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Learning Vocabulary: Dependent prepositions

Learning Vocabulary: Dependent prepositions

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack and Rich talk about their plans for the weekend. Jack is excited about his plans but Rich is fed up with doing the same thing all the time. The language focus is on dependent prepositions which are prepositions that very often go together with nouns, verbs and adjectives. Your task is to talk about plans for the future and use some of the dependent prepositions we introduce in the podcast. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess. Enjoy!


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Read and listen at the same time.

Learning Vocabulary - Dependent prepositions

Jack: Hello my name’s Jack

Rich: and I’m Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Rich: We recommend that you listen to this podcast on the Premier Skills English website because that is where we have the transcript, language examples, activities, quizzes and a discussion page to help you understand everything we talk about.

Jack: However, if you’re listening on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, you can leave answers to our questions in the review section. We do read all the reviews and would love to hear from you. 

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we’re going to help you with vocabulary and, more specifically, we’re going to look at things called dependent prepositions.

Jack: A dependent preposition is a preposition that is used next to specific verbs, adjectives and nouns.

Rich: For example, I’m very good at football but Jack is very bad at football.

Jack: Sorry?

Rich: I’m very good at football but Jack is very bad at football. We say that someone is good or bad at something. ‘At’ is a dependent preposition here. Shall I say the sentence again?

Jack: No, I think everyone understood! In this podcast, we’re going to be looking at dependent prepositions with adjectives.

Rich: That’s right. We’re going to chat about our plans for the weekend and use lots and lots of these adjective plus preposition collocations.

Jack: Later, your task will be to talk about your plans for the weekend and use as many of these collocations as you can.

Last week’s Football Phrase

Rich: But, before we look at all that, let’s look at last week’s football phrase. If you didn’t hear it last week we’ll give you one more chance to guess and give you the correct answer at the end of the show when we give you a new football phrase.

Jack: Last week, it was Rich’s turn and it was quite a difficult phrase but a few of you gave us the right answer. Well done to Liubomyr from Ukraine, Elghoul from Algeria, Lakerwang from China and Ali Vasheghani from Iran. Let’s hear the phrase one more time.

Rich: The phrase is *** ** * *****. The phrase is used to describe a team that starts a season or a match really well. If a team scores twice in the first ten minutes of a match you might say they’ve got *** ** * *****. Liverpool have got *** ** * ***** this season.

Jack: We’ll give you the answer at the end of the show and we’ll have a new football phrase for you to guess.

Introduction to roleplay

Rich: In this week’s roleplay, we’re talking about our weekend plans. Jack is very excited about his weekend plans but I’m not so enthusiastic about the weekend.

Jack: While you are listening, we want you to answer a question. The question is:

Rich: What’s Jack going to learn at the weekend?


Jack: Friday at last! What are you up to this weekend?

Rich: I’m not sure. I’m a bit fed up with doing the same things all the time.

Jack: I know what you mean. I get sick and tired of the same old routine that’s why I’m doing something different this weekend!

Rich: Oh, what are going to do?

Jack: I’m going on a cooking course.

Rich: But you’re good at cooking. I remember that curry you rustled up a couple of months ago.

Jack: Yeah, thanks, I do like cooking but I’m pretty bad at baking. You see I’ve been hooked on these little pasties I get in town. They’re Argentinian empanadas. I’m mad about them.

Rich: I’ve never heard of them.

Jack: As I was saying, they’re like little pasties. Argentina is really well known for them.

Rich: I thought Argentina was famous for Messi and Maradona not for its pasties. So, you’re going to learn how to cook them.

Jack: Yeah, the bakers down the road is doing a weekend course specialising in Argentinian food. Why don’t you come along? I could have a word with the guy who’s responsible for the course.

Rich: Nah, I’m not that interested in cooking but don’t forget to save me a few of those pasties because I am interested in eating!

Jack: What are you going to do then if you’re so bored of everything?

Rich: I dunno. There’s no football due to the international break.

Jack: You shouldn’t be afraid of doing something different!

Rich: I know. I’m quite fond of music and I’m keen on getting out of town so I could go to a concert. I’ll check what’s on in London. I could go there for the weekend.

Jack: See. That’s something to get excited about. Cheer up and don’t be such a wet blanket all the time!

Language Focus: Dependent Prepositions

Rich: Did you get the answer to the question? What’s Jack going to learn at the weekend?

Jack: Well, the answer is I’m going to learn how to cook Argentinian Empanadas which are a type of pasty and are absolutely delicious.

Rich: Don’t confuse the words pasty and pastry. Pasty is a small type of savoury pie that is filled with meat and vegetables and a pastry is a small type of cake that’s sweet - like a croissant.

Jack: OK, in the roleplay we used lots of adjective plus preposition collocations. Some were really common and some were more difficult. Let’s start with the easiest ones. 

Rich: I said that Jack was good at cooking but bad at baking.

Jack: In these examples, at is a dependent preposition. When teachers talk about dependent prepositions, what we normally mean are very common collocations; that is, words that very often go together.

Rich: There are different types of phrases with prepositions. We have nouns plus prepositions like ‘respect for’ or verbs plus prepositions like ‘lend to’ or ‘rely on’ but in this podcast we’re looking at adjectives plus prepositions like ‘good at’ and ‘bad at’.

Jack: These phrases look a bit like phrasal verbs, but they are not quite the same. Dependent prepositions are fixed to specific words - so we say good at and not good of or good about. 

Rich: The preposition doesn’t change the meaning of the adjective, it just links the adjective with its object. So when I said I was good at football, the adjective good is linked to the noun football. 

Jack: Some of the phrases we used were a bit tricky so we want to look at a few of them. The first two phrases were quite similar in meaning. 

Rich: If you are fed up with something or sick and tired of something, you are bored or disgusted with it because you have experienced it for too long.

Jack: In my old job, I had to travel to Manchester on the train twice a week which was OK at first, but after a while, I was fed up with it and eventually, I was completely sick and tired of it.

Rich: The next phrase is hooked on something. If you are hooked on something, you are enjoying it so much that you can’t stop doing it. 

Jack: I sometimes get hooked on games - the worst are online games. I have to delete them from my phone. The next phrase is similar; mad about. To be mad about something has two meanings. It can mean you are really angry about something or it can mean that you really like something. 

Rich: I love this phrase - I’m mad about football. I’m also mad about the international break because I can’t watch the Premier League.

Jack: Heard of is an interesting phrase. It means to know about something obscure or not well known. It’s most commonly used in negative sentences and questions. 

Rich: Have you heard of Erling Braut Haaland?

Jack: I’ve never heard of him. 

Rich: Apparently he’s been linked with Manchester United.

Jack: Hmmm... OK - last one. Fond of. If you are fond of something, you like it a lot. 

Rich: It’s a bit stronger than like, it’s more like a little love than a lot of like. I’m fond of music - it means a lot to me.

Jack: Right, we used a lot of adjectives with different prepositions in the roleplay. Now, we want you to listen to the roleplay again very carefully. How many dependent prepositions do you hear? 

Rich: Afterwards, we’re going to give you a quiz so that’s why we want you to listen carefully.

Roleplay Repeated

Jack: Friday at last! What are you up to this weekend?

Rich: I’m not sure. I’m a bit fed up with doing the same things all the time.

Jack: I know what you mean. I get sick and tired of the same old routine that’s why I’m doing something different this weekend!

Rich: Oh, what are going to do?

Jack: I’m going on a cooking course

Rich: But you’re good at cooking. I remember that curry you rustled up a couple of months ago.

Jack: Yeah, thanks, I do like cooking but I’m pretty bad at baking. You see I’ve been hooked on these little pasties I get in town. They’re Argentinian empanadas. I’m mad about them.

Rich: I’ve never heard of them.

Jack: As I was saying, they’re like little pasties. Argentina is really well known for them.

Rich: I thought Argentina was famous for Messi and Maradona not for its pasties. So, you’re going to learn how to cook them.

Jack: Yeah, the bakers down the road is doing a weekend course specialising in Argentinan food. Why don’t you come along? I could have a word with the guy who’s responsible for the course.

Rich: Nah, I’m not that interested in cooking but don’t forget to leave a few of those pasties for me because I am interested in eating!

Jack: What are you going to do then if you’re so bored of everything?

Rich: I dunno. There’s no football due to the international break.

Jack: You shouldn’t be afraid of doing something different!

Rich: I know. I’m quite fond of music and I’m keen on getting out of town so I could go to a concert. I’ll check what’s on in London. I could go there for the weekend.

Jack: See. That’s something to get excited about. Cheer up and don’t be such a wet blanket all the time!


Jack: If you counted seventeen dependent prepositions you did very, very well.

Rich: Now, we’re going to give you a little quiz.

Jack: We’re going to say and adjective and we want you to say the correct preposition.

Rich: There are eight dependent prepositions for you to guess. Here goes.

Jack: Number one. Fed up. Is the answer fed up with, fed up on or fed up of?

Rich: The answer is … fed up with. Here’s an example from the roleplay:

Jack: I’m a bit fed up with doing the same things all the time.

Rich: Number two. Responsible. Is the answer responsible at, responsible for or responsible with?

Jack: The answer is … responsible for. Here’s an example from the roleplay:

Rich: I could have a word with the guy who’s responsible for the course.

Jack: Number three. Fond. Is the answer fond of, fond for or fond on?

Rich: The answer is … fond of. Here’s an example from the roleplay:

Jack: I’m quite fond of music.

Rich: Number four. Hooked. Is the answer hooked in, hooked out or hooked on?

Jack: The answer is … hooked on. Here’s an example from the roleplay:

Rich: You see I’ve been hooked on these little pasties I get in town. They’re Argentinian empanadas.

Jack: Number five. Due. Is the answer due of, due to or due from?

Rich: The answer is … due to. Here’s an example from the roleplay:

Jack: There’s no football due to the international break.

Rich: Number six. Keen. Is the answer keen in, keen of or keen on?

Jack: The answer is … keen on. Here’s an example from the roleplay:

Rich:  I’m keen on getting out of town so I could go to a concert.

Jack: Number seven. Excited. Is the answer excited over, excited in or excited about?

Rich: The answer is … excited about. Here’s an example from the roleplay: 

Jack: See. That’s something to get excited about. Cheer up!

Rich: Number eight. Bored. Is the answer bored by, bored with or bored of?

Jack: The answer is .. bored by, bored with and bored of but here’s what we said in the roleplay:

Rich: What are you going to do then if you’re so bored of everything?

Jack: Did you get all the answers right? That last one was a bit of a trick question. All three options are correct, although bored of is more common in British English than American English and bored by is not as common as the other two.

Rich: If you want to practise these phrases a bit more, we have the transcript for this podcast on the Premier Skills English website and a few more explanations and activities to help you understand.


Jack: Your task this week is to tell us about your plans for the future. You can tell us your plans for this weekend, next month or your next holidays.

Rich: Or you can tell us about a change that you plan to make in your life.

Jack: You can choose, but it’s important to say why you have these plans and why you are doing them.

Rich: We also want you to tell us how you are feeling about these plans.

Jack: And, of course, we want you to use some of the dependent prepositions we have used in this podcast.

Rich: What are you fed up with? What are you excited about?  What are you mad about? What are you keen on or fond of doing?

Jack: Try to use as many of the phrases as you can.

Rich: Write all your answers on the Premier Skills English website. You’ll find the page for this podcast on the homepage or under skills>listen>podcasts>learning vocabulary: dependent prepositions.

Football Phrase

Rich: OK, it’s time for this week’s football phrase. I think this week’s phrase is going to give everyone a chance to make a guess. Are you ready, Jack?

Jack: I’m ready. This week’s phrase is just a word. The word is ****** and it describes the action when a player puts the ball through another player’s legs. It looks great and makes the other player look a bit silly. It can be a noun or a verb.

Rich: There is a great story about the origins of the word. We spoke about it in a podcast ages ago. I think we should talk about it again in another podcast.

Jack: Good idea. Before we forget, if you’re still thinking about last week’s football phrase - the answer was off to a flier.

Rich: Write your answers in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website and we’ll announce your name on next week’s show.

Jack: Right, that’s all we have time for this week. Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

I get sick and tired of the same old routine that’s why I’m doing something different this weekend!

But you’re good at cooking. I remember that curry you rustled up a couple of months ago.

I do like cooking but I’m pretty bad at baking.

As I was saying, they’re like little pasties. Argentina is really well known for them.

I could have a word with the guy who’s responsible for the course.

Cheer up and don’t be such a wet blanket all the time!

There were a few more tricky words and phrases in the podcast. Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words. This can really help your understanding.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to their definitions. All of the words were in this week's podcast.
Can you match the words to the definitions?

Jack is going to learn how to bake next weekend.


Dependent Prepositions

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about dependent prepositions. What are dependent prepositions?

Dependent prepositions are the prepositions that are naturally and frequently used with specific adjectives, verbs and nouns. Here are a couple of examples from the podcast:

  1. I'm good at cooking but I’m pretty bad at baking.
  2. Apparently he’s been linked with Manchester United.
  3. Players need to have respect for their manager.

In the first example, the preposition is connected to an adjective, in the second example it's connected to a verb and in the third example, it's connected to a noun. There aren't many general rules for learning dependent prepositions so it can be a bit difficult to remember them. One idea is to use Google to help you, type in the word and preposition and put it in speech marks (" "). When I type in "depends on" I get 256 million results and when I type in "depends of" I get fewer results and the top results are all about common mistakes in English! On the basis of this, you can probably safely choose "depends on". It also helps if you make a note of the preposition when you are learning a new word. If you learn the preposition at the same time as the noun or verb, and in context, it should help you remember it so you can use it later.

Here are some common dependent prepositions:

Verbs and Dependent Prepositions Adjectives and Dependent Prepositions Nouns and Dependent Prepositions
depend on according to on purpose
argue with someone/ argue about something interested in decrease in
apologise to someone/apologise for something afraid of difference between
believe in based on advantage of
worry about famous for without doubt
rely on excited about at risk
comment on good at in theory
speak to someone/speak about someone/speak for someone keen on in trouble
talk to someone/talk about something similar to under guarantee

If you want to know more about dependent prepositions, have a go at the activity below, then, take a look at our LearnEnglish website for more activities and advice.

Jack is mad about empanadas and wants to know how to cook them.


Dependent prepositions with adjectives

In this podcast, we focussed on dependent prepositions with adjectives, which can also be called adjective + preposition combinations. Here are some examples from the podcast:

You see I’ve been hooked on these little pasties I get in town. They’re Argentinian empanadas. I’m mad about them.

I could have a word with the guy who’s responsible for the course.

I’m a bit fed up with doing the same things all the time.

I get sick and tired of the same old routine that’s why I’m doing something different this weekend!

 I’m quite fond of music and I’m keen on getting out of town so I could go to a concert.

In the podcast, we gave you a little quiz. Test your knowledge of dependent prepositions with adjectives again in this activity.

Activity 2

Activity 2: In this activity, check that you have learned some of the dependent prepositions from the podcast.
Can you write the preposition in each gap?

Rich can't watch the Premier League due to the international break.


Please login to take this quiz.

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Plans for the future

Rich is fed up with doing the same thing every weekend so is planning a trip to London.

In this podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about their plans for the weekend. Your task this week is to tell us about your plans for the future. You can tell us your plans for this weekend, next month, your next holidays or you can tell us about a change that you plan to make in your life or made in your life. Try to give reasons and say how you feel about these plans.

Try to use some of the dependent prepositions we used in the podcast.

  •  Are you excited about a plan?
  • Are you fed up with anything?
  • What are you mad about doing?
  • What are you keen on or fond of doing?

Write your answers in the comments section below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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Dary Gutierrez

I must say that I am pretty excited about a youth retreat that my church and close friends are doing on a beach that I’ve never visited before, but thanks to photos I clearly saw the beaty that it hides. We must be making all kind of things but what I’m fed up is with the program that we are going to try there, each moment, conference, bonfire and huge closeness to God will be delightful. I must add that, the only thing that It is worrying me a bit is the intense heat, but I’m confident we are going to know how to handle it really good

Dary Gutierrez
10/05/2024 09:35
Crystal Palace

I must say that I am pretty excited about a youth retreat that my church and close friends are doing on a beach that I’ve never visited before, but thanks to photos I clearly saw the beaty that it hides. We must be making all kind of things but what I’m fed up is with the program that we are going to try there, each moment, conference, bonfire and huge closeness to God will be delightful. I must add that, the only thing that It is worrying me a bit is the intense heat, but I’m confident we are going to know how to handle it really good


The plan that I’m most excited about during my weekend is to start making my best friend’s handmade birthday gift, that will be a medium size “Ternurin” completely made of a material called foamular and others. But what I’m fed up with is just the thought of making it in the wrong way and having to making the whole thing again. Despite this, I’m very enthusiastic about experimenting with different materials and to expect a really good reaction of my best friend to one of the things that I’m most passionate about, crafts!

09/05/2024 07:18
Newcastle United

The plan that I’m most excited about during my weekend is to start making my best friend’s handmade birthday gift, that will be a medium size “Ternurin” completely made of a material called foamular and others. But what I’m fed up with is just the thought of making it in the wrong way and having to making the whole thing again. Despite this, I’m very enthusiastic about experimenting with different materials and to expect a really good reaction of my best friend to one of the things that I’m most passionate about, crafts!


Hello, I'm Ximena, and today I'm going to talk about a plan that has me very excited, I'm going on a trip with my best friends to Cancun, Mexico. This trip excites me a lot because we are going to do a lot of things, we will go to the beach, we will have dinner in many restaurants and we will go out to party. The only thing that bothers me about traveling is going to the airport, the lines make me very angry, but the wait is worth it . I can't wait to be with my friends in such a beautiful place having fun.

09/05/2024 00:33
Manchester City

Hello, I'm Ximena, and today I'm going to talk about a plan that has me very excited, I'm going on a trip with my best friends to Cancun, Mexico. This trip excites me a lot because we are going to do a lot of things, we will go to the beach, we will have dinner in many restaurants and we will go out to party. The only thing that bothers me about traveling is going to the airport, the lines make me very angry, but the wait is worth it . I can't wait to be with my friends in such a beautiful place having fun.


This weekend I have very different but very fun plans. On Friday, I'll go to a masquerade dance party, which seems like something very different but also very stressful because of the outfit I'll wear that day. On Saturday, I'm visiting a friend who will ask to one of my best friends to be his girlfriend, and finally on Sunday, I'm going to a bachelor party. They're all very different plans and involve different people, but I think it will be a very enjoyable weekend.

01/05/2024 07:39
Crystal Palace

This weekend I have very different but very fun plans. On Friday, I'll go to a masquerade dance party, which seems like something very different but also very stressful because of the outfit I'll wear that day. On Saturday, I'm visiting a friend who will ask to one of my best friends to be his girlfriend, and finally on Sunday, I'm going to a bachelor party. They're all very different plans and involve different people, but I think it will be a very enjoyable weekend.


I'm going to talk about my plans for the summer, well my cousins and i were planning to visit our cousin Emilse in New York, I am so excited cause it would be the first time for me to travel over there, I'm keeping fond of going to the friend's cafe, also going to a night club it would be fun, watching new places, taking a lot of photos and trying new foods, im quite mad about the days, cause we were planning to go certain days and my cousin Melissa change the plans just because, and now I'm going to be my last day at NYC and fly to Monterrey and then go to another travel to Vallarta with my friends. But it is just a small thing compared to the huge fun we are going to have.

29/04/2024 01:32

I'm going to talk about my plans for the summer, well my cousins and i were planning to visit our cousin Emilse in New York, I am so excited cause it would be the first time for me to travel over there, I'm keeping fond of going to the friend's cafe, also going to a night club it would be fun, watching new places, taking a lot of photos and trying new foods, im quite mad about the days, cause we were planning to go certain days and my cousin Melissa change the plans just because, and now I'm going to be my last day at NYC and fly to Monterrey and then go to another travel to Vallarta with my friends. But it is just a small thing compared to the huge fun we are going to have.


I was very excited about playing tennis.

I am fed up with seeing always the same persons when I go for a stroll in town.

I am mad about making the shops all the day long.

I am keen on playing football with friends.

28/04/2024 20:30

I was very excited about playing tennis.

I am fed up with seeing always the same persons when I go for a stroll in town.

I am mad about making the shops all the day long.

I am keen on playing football with friends.

Angie Duarte

I'm getting excited about meeting with my little cousin next weekend, I'm keen on being with them and swimming for a while.
I'm fed up with cooking every day Until I'm sick and tired of it.
I'm mad about starting to work, although I'm afraid of failure.
I'm keen on going on to enhance my English skills.

Angie Duarte
06/08/2023 17:33

I'm getting excited about meeting with my little cousin next weekend, I'm keen on being with them and swimming for a while.
I'm fed up with cooking every day Until I'm sick and tired of it.
I'm mad about starting to work, although I'm afraid of failure.
I'm keen on going on to enhance my English skills.

Jenifer Obando

Are you excited about a plan?
Yes, I'm excited about a plan of spending time with my family and friends the next month and a half and for being responsible for the Family Christmas dinner.

Are you fed up with anything?
I'm fed up of doing operational activities in my work.

What are you mad about doing?
I'm mad about continuing improve my English level and more and more getting to participate in more challenging work spaces.

What are you keen on or fond of doing?
I'm keen on learning about healthy habits
I'm fond of taking care of my hair learning more about products, techniques and other details

Jenifer Obando
06/12/2022 05:34
Manchester United

Are you excited about a plan?
Yes, I'm excited about a plan of spending time with my family and friends the next month and a half and for being responsible for the Family Christmas dinner.

Are you fed up with anything?
I'm fed up of doing operational activities in my work.

What are you mad about doing?
I'm mad about continuing improve my English level and more and more getting to participate in more challenging work spaces.

What are you keen on or fond of doing?
I'm keen on learning about healthy habits
I'm fond of taking care of my hair learning more about products, techniques and other details

MRG1980PYM's picture

* I am excited about the plan to travel to the Caribbean for Christmas.

* I am fed up with the daily news and seeing the lies of the politicians. We need a real change to encourage us and it must be something that unites all Colombians.

* I am mad about continuing to study English and more languages to become a true citizen of the world.

* I keen on making new friends to talk about music, football, cinema and I´m fond of meeting them to exchange traditions, experiences and cultures.

MRG1980PYM's picture
30/08/2022 04:56

* I am excited about the plan to travel to the Caribbean for Christmas.

* I am fed up with the daily news and seeing the lies of the politicians. We need a real change to encourage us and it must be something that unites all Colombians.

* I am mad about continuing to study English and more languages to become a true citizen of the world.

* I keen on making new friends to talk about music, football, cinema and I´m fond of meeting them to exchange traditions, experiences and cultures.

Checo Perez's picture
Checo Perez


Checo Perez's picture
Checo Perez
07/12/2021 14:48
Manchester City


hsn's picture

Task and Phrases
• Person like a wet blanket finishes people's enthusiasm unawarely.I’m sick and tired of them.I’ve no word with them.
• I'm hooked on studying PSE lessons. No need medicine or doctor-:)
• I'm mad about obscureness instead of transparency.
• I've never heard of this kind of campaign which provides extra bonus.
• I’m fond of football. I keen on watching matches.
• This bank robberry linked with organized crime syndicate.
• I didn't drop this antic vase on purpose.

hsn's picture
20/10/2021 15:36
Tottenham Hotspur

Task and Phrases
• Person like a wet blanket finishes people's enthusiasm unawarely.I’m sick and tired of them.I’ve no word with them.
• I'm hooked on studying PSE lessons. No need medicine or doctor-:)
• I'm mad about obscureness instead of transparency.
• I've never heard of this kind of campaign which provides extra bonus.
• I’m fond of football. I keen on watching matches.
• This bank robberry linked with organized crime syndicate.
• I didn't drop this antic vase on purpose.

mobeckham's picture

This week's football word is ( nutmeg )

mobeckham's picture
09/06/2020 17:55
Manchester United

This week's football word is ( nutmeg )

mobeckham's picture

* I'm so excited about a plan next Summer for a visit to Old Trafford to watch United in action from the stands
* I'm fed up with the daily routines of going to work and coming back every single day. We need a change that cheer us up and it should be something that we are interested in
* I am mad about travelling and exploring the world but unfortunately I don't have enough time to travel around the world
* I'm keen on making new friends and I'm fond of meeting them to exchange experiences and cultures

mobeckham's picture
09/06/2020 17:53
Manchester United

* I'm so excited about a plan next Summer for a visit to Old Trafford to watch United in action from the stands
* I'm fed up with the daily routines of going to work and coming back every single day. We need a change that cheer us up and it should be something that we are interested in
* I am mad about travelling and exploring the world but unfortunately I don't have enough time to travel around the world
* I'm keen on making new friends and I'm fond of meeting them to exchange experiences and cultures

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson

Despite my late reply, excellent podcast as usual!
Dependent prepositions are one of my weakness, I am not good at choosing the right preposition.

I am excited about the idea to do my doctorate abroad. I am fed up with the way science and education is seen and funded in Brazil.

I am fond of classical music and I am mad about attending great concerts in São Paulo.

Rafael Robson's picture
Rafael Robson
13/11/2019 09:33
Tottenham Hotspur

Despite my late reply, excellent podcast as usual!
Dependent prepositions are one of my weakness, I am not good at choosing the right preposition.

I am excited about the idea to do my doctorate abroad. I am fed up with the way science and education is seen and funded in Brazil.

I am fond of classical music and I am mad about attending great concerts in São Paulo.

elghoul's picture

Football phrase, ******.

I was very excited about playing tennis.

I am fed up with seeing always the same persons when I go for a stroll in town.

I am mad about making the shops all the day long.

I am keen on playing football with friends.

elghoul's picture
23/10/2019 13:50
Manchester City

Football phrase, ******.

I was very excited about playing tennis.

I am fed up with seeing always the same persons when I go for a stroll in town.

I am mad about making the shops all the day long.

I am keen on playing football with friends.


the word is ******

21/10/2019 13:41

the word is ******


I am always fed up with traveling so this weekend I am going on trip with my friends to the the place that we all are mad about it.
the word is ******

21/10/2019 13:39

I am always fed up with traveling so this weekend I am going on trip with my friends to the the place that we all are mad about it.
the word is ******

Rich's picture

Good work on the football phrase, Reza_tash!

Good to see that you are using the phrases we introduced in the podcast. What's the place that you are all mad about?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
21/10/2019 15:07

Good work on the football phrase, Reza_tash!

Good to see that you are using the phrases we introduced in the podcast. What's the place that you are all mad about?

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team


Thank you Rich
It is a villa through the jungle with great view that I all mad about it.

23/10/2019 12:04

Thank you Rich
It is a villa through the jungle with great view that I all mad about it.

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the world is a '******'.

Liubomyr's picture
21/10/2019 11:03

I think that the world is a '******'.

wsanta's picture

Hi Liubomyr. I read when you were a fan of the week, very interesting. My uncle, who is also my godfather, is the son of Ukrainians, his parents and grandparents were from Ternopil and founded the Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Church in Sarandí (Argentina).
My son's godfather is a grandson of Ukrainians and a friend's wife is Ukrainian too. There is a well-known Ukrainian youtuber, who lives in buenos aires and talks about fishing (his channel is called "videos de León").
Around here there is much Ukrainian descent, mainly in the province of Misiones.

wsanta's picture
21/10/2019 12:45
Leeds United

Hi Liubomyr. I read when you were a fan of the week, very interesting. My uncle, who is also my godfather, is the son of Ukrainians, his parents and grandparents were from Ternopil and founded the Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Church in Sarandí (Argentina).
My son's godfather is a grandson of Ukrainians and a friend's wife is Ukrainian too. There is a well-known Ukrainian youtuber, who lives in buenos aires and talks about fishing (his channel is called "videos de León").
Around here there is much Ukrainian descent, mainly in the province of Misiones.

Liubomyr's picture

Hi wsanta,
Wow, very interesting story!
During the migration from Ukraine many people settled in the cross-border area Misiones (Argentina) – Encarnacion (Paraguay) – Parana (Brazil) because the climate there is similar (actually not quite, but most similar in all South America) to those in Ukraine and as far as they were peasants, they could grow the agricultural products to which they used to in Ukraine.
Some years ago, I lived not far from Ternopil. That’s interesting that your uncles’ parents and grandparents who founded the Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Church in Sarandí were from Ternopil, because in Ukraine Ternopil is considered as belonging to the Catholic part of the country.
There also were a few Argentinian football players with Ukrainian descent, first of all I could recon Diego Klimowicz who was famous when he played for Wolfsburg and later for Borussia Dortmund. I remember at that time there was even a discussion whether he should be proposed to get a Ukrainian passport to allow him to play for Ukrainian national team)))
By the way, does your uncle (and maybe his children) try to cherish the Ukrainian cultural heritage, do they speak Ukrainian a little bit?

Liubomyr's picture
21/10/2019 15:28

Hi wsanta,
Wow, very interesting story!
During the migration from Ukraine many people settled in the cross-border area Misiones (Argentina) – Encarnacion (Paraguay) – Parana (Brazil) because the climate there is similar (actually not quite, but most similar in all South America) to those in Ukraine and as far as they were peasants, they could grow the agricultural products to which they used to in Ukraine.
Some years ago, I lived not far from Ternopil. That’s interesting that your uncles’ parents and grandparents who founded the Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Church in Sarandí were from Ternopil, because in Ukraine Ternopil is considered as belonging to the Catholic part of the country.
There also were a few Argentinian football players with Ukrainian descent, first of all I could recon Diego Klimowicz who was famous when he played for Wolfsburg and later for Borussia Dortmund. I remember at that time there was even a discussion whether he should be proposed to get a Ukrainian passport to allow him to play for Ukrainian national team)))
By the way, does your uncle (and maybe his children) try to cherish the Ukrainian cultural heritage, do they speak Ukrainian a little bit?

wsanta's picture

Your story is also amazing. I remember Diego Klimowicz, he was born in the city where I live.
I think my uncle speaks very little Ukrainian. As a child, he studied Ukrainian folklore and played the mandolin.
One of my cousins ​​is an mma fighter and lives in Austria, when he was fighting in Argentina his nickname was "The Ukrainian Machine".
My friend's wife is a violinist of the most important classical music theater in Argentina and I could not forget to name "Chango Spasiuk", is an Argentine musician of Ukrainian origin too.

wsanta's picture
22/10/2019 04:48
Leeds United

Your story is also amazing. I remember Diego Klimowicz, he was born in the city where I live.
I think my uncle speaks very little Ukrainian. As a child, he studied Ukrainian folklore and played the mandolin.
One of my cousins ​​is an mma fighter and lives in Austria, when he was fighting in Argentina his nickname was "The Ukrainian Machine".
My friend's wife is a violinist of the most important classical music theater in Argentina and I could not forget to name "Chango Spasiuk", is an Argentine musician of Ukrainian origin too.

Liubomyr's picture

Great! I convey my best wishes to your uncle and all the family!

Liubomyr's picture
25/10/2019 15:25

Great! I convey my best wishes to your uncle and all the family!

wsanta's picture

Thank you very much!.

wsanta's picture
26/10/2019 02:49
Leeds United

Thank you very much!.


The football phrase is ******

21/10/2019 06:52
Manchester United

The football phrase is ******

marwa_ababneh's picture

The football phrase is ******

marwa_ababneh's picture
20/10/2019 18:49

The football phrase is ******

ldzingirai's picture

Football Phrase

The word is ******.

ldzingirai's picture
19/10/2019 20:49

Football Phrase

The word is ******.

Ahmed Abdallah

This week's phrase is ******

Ahmed Abdallah
19/10/2019 17:40

This week's phrase is ******


I'm always excited about a plan for my vacation. I'm fed up with the boring life in the city, so I decide to go to the seaside on my next vacation. It's not a seaside city for tourism but a quite small town. I'm fond of playing on the beach with my son or cycling around the town.

The phrase is "******".

19/10/2019 16:39

I'm always excited about a plan for my vacation. I'm fed up with the boring life in the city, so I decide to go to the seaside on my next vacation. It's not a seaside city for tourism but a quite small town. I'm fond of playing on the beach with my son or cycling around the town.

The phrase is "******".

Rich's picture

Good use of the dependent prepositions and good work on the football phrase, Lakerwang! Maybe you could tell us where this seaside place is? I'm sure that lots of people would like to discover places that are away from the normal tourist traps!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
21/10/2019 15:10

Good use of the dependent prepositions and good work on the football phrase, Lakerwang! Maybe you could tell us where this seaside place is? I'm sure that lots of people would like to discover places that are away from the normal tourist traps!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

wsanta's picture

I'm going to eat empanadas too because this Sunday is Mother's Day here and my mother makes empanadas at every family reunion. I'm mad about fish empanadas.

wsanta's picture
18/10/2019 21:11
Leeds United

I'm going to eat empanadas too because this Sunday is Mother's Day here and my mother makes empanadas at every family reunion. I'm mad about fish empanadas.

Rich's picture

I've never had fish empanadas before although I'd like to give them a try. I had some cod croquettes yesterday - they were delicious!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
21/10/2019 15:12

I've never had fish empanadas before although I'd like to give them a try. I had some cod croquettes yesterday - they were delicious!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

wsanta's picture

Cod croquettes sounds delicious. Are made with salted cod (we say Norwegian cod) or natural cod?. I have never tried them.

wsanta's picture
23/10/2019 22:16
Leeds United

Cod croquettes sounds delicious. Are made with salted cod (we say Norwegian cod) or natural cod?. I have never tried them.

wsanta's picture

The football phrase would be ******.

wsanta's picture
18/10/2019 19:09
Leeds United

The football phrase would be ******.

admin's picture

Good job Wsanta!

admin's picture
19/10/2019 00:40
United Kingdom

Good job Wsanta!

wsanta's picture

Thanks Jack

wsanta's picture
19/10/2019 03:59
Leeds United

Thanks Jack


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United146539
5Manchester City58633
6Tottenham Hotspur19335
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4887


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Vocabulary: Dependent prepositions

Task: Talking about plans for the future