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The Earth

The Environment: The Three Rs - Reduce

The Environment: The Three Rs - Reduce

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Rowan and Jack are helping Rich do the shopping for Rich's son's birthday party. They talk about what they need and what they don't need and how they can be more environmentally friendly. The language focus is on words and phrases we can use to talk about reducing our consumption. In this week's task, we want you to tell us about something that you could use less which would help the environment. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.


If the listening was a bit difficult, you can listen again and read the transcript at the same time.
Read and listen at the same time.

The Environment: The Three Rs - Reduce


Jack: Hello my name’s Jack

Rowan: My name’s Rowan

Rich: and I’m Rich and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast.

Jack: In the Premier Skills English podcast, we talk about football and help you with your English. 

Rowan: Don’t forget you can find the transcript for all our podcasts on the Premier Skills English website.

Rich: We are changing our weekly podcast. From this week, you will hear our weekly podcast in three parts.

Jack: Yes. We asked you for your opinions on the ideal podcast length and the majority of our listeners say that the ideal length is a bit shorter than our normal podcasts. We are going to split the podcast into three shorter parts which will make things easier to understand. 

Rowan: Not too much will change. We will always have a roleplay for you, a language focus, a task for you to complete and a weekly football phrase for you to guess.

Rich: Please let us know if you are happy with the changes either in the comments section or on Apple Podcasts.

Jack: This week’s podcast is connected to the environment. It’s Rich’s son’s birthday and we’ll be talking about birthday parties, presents and tidying up afterwards!

Rowan: In this first part, the three of us are at the supermarket.

Rich: Yes, Jack and Rowan have kindly offered to help me shop for the party. I’m awful at shopping so I need all the help I can get.

Jack: After the roleplay, we’ll look at some words and phrases connected to reducing the amount or number of things we use and buy. 

Rowan: Your task is to think about your shopping and what you could do to reduce your consumption. This might sound a bit complicated now, but hopefully, the task will make sense by the end of this part of the podcast.

Rich: If you are listening to us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or any other podcast platform, you should also check out our website.

Jack: On the Premier Skills English website, you’ll find the transcript, examples and activities to help you understand the language, and a task for you to complete with other listeners.

Introduction to roleplay 1

Jack: As we said earlier, this podcast is in three parts - there will be three short podcasts in total. 

Rich: It’s my son’s birthday next week and I need to get his birthday party ready. Rowan and Jack have kindly offered to help me get the things I need. In this roleplay, we’ve just arrived at the supermarket.

Rowan: While you listen, we want you to answer a question:

Jack: The question is: What doesn’t Rich want to buy?

Roleplay 1

Rich: Thanks for giving us a hand with this, I usually end up throwing as much as possible in the supermarket trolley hoping some of it will be useful.

Rowan: I’ve planned enough children’s parties to know that you hardly ever need half the stuff that you put in your basket.

Rich: Alex keeps reminding me that it’s not a kid’s party - he’s gonna be eleven.

Jack: He’s gonna be a tween.

Rich: A tween?

Jack: You know … he’s not a teenager yet but he’s not a little kid he’s in-between … a tween.

Rich: Well, he acts like a teenager sometimes! He doesn’t want anything with superheroes or dinosaurs. He used to love dinosaurs. 

Jack: It’s all part of growing up, Rich. What about these party plates with footballs on them?

Rich: Yeah, he still likes football, fortunately.

Rowan: Did he ask for those plastic plates? You do have reusable plates at home, right? The ones that you use most days are fine. Keep it simple. 

Rich: To be honest the only thing he asked for was to play football with his friends and crisps.

Rowan: Exactly. We don’t need all these disposable plastic plates and cups then, or plastic bottles of fizzy drinks and these single-use straws.

Jack: What do you use with your kids, Rowan?

Rowan: Coloured glass bottles - I’ve had them for years. I’ve got about six - all different colours and I re-use them again and again. Usually, I just put water in them ... sometimes some orange juice. I think the kids like the colours more than anything - I only get them out when we have a party.

Rich: That sounds like a plan - better than having a bag full of rubbish to throw away after the party. 

Jack: OK, we can get lots of fresh fruit and put it in bowls. We’ll get watermelon and strawberries as they’re in season, cheap and local but then we need some crisps of course.

Rich: Here we go. We can get these multipacks - there are twenty individual bags of crisps in these.

Rowan: Come on! Think about all that excess packaging and I’m not even sure if you can recycle these. I think we’d be better of with these big bags of crisps here. We can just pour them into the bowls like the fruit.

Rich: Good idea … just need to choose a few flavours … salt and vinegar, ready salted and cheese and onion. 

Language Focus 1

Jack: Before the roleplay, we asked you a question. The question was: What does Rich decide not to buy?

Rich: Well, I decided not to buy lots of things. Things like plastic cups and plates, single-use straws and anything with too much packaging.

Rowan: Rich decided not to buy these things because he realised that he didn’t need them but maybe he was also thinking about being environmentally friendly.

Rich: Yes, I was, well, not just the environment, I was also thinking of how much things would cost and all the rubbish I’d have to throw away after the party.

Jack: Reducing the amount of waste we create and the amount of stuff we use or consume is also connected to the environment. Let’s have a look at some of the language we’ve just been using and a few words from the roleplay.

Rowan: Let’s start with a couple of words you’ve just used, Jack: reduce and consume.

Rich: To reduce means to make something smaller or less in number or size. We should reduce the speed we drive when we are driving in cities. The price of my new Sheffield United was reduced by 20% - I think it was because we’ve been relegated.

Jack: The noun from reduce is reduction. We often hear people talking about things like a reduction in costs, a reduction in unemployment or a reduction in pollution.

Rowan: The preposition we often use here is in - we say there has been a reduction in costs, a reduction in unemployment or a reduction in pollution.

Rich: The other word that Jack just used was consume. Consume is a verb and it means to use something such as food, energy or other materials. The noun form is consumption.

Jack: We often see these words: reduce and consume, reduction and consumption, when we read about the environment. We see sentences like We need to reduce our energy consumption or we need a reduction in the amount of energy we consume.

Rich: Let’s look at some more language connected to reducing our consumption of materials and the environment. Listen to this part of the roleplay again. What ideas did Rowan have that might reduce consumption?

Rowan: Exactly. We don’t need all these disposable plastic plates and cups then, or plastic bottles of fizzy drinks and these single-use straws.

Jack: What do you use with your kids, Rowan?

Rowan: Coloured glass bottles - I’ve had them for years. I’ve got about six - all different colours and I reuse them again and again. Usually, I just put water in them ... sometimes some orange juice. I think the kids like the colours more than anything - I only get them out when we have a party.

Rich: That sounds like a plan - better than having a bag full of rubbish to throw away after the party. 

Jack: Rowan thought that it was a bad idea to buy lots of plastic things for the party. She thought it would be a better idea to use things that are reusable - things that you can reuse.

Rowan: You probably know the word reuse - it means to use something again. The adjective is reusable. I reuse my bottles - I have reusable bottles because they’re better for the environment - they help me reduce my levels of consumption.

Rich: The two letters which reuse begins with are r and e and this is a common prefix which often means again. /ˈpriː.fɪks/ Reuse means use again but other words use this prefix in a similar way such as rearrange - to arrange again, rejuvenate - to make young again and recycle - to process rubbish so it can be used again.

Jack: Rowan spoke about reusing things and also not using things in the first place. She said that it’s best not to use disposable plastics and single-use straws.

Rowan: If something is disposable it is made to be thrown away after a short while and not kept. 

Rich: We were speaking about disposable plates and cups in the roleplay but there are lots of disposable items that we might decide not to use. Can you think of any others?

Jack: What about disposable razors? They’re horrible to shave with anyway - I’d only use disposable razors in an emergency.

Rich: What about disposable nappies for babies? We tried using nappies that we could wash and reuse but it was a lot of hard work.

Rowan: Yes, I think we’ve all got to decide what is possible in our everyday lives. One thing that I think we can all stop using though are single-use straws.

Jack: Yes, I agree. Straws. If you’re not sure, are thin tubes of plastic that we can put in a glass to drink from. 

Rowan: The word single-use I think is important; it is used to describe things that are made to be used once and then thrown away. These things are even worse than other disposable products.

Rich: It’s true. Straws are things hardly anyone really needs and they get thrown away straight away. I’ve tried paper straws but they’re rubbish - better not to use straws at all.

Jack: Another thing that we spoke about in the roleplay was excess packaging. Packaging is the materials that items are wrapped in when you buy them.

Rowan: I was speaking about crisps and that there were lots of little plastic bags of crisps inside another bigger plastic bag. I think this is unnecessary - there is more packaging than is necessary - there is excess packaging.

Rich: I agreed and decided to buy big bags of crisps with less packaging so there is less rubbish to throw away or recycle after the party.

Jack: To throw away - that’s a phrasal verb that we’ve used a lot in this podcast. It means to remove or get rid of something that you don’t want anymore. Most of us throw rubbish away every day.

Rowan: OK, we’ve looked at lots of language connected to reducing the amount we consume. You can find the transcript and more activities on the Premier Skills English website to help you understand what we’ve been speaking about.


Rich: In this task, we’d like you to think about what you buy when you go shopping and try to use some of the language that we have used in the roleplay. How could you change your shopping habits so you buy or consume less?

Jack: Can you buy the same things from different places where less packaging is used?

Rowan: Is there anything that you buy that you only use once before throwing it away? Is it an essential item for you or could you buy something that is less disposable?

Rich: Write all your answers in the comments section on the Premier Skills English website or on Apple podcasts if that’s where you listen to us.

Football Phrase

Rich: It’s time for this week’s football phrase. Remember that you will hear this football phrase in all three parts of this podcast and we’ll have the answer for you in part one of our next podcast as well as in This Week which you can also watch on YouTube. 

Jack: Have you got this week’s football phrase, Rowan?

Rowan: I have. This week’s football phrase is ******* ********. On the BBC website, it says that Premier League clubs are able to have fans watch matches, but the stadiums can only open with ******* ******** because of Covid-19 restrictions. This is better than having no fans at all, but I’m looking forward to the atmosphere you get when a stadium is full.

Rich: Me too. There’s nothing like the sound of Anfield at full ******** singing You’ll never walk alone.

Jack: If you have a football phrase that you would like us to use in the podcast, just get in touch and let us know.

Rowan: Right, that’s all we have time for now but we will be back soon with the second part of this podcast connected to the environment.

Rich: Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below. If you get it right, we’ll announce your name on next week’s podcast and live on YouTube. 

Jack: If you have a question for us about football or English you can email us at

Rowan: or you can leave your questions and comments on the website in the comments section or on our Facebook page.

Rich: or you could give us a rating and a fantastic review on Apple Podcasts.

Jack: Bye for now and enjoy your football!


How much did you understand?

Here is some of the vocabulary you might have heard in the roleplay. Do you know the words in bold?

Thanks for giving us a hand with this.

You hardly ever need half the stuff that you put in your basket.

We need to reduce our energy consumption.

We can get these multipacks - there are twenty individual bags of crisps in these.

Good idea … just need to choose a few flavours … salt and vinegar, ready salted and cheese and onion. 

Activity 1

Activity 1: Match the definitions to the words and phrases from the roleplay.
Do you know these words and phrases?

Rich decided not to buy any straws.


The Three Rs: Reduce

When we talk about what we can do to help the environment and being more environmentally friendly we often hear the phrase the three Rs. The three Rs are: reduce, reuse and recycle. In this podcast, Rich, Jack and Rowan spoke about the importance of reducing the amount of things we buy and use. Do you understand the phrases in bold?

Rowan: Exactly. We don’t need all these disposable plastic plates and cups then, or plastic bottles of fizzy drinks and these single-use straws.

Jack: What do you use with your kids, Rowan?

Rowan: Coloured glass bottles - I’ve had them for years. I’ve got about six - all different colours and I reuse them again and again. Usually, I just put water in them ... sometimes some orange juice. I think the kids like the colours more than anything - I only get them out when we have a party.

Rich: That sounds like a plan - better than having a bag full of rubbish to throw away after the party. 

Rowan: Think about all that excess packaging and I’m not even sure if you can recycle these.

Activity 2

Activity 2: Look at the sentences and choose the correct word.
Can you choose the correct word?

Rich wants to buy some crisps in the roleplay.

Learn More

Further resources connected to reducing our consumption and the environment:


Reducing your consumption

Is there anything that you could you buy less of to help the environment?

In this task, we’d like you to think about what you buy when you go shopping and try to use some of the language that we have used in the roleplay.

  1. How could you change your shopping habits so you buy or consume less?
  2. Can you buy the same things from different places where less packaging is used?
  3. Is there anything that you buy that you only use once before throwing it away? Is it an essential item or could you buy something that is less disposable?

Write your answers below and don't forget to make a guess at this week's football phrase!

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Amirasalah's picture

1.i will buy the stuff i needed only and buy the stuff that can be used twice
2.i can buy the same things from different places but with less packaging that i can get things put on together with less packaging
3.i can buy thing that it can be used for one time like the cups of coffe that can be used and threw it away but it is essential for hygiene gine during the corona virus’s pandamic

Amirasalah's picture
17/07/2021 18:03
West Bromwich Albion

1.i will buy the stuff i needed only and buy the stuff that can be used twice
2.i can buy the same things from different places but with less packaging that i can get things put on together with less packaging
3.i can buy thing that it can be used for one time like the cups of coffe that can be used and threw it away but it is essential for hygiene gine during the corona virus’s pandamic

mobeckham's picture

Interesting to find someone who supports West Bromwich Albion here :)
Welcome to the Premier Skills English family :)

mobeckham's picture
21/07/2021 10:14
Manchester United

Interesting to find someone who supports West Bromwich Albion here :)
Welcome to the Premier Skills English family :)


1. Buying a cup of coffee with my cup in a cafe.
2. It's same place but if I bring my own cup to there I don't need to buy a disposable plastic cup for coffee. It means that I can drink coffee with my cup.
3. Most of my rubbish are packaging, so I might be a reduce master.

16/07/2021 08:03
Aston Villa

1. Buying a cup of coffee with my cup in a cafe.
2. It's same place but if I bring my own cup to there I don't need to buy a disposable plastic cup for coffee. It means that I can drink coffee with my cup.
3. Most of my rubbish are packaging, so I might be a reduce master.


1. I reduce my comsuption, buying local product, direct from the producers, in local stores.
2. Well, at CDMX its dificult, but I used my own packaging.
3. I prefere to buy a less diaposable stuff,

09/07/2021 17:03

1. I reduce my comsuption, buying local product, direct from the producers, in local stores.
2. Well, at CDMX its dificult, but I used my own packaging.
3. I prefere to buy a less diaposable stuff,


reducing supporters

09/07/2021 16:58

reducing supporters

Liubomyr's picture

I think that the phrase is "******* ********".

Liubomyr's picture
09/07/2021 15:44

I think that the phrase is "******* ********".

mobeckham's picture

1. I have changed some of my shopping habits like I always take my backpack with me not to buy plastic bags and I stopping using disposable plastic straws , spoons and forks.

2. I think I can do that especially when I buy my food and stuff from the weekly market like fruit and vegetables and eggs. Simplicity is the motto in those places.

3. I guess only cheese and butter because they are packed with cartons so I always throw it away after it's finished.
Also , the bottles of ketchup and mayonnaise are hard to be recycled because we squeeze them before it's empty :)

mobeckham's picture
09/07/2021 00:35
Manchester United

1. I have changed some of my shopping habits like I always take my backpack with me not to buy plastic bags and I stopping using disposable plastic straws , spoons and forks.

2. I think I can do that especially when I buy my food and stuff from the weekly market like fruit and vegetables and eggs. Simplicity is the motto in those places.

3. I guess only cheese and butter because they are packed with cartons so I always throw it away after it's finished.
Also , the bottles of ketchup and mayonnaise are hard to be recycled because we squeeze them before it's empty :)

hsn's picture

1-As a family, we don't need reduce our consumption because we buy what we need. Shopping with a list that prepared earlier and not partially but weekly or monthly wholesale is also being recommended.
2-Absolutely.Multipacked products are cheap than single ones and provides discount facility. As possible as I find, I buy unpacked but sold in bulk products like rice, flour so on. They are put in the paper bag.
3-I use disposable razor but they were used one month before thrown away.I’ve no chance to find something less disposable.
• This week's football phrase –******* ********.
• Reduction in public expenses will provide a great deal of sources to the government not to raise taxes.
• When you need someone to give you a hand it would be better to visit a bank branch-:)
• As I heard, crisps aren't healthy food and dangerous for kids.

hsn's picture
08/07/2021 13:59
Tottenham Hotspur

1-As a family, we don't need reduce our consumption because we buy what we need. Shopping with a list that prepared earlier and not partially but weekly or monthly wholesale is also being recommended.
2-Absolutely.Multipacked products are cheap than single ones and provides discount facility. As possible as I find, I buy unpacked but sold in bulk products like rice, flour so on. They are put in the paper bag.
3-I use disposable razor but they were used one month before thrown away.I’ve no chance to find something less disposable.
• This week's football phrase –******* ********.
• Reduction in public expenses will provide a great deal of sources to the government not to raise taxes.
• When you need someone to give you a hand it would be better to visit a bank branch-:)
• As I heard, crisps aren't healthy food and dangerous for kids.

hsn's picture

Change means progress -:) So I'm happy with changes.Thanks for your best efforts. By the way, congratulations! Good luck for Euro 2020 final match.
Stay fit and healthy.

hsn's picture
08/07/2021 12:06
Tottenham Hotspur

Change means progress -:) So I'm happy with changes.Thanks for your best efforts. By the way, congratulations! Good luck for Euro 2020 final match.
Stay fit and healthy.


The answer is supporters/ some supporters.

07/07/2021 22:01
Manchester United

The answer is supporters/ some supporters.


Top Scorers
10Gergő Nagy3396
Country ranking
10Bosnia and Herzegovina16333
Club ranking
1Manchester United146526
5Manchester City58633
6Tottenham Hotspur19335
7Newcastle United10545
8West Ham United7637
9AFC Bournemouth4887


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Vocabulary: Words and phrases connected to reducing your consumption

Task: Tell us what you could cut down on