or not. Three winners, who performs better than others, are awarded prizes that could be cash or payment in kind or both.

This is a one-off annual event. The sport,which is open to all age groups above 16 and competitors have to pre-register for each edition of the competition, is loved by many in my area. In my view it is one of the oldest sport in the world. It is endangered, under threat and dying.

There are no special skills needed nor dress codes. Participants have to show their natural talent using their legs, arms, head or the whole body while music, which lasts for five minutes, is playing. When the five minute ends, another player comes on stage. This process is repeated until all competitors are finished. Each competitor is played the music of his or her own choice. No beer on stage.

It is a minority sport in that it is not covered by pay TV companies and it receives little or no attention on national newspapers and media, but in areas where it takes place it draws large crowds and the local press say something about it.

The worst year is when there is no sponsor. No music, nothing to watch, no participants and no judges.


********* which ancestor sport for Turks is a minority sport.
This sport which play on cushion can play both outdoor and saloon.
Taha Akgül is best at the sport despite losing the last competition needs equipment ******** Singlet, ********* Shoes, ********* Kneepads and Mouth Guards.

The sport play twosome. They try to touch each other's back on ground. Person who touch back on ground lose.

********* can become more popular If we remember the past.

21/09/2019 18:53

********* which ancestor sport for Turks is a minority sport.
This sport which play on cushion can play both outdoor and saloon.
Taha Akgül is best at the sport despite losing the last competition needs equipment ******** Singlet, ********* Shoes, ********* Kneepads and Mouth Guards.

The sport play twosome. They try to touch each other's back on ground. Person who touch back on ground lose.

********* can become more popular If we remember the past.

ldzingirai's picture

I think the sport is wrestling. I got the clue from the name you mentioned on your description.

ldzingirai's picture
22/09/2019 10:28

I think the sport is wrestling. I got the clue from the name you mentioned on your description.

Ahmed Abdallah

This week's phrase is *******. If it's correct it will be way easier than last week's one.

Ahmed Abdallah
20/09/2019 23:33

This week's phrase is *******. If it's correct it will be way easier than last week's one.

wsanta's picture

I hope you guess because it's a bit dificult. It's our national sport whose name is an animal because it was played with this animal as a ball. Now you play with a ball which you have to put in a hoop like basketball but riding a horse. It's similar to polo.

wsanta's picture
20/09/2019 19:48
Leeds United

I hope you guess because it's a bit dificult. It's our national sport whose name is an animal because it was played with this animal as a ball. Now you play with a ball which you have to put in a hoop like basketball but riding a horse. It's similar to polo.

Liubomyr's picture

Hi wsanta,
seems that you are describing a pato, am I right?

Liubomyr's picture
23/09/2019 11:36

Hi wsanta,
seems that you are describing a pato, am I right?

wsanta's picture

Very good, congratulations!

wsanta's picture
23/09/2019 20:07
Leeds United

Very good, congratulations!

ldzingirai's picture

Mmm. Sounds Greek to me. The closest sport I can think of which involves an animal is bull-fighting. That it's like basketball and polo it is even muddying the waters.

ldzingirai's picture
22/09/2019 10:34

Mmm. Sounds Greek to me. The closest sport I can think of which involves an animal is bull-fighting. That it's like basketball and polo it is even muddying the waters.

wsanta's picture

It is Pato. Pato is Spanish for "duck". It has been played since 1610, it was banned for many years for being bloody and during the 1930s was drafted a set of rules inspired by modern polo. Juan Perón declared pato to be Argentina's national game in 1953.

wsanta's picture
23/09/2019 20:20
Leeds United

It is Pato. Pato is Spanish for "duck". It has been played since 1610, it was banned for many years for being bloody and during the 1930s was drafted a set of rules inspired by modern polo. Juan Perón declared pato to be Argentina's national game in 1953.

Rich's picture

Good work, Liubomyr! Are you going to give us a sport for us all to guess?

Rich's picture
24/09/2019 08:07

Good work, Liubomyr! Are you going to give us a sport for us all to guess?

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture

The phrase this week is A **** ***.

Alex_from_Ukraine's picture
20/09/2019 18:20

The phrase this week is A **** ***.


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
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Club ranking
1Manchester United146535
5Manchester City58633
6Tottenham Hotspur19335
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4887


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Grammar: Relative clauses

Task: Describe a minority sport in your country