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Understanding Grammar: What would you do?

Understanding Grammar: What would you do?

Welcome to Lesson 4 in Activity Week - Dilemmas.

In this week's Premier Skills English Podcast, Jack and Rich talk about the language of dilemmas or difficult choices. They talk about situations that footballers face on the pitch and situations that everybody might face off the pitch. Rich and Jack talk about what you should do and what they would do when faced with different dilemmas. Do you know how to use should and would when speaking about difficult choices?

This podcast is also part of our current activity week. This is lesson four. If you want to find the first three lessons go to the activity week - dilemmas page.

Your task this week is to listen to the three dilemmas and decide what you would do if you were in each situation. Don't forget to listen to the end of the podcast because we also have a new football phrase for you to guess. Enjoy!


If you find the podcast difficult to understand, you can read the transcript and listen at the same time.
Read the transcript and listen at the same time.


Jack: Why the long face?

Rich: The thing is I’ve got a bit of a dilemma.

Jack: What’s up? Maybe I can help ...

Rich: Well, you know those situations where you know what the right thing to do is but you want to do something different?

Jack: Ah yes ... I have dilemmas every dinner time. Salad or pizza... salad or pizza...

Rich: Well, er ... something like that I suppose. You see, I’ve been given these tickets for the Merseyside Derby - Everton v Liverpool. And I’d love to go and see it.

Jack: That’s brilliant. What’s the problem?

Rich: It’s the same time as my advanced exams class and it’s the final class before my students take the exam.

Jack: Hmm, yes. That’s a tricky one. I know what you should do. GO TO THE MATCH!

Rich: But it’s a really important exam. My students are depending on me, they can’t have a substitute teacher on the last day.

Jack: I’m only joking. You’ve got to do the class, Rich. They’ll be more matches to see.

Rich: Yeah, I know. Maybe my students will get me a thank you present.

Jack: Yeah, perhaps some tickets to a match.

Welcome - Dilemmas 

Rich: Hello my name’s Rich

Jack: and I’m Jack

Rich: and welcome to this week’s Premier Skills English podcast

Jack: Where we talk about football and help you with your English.

Jack: What’s happening this week, Rich?

Rich: In this week’s podcast, we are going to talk about the language of dilemmas. 

Jack: But first, what is a dilemma? A dilemma is a situation or problem that you face where there is a difficult choice to make. In the opening section, Rich’s dilemma was whether to teach his students before an important exam or go to an important football match.

Rich: I still can’t decide.

Jack: Anyway, in this podcast, we’re going to look at the language we use when speaking about dilemmas. 

Rich: We will focus on modal verbs like should and must and have to but also lots of other words and phrases that we use to discuss problems and speak about dilemmas.

Jack: We’re going to talk about three dilemmas.

Rich: And if you have registered for our Premier Skills Live Activity Week on the Premier Skills English website you will also see lots of extra pages and activities related to this podcast on the activity week welcome page.

Jack: If you haven’t registered for the activity week yet, you can do this now by going to the Premier Skills English website. It’s free, it will help you with your English and if you complete it, you can download a certificate. Click the tab on the menu that says live!

Rich: Finally, don’t forget to listen to the end of this podcast because we have a new football phrase for you to guess.

Topic Focus

Rich: So, we are going to do three roleplays. In each role play, you will hear us talking about a different dilemma.

Jack: We want you to answer four questions while you listen. 1. What is the dilemma? 2. What would Rich do? 3. What would I do? And number four; What would you do?

Rich: Dilemma 1

Rich: Jack, I want you to imagine you are back at school. You are 13 years old.

Jack: 13 years old, right.

Rich: It’s break time and everyone wants to play football. You are a captain and you have to pick your team. All the kids have their hands up saying ‘pick me, ‘pick me’ including your best friend.

Jack: Well, I’d pick my best friend.

Rich: Hold on. Imagine your best friend is terrible at football, should you pick him? Your team will lose. Should you choose your friend or the best player?

Jack: I would still choose my best friend.

Rich: Really? But, what about if a scout was going to watch the game?

Jack: It wouldn’t make any difference. I’d pick my friend. What would you do?

Rich: Er …

Jack: You’d choose the best player, wouldn’t you?

Rich: Er … no 

Jack: I know you would. You’d pick the best player.

Rich: Maybe, I know that I should really pick my friend but …

Jack: You horrible, horrible person! It’s only a game

Rich. It’s only an imaginary game!

Rich: I know, I know but I want to win. Even if it’s in my head.


Rich: While you are listening this is what we want you to do.

Jack: We want you to answer four questions while you listen. 1. What is the dilemma? 2. What would Rich do? 3. What would Jack do? And number four; What would you do?

Rich: Dilemma 2

Rich: You’re a new striker for a Premier League team playing in your first match. An opposition player is on the ground injured. The referee hasn’t seen the injured player. You’ve got the ball and have a great chance to score your first ever Premier League goal. What should you do?

Jack: I’d kick the ball out of play.

Rich: You’d what? 

Jack: I’d kick the ball out of play. I’d kick it into touch so the injured player could get some treatment.

Rich: But, but … really?

Jack: It’s the right thing to do. I wouldn’t want to score in that way. I’d stop. I wouldn’t take advantage of the situation. 

Rich: But what if the player is faking it? What if he’s dived?

Jack: That’s for the referee to decide but I’d always stop if I saw someone down on the pitch.

Rich: But, what if you’re right in front of the goal ... this is your first chance to score a Premier League goal? You could check the player’s OK after you’ve scored.

Jack: To be honest it just doesn’t feel right … it feels like cheating.

Rich: It’s not cheating. You’re supposed to keep playing until the referee stops the game.

Jack: But what if the referee hasn’t seen the player down?

Rich: It won’t take him long to notice. I’d carry on. It’s up to the referee to decide. 

Jack: Wouldn’t you feel guilty?

Rich: No.


Rich: While you are listening this is what we want you to do.

Jack: We want you to answer four questions while you listen. 1. What is the dilemma? 2. What would Rich do? 3. What would I do? And number 4; What would you do?

Rich: Dilemma 3

Rich: You are the star player for a small club who is close to getting promoted to the Premier League for the first ever time. You have been at this club since you were seven years old. All your teammates are your friends and the fans love you. A big Premier League club want to sign you. Should you move clubs or not? 

Jack: This is a difficult one. I think I’d probably stay at the club. 

Rich: But a big Premier League club. It would be a huge increase in salary. It would set you and your family up for life. Money, house, car …

Jack: But what about the small club you’re leaving behind. They’ve trained you, looked after you and made you the player you are. I think I’d feel that I owed something to them. I’d stay for sure.

Rich: I wouldn’t.

Jack: I guessed that.

Rich: Well maybe I’d stay until the end of the season. Then I’d move. 

Language Focus 

Jack: We’ve just used lots of useful language for talking about dilemmas.

Rich: Two words that we used a lot in our role plays were would and should. They are both what are called modal verbs. A modal verb is a word that is used to add extra meaning to a verb.

Jack: Something you should do is something that is a good or the best idea to do. Something that you would do is something you think you would do in a situation that is not real or hypothetical.

Rich: In roleplay one, I asked Jack if he would choose his friend instead of a better player for his football team. He said that he would choose his friend. 

Jack: That’s what I would do if I was in that situation or had that dilemma.

Rich: The use of would or should very much depends whether the situation is real or hypothetical.

Jack: At the beginning of the podcast Rich was speaking about a real and current dilemma so he was talking about what he should do rather than what he would do.

Rich: I could ask Jack these questions: What should I do? And What would you do? The first is real because it’s my dilemma and the second is hypothetical - not real because Jack is not in that situation.

Jack: We’ve got more about the use of should and would in the activities at the bottom of this page.

Rich: And if you’re signed up for our activity week - the next lesson is all about the language of dilemmas and modal verbs.

Jack: Yes, because we used lots of other phrases too. Phrases such as: what if, what about, even if, you’re supposed to and many more we used in these hypothetical discussions. 


Rich: The task this week is a discussion. We want you to give your opinions about some dilemmas in the comments section at the bottom of this page.

Jack: First, we want you to say what choice you would make in the three dilemmas we introduced in this podcast.

Rich: Do you agree with me?

Jack: Or do you agree with me?

Rich: Then we want you to think about two more football dilemmas and give your opinion. Try to use lots of modal verbs and some of the phrases we introduced in this podcast when giving your answers.

Jack: Here are the two dilemmas.

Rich: Dilemma one: You are playing an important World Cup match. It’s the 90th minute. You are defending and the ball is going to go in the net. The only way you can stop the ball is by using your hand. This will result in a penalty for the other team and a red card for you. But, it might stop the other team from winning if they miss the penalty. What should you do?

Jack: Dilemma two: You play for a football team in London. You have a young family who is very happy in London with friends and a good school. You are offered a chance to move to a bigger club in a faraway place. What should you do?

Football Phrase

Rich: Have you got a football phrase for us this week? 

Jack: Yes, I have, but first, last week’s football phrase. The phrase was to run your socks off. The phrase is a cliche and idiom that means to work very, very hard. You often hear managers say my players ran their socks off at the end of the match.

Rich: Well done to Violinka and Liubomyr from Ukraine and Linh Dreamer from Russia and anybody else who has got the right answer in the last few days! What’s this week’s football phrase, Jack?

Jack: This week’s football phrase is to *** *** **** *** ** ****. If you were listening to the podcast carefully you will have heard this phrase in one of the dilemmas earlier. It means to accidentally, or on purpose if another player is injured, kick the ball off the pitch.

Rich: Have a listen to the dilemmas again if you’re not sure about this one.

Jack: Right, that’s all we have time for this week! Don’t forget to write your answers to our questions and make a guess at our football phrase in the comments below.

Rich: And don’t forget to listen to our round-up show called ‘This Week’. And sign up for our Premier Skills English Live Lessons on the Premier Skills English homepage. Just hit the live button.

Jack: If you have enjoyed this podcast or found it useful, leave us a rating  or review and that will help other people find us. Bye for now and enjoy your football.


How much did you understand?

In the podcast, Rich and Jack used some words and phrases that might be new for you. Do you know the words in bold?

It's break time and everyone wants to play football. You are a captain and you have to pick a team.

An opposition player is on the ground injured. The referee hasn't seen the injured player.

There were a few more tricky words in the podcast. Do you know what they all mean? Try the activity below, then, listen to the podcast again to hear how we used the words.

Activity 1

Activity 1: In this activity, try to match the words and phrases to the descriptions.
Can you match the words to the descriptions?

Dilemma 1: You are the captain of your school team. Do you pick your friend or the best player?


What is a dilemma?

In this week's podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about dilemmas. A dilemma is a situation or problem that you face when there is a difficult choice to make. At the beginning of the podcast, Rich’s dilemma was whether to teach his students before an important exam or go to an important football match. Jack said to Rich: 

That’s a tricky one. I know what you should do. GO TO THE MATCH!

Jack then told Rich that he was joking and said:

I’m only joking. You’ve got to do the class Rich. They’ll be more matches to see.

In the podcast, Jack and Rich talk about three dilemmas that are connected to football, but we face dilemmas all the time in everyday life. Which of these do you think are dilemmas?

  • Deciding if you should lie to someone to make them feel better.
  • Deciding what to eat for dinner.
  • Deciding whether to use time at work for personal reasons.
  • Deciding which football team to support.
  • Deciding to ignore or respond to a friend request on Facebook.

Dilemma 2: There is a player down injured and you have a chance to score. What should you do?


When someone is speaking to you about a dilemma you may be asked one of these two questions:

  1. What should I do?
  2. What would you do?

Both of these are asking for some advice, but one is real (should) and the other is hypothetical or unreal (would). When responding to Rich's dilemma at the beginning of the podcast, Jack said:

You should go to the match.

Jack used should because he was talking about a real situation. Later, when Jack spoke about dilemma one, he said:

It wouldn't make any difference. I'd pick my friend. What would you do? 

Jack used would because he was talking about a hypothetical (unreal) situation.

If you want to learn more about how to use should and would in real and unreal situations, you will find lots of activities in lesson five, which is the next lesson in our activity week. If you haven't signed up for it yet, you can sign up here:

Dilemma 3: You have been at a small football since you were seven years old. Do you stay and help them get promoted or do you sign for a bigger club?


There were lots of other phrases in the podcast that we often use when we are speaking about difficult choices and dilemmas. Take a look at these ten sentences from the podcast. Do you know what the phrases in red mean? If you're not sure, ask a question in the comments section at the bottom of this page.

I suppose I would pick my friend.
That’s a tricky one.
It wouldn’t make a difference.
It’s the right thing to do.
I wouldn’t take advantage of the situation.
To be honest it just doesn’t feel right.
You’re supposed to keep playing until the referee stops the game.
It’s up to the referee to decide.
But what about the small club you’re leaving behind. 
I think I’d feel that I owed something to them.


What would you do?

In the podcast, Jack and Rich introduced three dilemmas. We want to know what you would do in each situation and what advice you would give to someone else in that situation. You need to use should and would in your answers. Here is a reminder of each situation:

  • Dilemma 1

    Imagine you are back at school. You are 13 years old. It’s break time and everyone wants to play football. You are a captain and you have to pick your team. All the kids have their hands up saying ‘pick me, ‘pick me’ including your best friend who is terrible at football. What do you do? 

  • Dilemma 2 

    You’re a new striker for a Premier League team playing in your first match. An opposition player is on the ground injured. The referee hasn’t seen the injured player. You’ve got the ball and have a great chance to score your first ever Premier League goal. What should you do?

  • Dilemma 3 

    You are the star player for a small club who is close to getting promoted to the Premier League for the first ever time. You have been at this club since you were seven years old. All your teammates are your friends and the fans love you. A big Premier League club want to sign you. Should you move or not? 

Try to use as many of the words and phrases from this podcast as you can. Write your dialogue in the comments section at the bottom of this page.


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What do you think?

In this week’s podcast, Jack and Rich spoke about dilemmas.

Have you ever had to make a difficult choice? Do you find it easy to make decisions?

Look at the task above and tell us what you would do or what someone should do in each of the three dilemmas. 

Remember to write your guess for this week's football phrase, too!

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Many times I have had to make difficult decisions and usually I find it difficult because I am very hesitant

03/11/2018 16:59

Many times I have had to make difficult decisions and usually I find it difficult because I am very hesitant


If what I had to do and actually I find it a bit difficult to do

03/11/2018 16:58

If what I had to do and actually I find it a bit difficult to do

AngelDa.35's picture

if I have had to do difficult lessons and if it is very easy for me to make decisions.

AngelDa.35's picture
03/11/2018 16:57
Manchester United

if I have had to do difficult lessons and if it is very easy for me to make decisions.


Yes, many times and it is very difficult given that I have to evaluate the consequences of each of my options.

03/11/2018 16:55
Manchester United

Yes, many times and it is very difficult given that I have to evaluate the consequences of each of my options.


1. If I wanted to win the game, it would be a good team, but not my best friend.
I should choose my best friend because friendship is more important than any game.
2. Should help the injured player. But it would be a goal to excel and the opportunities that are open to me thanks to this event.
3. I should stay in the club that is about to ascend and gave me the opportunity, but I would make the contract with the big club to start a great race.

03/11/2018 16:12

1. If I wanted to win the game, it would be a good team, but not my best friend.
I should choose my best friend because friendship is more important than any game.
2. Should help the injured player. But it would be a goal to excel and the opportunities that are open to me thanks to this event.
3. I should stay in the club that is about to ascend and gave me the opportunity, but I would make the contract with the big club to start a great race.


-I would choose my best friend.
-I would play until the referee stopped the game although we should play fair and wait to help the player of the opposing team.
- Grateful with my club but i would sign with a big club to make a big jump to my professional career.

03/11/2018 15:52
Manchester United

-I would choose my best friend.
-I would play until the referee stopped the game although we should play fair and wait to help the player of the opposing team.
- Grateful with my club but i would sign with a big club to make a big jump to my professional career.

MaríaArtunduagar's picture

- Sometimes I have had to make complicated decisions, and sometimes they are difficult.
-I would do what most believe correct in any of the dilemmas, choose my best friend, help the injured person and take advantage of the club's new opportunity. So I would agree sometimes with Jack and Rich.
-I would not use my hand to stop the ball.
-I think I should accept the new opportunity.

MaríaArtunduagar's picture
03/11/2018 15:48
Newcastle United

- Sometimes I have had to make complicated decisions, and sometimes they are difficult.
-I would do what most believe correct in any of the dilemmas, choose my best friend, help the injured person and take advantage of the club's new opportunity. So I would agree sometimes with Jack and Rich.
-I would not use my hand to stop the ball.
-I think I should accept the new opportunity.


I do not find it very easy to make decisions feet change a lot

03/11/2018 15:34
West Ham United

I do not find it very easy to make decisions feet change a lot

keren jemima torres's picture
keren jemima torres

1. I would choose my best friend because friendship is important and I can not get him out of the team that way.
2.I stop to see what has happened and to help first we are human and we must always be willing to help
3.It is a difficult decision but I can not leave the team that gave me help first

keren jemima torres's picture
keren jemima torres
03/11/2018 15:31
Manchester United

1. I would choose my best friend because friendship is important and I can not get him out of the team that way.
2.I stop to see what has happened and to help first we are human and we must always be willing to help
3.It is a difficult decision but I can not leave the team that gave me help first


If sometimes, it is very complicated but I have managed to take the best ones.

03/11/2018 14:21

If sometimes, it is very complicated but I have managed to take the best ones.

sayase's picture

I am with jack for all the questions and a food that can full you up is a tamal.

sayase's picture
03/11/2018 13:47
Manchester United

I am with jack for all the questions and a food that can full you up is a tamal.


1.Yes. It is not easy to make decisions because sometimes I am not clear about what I want.
2.Dilemma 1:
I choose my best friend, because first of all friendship.
Dilemma 2:I let the referee know that there is an injured player, you have to be a good player in every way.
Dilemma:Of course, you have to advance professionally.
In my opinion: Choosing is not easy, it is often a problem but you must always be clear about the negative and positive things of an election.

03/11/2018 03:21

1.Yes. It is not easy to make decisions because sometimes I am not clear about what I want.
2.Dilemma 1:
I choose my best friend, because first of all friendship.
Dilemma 2:I let the referee know that there is an injured player, you have to be a good player in every way.
Dilemma:Of course, you have to advance professionally.
In my opinion: Choosing is not easy, it is often a problem but you must always be clear about the negative and positive things of an election.


If it has touched me many times, I am not good.
Well, if you choose my best friend.
I would not take advantage of the situation.
I would not leave the team that saw me grow up.

03/11/2018 02:57

If it has touched me many times, I am not good.
Well, if you choose my best friend.
I would not take advantage of the situation.
I would not leave the team that saw me grow up.

danabrigitte's picture

1 I choose my best friend
2 Marco the goal
3 If I change.

danabrigitte's picture
03/11/2018 01:47
Manchester United

1 I choose my best friend
2 Marco the goal
3 If I change.

Ana V. Benavidez's picture
Ana V. Benavidez

1. I should choose y best friend
2. I don't should take advantage that situation.
3. I should continue work in my talent

Ana V. Benavidez's picture
Ana V. Benavidez
03/11/2018 01:37

1. I should choose y best friend
2. I don't should take advantage that situation.
3. I should continue work in my talent

Tatiana Quevedo's picture
Tatiana Quevedo

Of course, daily life leads you to make decisions that sometimes have a lot of responsibility and if you do not make a good decision you can bring a problem, sometimes it is not easy for me to make decisions.

Tatiana Quevedo's picture
Tatiana Quevedo
03/11/2018 01:28

Of course, daily life leads you to make decisions that sometimes have a lot of responsibility and if you do not make a good decision you can bring a problem, sometimes it is not easy for me to make decisions.


Of course I have had to make difficult choices, like everyone and honestly I can not make decisions, I would say depending on the case.

Dilemma 1: Although it is a little complicated situation I would always be with my friends whether they are good or not playing, because I know they would be a good team and we could all improve together.

Dilemma 2: I believe that we always have to help others when they are going through a situation as delicate as it can be an injury in this case, rather than try to take advantage of the bad thing that will happen to the other person, whether it be the rival team.

Dilemma 3: We always have to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us because they can be unique in life and not be repeated, it is important to keep in mind that we must never forget where we came from and who supported us from the first moment.

03/11/2018 01:24
Leicester City

Of course I have had to make difficult choices, like everyone and honestly I can not make decisions, I would say depending on the case.

Dilemma 1: Although it is a little complicated situation I would always be with my friends whether they are good or not playing, because I know they would be a good team and we could all improve together.

Dilemma 2: I believe that we always have to help others when they are going through a situation as delicate as it can be an injury in this case, rather than try to take advantage of the bad thing that will happen to the other person, whether it be the rival team.

Dilemma 3: We always have to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us because they can be unique in life and not be repeated, it is important to keep in mind that we must never forget where we came from and who supported us from the first moment.


Yes, I had to make a difficult choice in a lot of cases, but fortunately i feel that it is easy to me.

03/11/2018 01:18
Manchester United

Yes, I had to make a difficult choice in a lot of cases, but fortunately i feel that it is easy to me.


The truth is that yes, when I play with my group of friends and it is difficult to choose because I know everyone, but if I had to decide I would choose the best in the game.

03/11/2018 00:43

The truth is that yes, when I play with my group of friends and it is difficult to choose because I know everyone, but if I had to decide I would choose the best in the game.


1.Yes, when I choose a group to work or play because they are all my friends and it is difficult to decide. In this case, I would choose the one with the most skills in the game.
2.I would help the person who needs my help because first and foremost is the welfare of all.
3.I would stay with the team that was always with my support.

02/11/2018 20:23
Manchester United

1.Yes, when I choose a group to work or play because they are all my friends and it is difficult to decide. In this case, I would choose the one with the most skills in the game.
2.I would help the person who needs my help because first and foremost is the welfare of all.
3.I would stay with the team that was always with my support.


Of course, taking an election needs responsibility and being very aware of what is done and making decisions is a little complicated.

02/11/2018 03:23

Of course, taking an election needs responsibility and being very aware of what is done and making decisions is a little complicated.


-I would choose my best friend.
- would score the goal and immediately go to see what happens with the player and help him.
-I think he would sign and take the opportunity.

01/11/2018 23:56
Tottenham Hotspur

-I would choose my best friend.
- would score the goal and immediately go to see what happens with the player and help him.
-I think he would sign and take the opportunity.


1. I would choose my best friend.
2. I would continue playing until the referee stops the game.
3. it would be better to sign with a new team.

01/11/2018 23:40
Manchester City

1. I would choose my best friend.
2. I would continue playing until the referee stops the game.
3. it would be better to sign with a new team.


I do not find it very easy to make decisions and of course that I had to do it

01/11/2018 23:05

I do not find it very easy to make decisions and of course that I had to do it

juliana embus's picture
juliana embus

I tend to be a very determined person, but there are cases in which I do not know what to do.
1) elijo a mi amigo, por que apesar de que no es bueno en esto es mi fiel compañero.
2) debo parar el juego ya que si yo estuviera en esa situacion, no me gustaria que hicieran eso.
3) I would stay with my team that has seen me grow as a person and as a player.

juliana embus's picture
juliana embus
01/11/2018 22:40

I tend to be a very determined person, but there are cases in which I do not know what to do.
1) elijo a mi amigo, por que apesar de que no es bueno en esto es mi fiel compañero.
2) debo parar el juego ya que si yo estuviera en esa situacion, no me gustaria que hicieran eso.
3) I would stay with my team that has seen me grow as a person and as a player.

Briyith Medina's picture
Briyith Medina

Every time I do not know what to do, that's why I find it difficult to choose things.
1) I would choose my best friend.
2) I help in the best way.
3) I might sign it.

Briyith Medina's picture
Briyith Medina
01/11/2018 18:20

Every time I do not know what to do, that's why I find it difficult to choose things.
1) I would choose my best friend.
2) I help in the best way.
3) I might sign it.


1)I am agree with Jack in the three dilemmas.
In the first dilemma I would choose my best friends.
2)I would continue playing until the referee stops the game
3)Have I ever had to make a difficult choice? Well, the very first thing that immediately comes to mind, this is the fact that I left the university six months before graduation.

01/11/2018 02:32
Manchester United

1)I am agree with Jack in the three dilemmas.
In the first dilemma I would choose my best friends.
2)I would continue playing until the referee stops the game
3)Have I ever had to make a difficult choice? Well, the very first thing that immediately comes to mind, this is the fact that I left the university six months before graduation.


Sometimes I have had to face this type of problems and sometimes it is somewhat difivil to choose which is the most viable option and for this I ask the opinion of someone else.
* Dilemma 1; in this situation and in any other choose my best friend, because despite not knowing how to play we can get to have fun and enjoy that game
* Dilemma 2; I would continue playing, until the referee stopped the game.
* Dilemma 3; I think I should move because this can give me a great opportunity to succeed

01/11/2018 02:28
Manchester United

Sometimes I have had to face this type of problems and sometimes it is somewhat difivil to choose which is the most viable option and for this I ask the opinion of someone else.
* Dilemma 1; in this situation and in any other choose my best friend, because despite not knowing how to play we can get to have fun and enjoy that game
* Dilemma 2; I would continue playing, until the referee stopped the game.
* Dilemma 3; I think I should move because this can give me a great opportunity to succeed


Yes, I already had to make a difficult choice.
Making decisions can be easy or difficult, it all depends on what type of decision is and in the context that is made.

Dilemma 1:
I would choose my best so it's bad to play soccer because I prefer to have fun.

Dilemma 2:
What I would do would be to tell the referee that the player is injured because it would be right and fair.

Dilemma 3:
If I would move because it would be a great opportunity and I think my friends should support me regardless of the choice.

01/11/2018 00:55
Crystal Palace

Yes, I already had to make a difficult choice.
Making decisions can be easy or difficult, it all depends on what type of decision is and in the context that is made.

Dilemma 1:
I would choose my best so it's bad to play soccer because I prefer to have fun.

Dilemma 2:
What I would do would be to tell the referee that the player is injured because it would be right and fair.

Dilemma 3:
If I would move because it would be a great opportunity and I think my friends should support me regardless of the choice.

Sebastian Triviño Medina's picture
Sebastian Trivi...

-Many times
-In some cases, I find it difficult

Sebastian Triviño Medina's picture
Sebastian Trivi...
31/10/2018 23:13
Manchester United

-Many times
-In some cases, I find it difficult


Maybe many times I do not know what to do, I could say that making some decisions is very difficult.
1) I would choose my best friend.
2) I would stop since the jugardor is injured and is first his welfare.
3) Maybe I would sign it.

31/10/2018 22:52

Maybe many times I do not know what to do, I could say that making some decisions is very difficult.
1) I would choose my best friend.
2) I would stop since the jugardor is injured and is first his welfare.
3) Maybe I would sign it.

Felipe Medina

I have not been in the place to make a difficult decision.

Felipe Medina
31/10/2018 22:40
Manchester United

I have not been in the place to make a difficult decision.

Danna Bolaños

1.I think I would choose my best friend because it is a school game and then I can choose other better ones.
2.I would personally stop because it could be something serious.
3.I think that I should move because it is an opportunity that will not be presented to me again and it is what I have been waiting for but not in the way that I wanted.

Danna Bolaños
31/10/2018 02:47

1.I think I would choose my best friend because it is a school game and then I can choose other better ones.
2.I would personally stop because it could be something serious.
3.I think that I should move because it is an opportunity that will not be presented to me again and it is what I have been waiting for but not in the way that I wanted.

Danna Bolaños

yes, I had to make very difficult decisions and I think that very few times is fable for me to make decisions really I am very indecisive.

Danna Bolaños
31/10/2018 02:38

yes, I had to make very difficult decisions and I think that very few times is fable for me to make decisions really I am very indecisive.

AndrewHernandez's picture

for now I have not touched having difficult decisions
and about the part of the three dimelas that they mentioned, I think it's fine and I have nothing to add.

AndrewHernandez's picture
31/10/2018 02:21
Manchester City

for now I have not touched having difficult decisions
and about the part of the three dimelas that they mentioned, I think it's fine and I have nothing to add.


I have a little difficult doing that quiz but with time I can learn it better and about the dilemmas I think that I would do the same that Jack.

30/10/2018 23:32
Manchester United

I have a little difficult doing that quiz but with time I can learn it better and about the dilemmas I think that I would do the same that Jack.

MajoRPuentes's picture

I am agree with Jack in the three dilemmas.
In the first dilemma I would choose my best friends.
2. I would continue playing until the referee stops the game.
3. And If I would change clubs, it is good to look for other opportunities.

MajoRPuentes's picture
30/10/2018 22:56
Manchester United

I am agree with Jack in the three dilemmas.
In the first dilemma I would choose my best friends.
2. I would continue playing until the referee stops the game.
3. And If I would change clubs, it is good to look for other opportunities.


Dilemma 1. Only if he could kick a ball, I'd pick my best friend. I wouldn't require the best players to win a shool game.
Dilemma 2. It's up to two things. If he is pretending or there was a serious incident and where an opposition player excatly is on the ground(in front of me or far behind). Knowing that facts I would make a decision.
Dilemma 3. I would probably sign a contract with a big club. My small club should be pleased with money they get from my transfer and second thing, the team should't rest on one player's shoulders if there are going to promote they should have a wider bench and be prepared for such a situation to avoid relegation just after promotion.
I often have to make a difficult choices and it's not easy to make decisions. Almost never know you what would be better until you see results

15/09/2018 20:43

Dilemma 1. Only if he could kick a ball, I'd pick my best friend. I wouldn't require the best players to win a shool game.
Dilemma 2. It's up to two things. If he is pretending or there was a serious incident and where an opposition player excatly is on the ground(in front of me or far behind). Knowing that facts I would make a decision.
Dilemma 3. I would probably sign a contract with a big club. My small club should be pleased with money they get from my transfer and second thing, the team should't rest on one player's shoulders if there are going to promote they should have a wider bench and be prepared for such a situation to avoid relegation just after promotion.
I often have to make a difficult choices and it's not easy to make decisions. Almost never know you what would be better until you see results


1.Firstly No matter how close or best friend he would be, I would still prefer to take the best player rather than my friend because football is a game of professionals and I need the best player for my teams sake

2. there's no chance whatsoever to help a player rather than scoring my debutant goal
There's hardly any player who could put the nail in the coffin for his team from the very first day

3. it may seem like a herculean task against my heart to leave my club which offered me even when I was amateur but to establish myself in Football carrer I must move on
I think I would bring my club a great glory and fame if I succeed to become one of the great player of the new club

The phrase was to run your socks off.

03/09/2018 04:59
Manchester United

1.Firstly No matter how close or best friend he would be, I would still prefer to take the best player rather than my friend because football is a game of professionals and I need the best player for my teams sake

2. there's no chance whatsoever to help a player rather than scoring my debutant goal
There's hardly any player who could put the nail in the coffin for his team from the very first day

3. it may seem like a herculean task against my heart to leave my club which offered me even when I was amateur but to establish myself in Football carrer I must move on
I think I would bring my club a great glory and fame if I succeed to become one of the great player of the new club

The phrase was to run your socks off.

Valeria_coy's picture

with the three dilemmas I am agree with Jack.

And about the other two dilemmas I think I would take the ball with the hand and no matter what I will do it. And about the other dilemma I think tha if I am well on that side I would stay on that club because It can help for our family and being happy.

Valeria_coy's picture
24/08/2018 19:08

with the three dilemmas I am agree with Jack.

And about the other two dilemmas I think I would take the ball with the hand and no matter what I will do it. And about the other dilemma I think tha if I am well on that side I would stay on that club because It can help for our family and being happy.


1. I would choose my best friend
2. I would continue playing until the referee stops the game
3. If I would change clubs, it is good to look for other opportunities

13/08/2018 22:22
Manchester United

1. I would choose my best friend
2. I would continue playing until the referee stops the game
3. If I would change clubs, it is good to look for other opportunities

giovi's picture

Dilemma 1. Only if he could kick a ball, I'd pick my best friend. I wouldn't require the best players to win a shool game.
Dilemma 2. It's up to two things. If he is pretending or there was a serious incident and where an opposition player excatly is on the ground(in front of me or far behind). Knowing that facts I would make a decision.
Dilemma 3. I would probably sign a contract with a big club. My small club should be pleased with money they get from my transfer and second thing, the team should't rest on one player's shoulders if there are going to promote they should have a wider bench and be prepared for such a situation to avoid relegation just after promotion.
I often have to make a difficult choices and it's not easy to make decisions. Almost never know you what would be better until you see results of choices you made.

giovi's picture
18/03/2018 17:34
Manchester United

Dilemma 1. Only if he could kick a ball, I'd pick my best friend. I wouldn't require the best players to win a shool game.
Dilemma 2. It's up to two things. If he is pretending or there was a serious incident and where an opposition player excatly is on the ground(in front of me or far behind). Knowing that facts I would make a decision.
Dilemma 3. I would probably sign a contract with a big club. My small club should be pleased with money they get from my transfer and second thing, the team should't rest on one player's shoulders if there are going to promote they should have a wider bench and be prepared for such a situation to avoid relegation just after promotion.
I often have to make a difficult choices and it's not easy to make decisions. Almost never know you what would be better until you see results of choices you made.


kick the ball out of play

26/02/2018 13:50
Manchester City

kick the ball out of play

Ahmed othman

Thanks a lot for this great lesson !

Ahmed othman
24/02/2018 13:53
Manchester United

Thanks a lot for this great lesson !

elghoul's picture

First dilemna, pick a friend or the best player? Jack would choose his friend, Rich the best and me my best friend.

Second dilemna, score the goal or put off the ball? Jack would choose to stop the play, Rich to score the goal and me like Jack.

Third dilemna, Move or stay? Jack would stay but not Rich and me.

Football phrase, to make the **** *** ** ****.

elghoul's picture
20/02/2018 14:58
Manchester City

First dilemna, pick a friend or the best player? Jack would choose his friend, Rich the best and me my best friend.

Second dilemna, score the goal or put off the ball? Jack would choose to stop the play, Rich to score the goal and me like Jack.

Third dilemna, Move or stay? Jack would stay but not Rich and me.

Football phrase, to make the **** *** ** ****.


this week's football phrase
**** *** **** *** ** ****.

19/02/2018 07:52
Manchester United

this week's football phrase
**** *** **** *** ** ****.

Rich's picture

Well done, Milos! You are spot on!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Rich's picture
19/02/2018 07:57

Well done, Milos! You are spot on!

Rich - The Premier Skills English Team

Toha_23's picture

1. Very hope this week’s football phrase is "**** *** **** *** ** ****)
2. Answering the question about everyday life dilemmas, I would not choose as dilemma deciding to ignore or respond to a friend request on Facebook. I think if it’s so important, a friend will call and ask you. Facebook is a big time killer for me. So it can be a situation when I enter just to make a respond, but get stuck on Fb news line and forget about a respond. Unfortunately.
3. Have I ever had to make a difficult choice? Well, the very first thing that immediately comes to mind, this is the fact that I left the university six months before graduation. Of course, it wasn’t an easy decision:) I had a big fight in my head! How to tell my parents about my intention? They will try to deny me this decision in any way! And friends, they would twirl their fingers around the ear (hope I wrote correct this idiom:) But I listened to my inner voice and made a choice that I never regretted.
4. Dilemma 1. I think I would choose my best friend. I just remembered a phrase my friends and I used to say when we divided into teams before games and someone thought that the forces are uneven: «We aren’t playing for a cow»:)
5. Dilemma 2. In 99% it’s up to the referee to decide. I can only stop if an opposition player broke something or would be lying without consciousness.
6. Dilemma 3. A real dilemma for me! I think I would stay in a club to help it promoted, after I will stay for a season to help it stay in a PL. And only then I will think about propositions to change the club. In my opinion, real friends and fans should understand the player's desire to develop, to become the top player in the world and then to glorify the club that gave him the opportunity to take his first steps in football.

Toha_23's picture
17/02/2018 10:52
Leicester City

1. Very hope this week’s football phrase is "**** *** **** *** ** ****)
2. Answering the question about everyday life dilemmas, I would not choose as dilemma deciding to ignore or respond to a friend request on Facebook. I think if it’s so important, a friend will call and ask you. Facebook is a big time killer for me. So it can be a situation when I enter just to make a respond, but get stuck on Fb news line and forget about a respond. Unfortunately.
3. Have I ever had to make a difficult choice? Well, the very first thing that immediately comes to mind, this is the fact that I left the university six months before graduation. Of course, it wasn’t an easy decision:) I had a big fight in my head! How to tell my parents about my intention? They will try to deny me this decision in any way! And friends, they would twirl their fingers around the ear (hope I wrote correct this idiom:) But I listened to my inner voice and made a choice that I never regretted.
4. Dilemma 1. I think I would choose my best friend. I just remembered a phrase my friends and I used to say when we divided into teams before games and someone thought that the forces are uneven: «We aren’t playing for a cow»:)
5. Dilemma 2. In 99% it’s up to the referee to decide. I can only stop if an opposition player broke something or would be lying without consciousness.
6. Dilemma 3. A real dilemma for me! I think I would stay in a club to help it promoted, after I will stay for a season to help it stay in a PL. And only then I will think about propositions to change the club. In my opinion, real friends and fans should understand the player's desire to develop, to become the top player in the world and then to glorify the club that gave him the opportunity to take his first steps in football.

Tanjim Azad's picture
Tanjim Azad

1.Firstly No matter how close or best friend he would be, I would still prefer to take the best player rather than my friend because football is a game of professionals and I need the best player for my teams sake

2. there's no chance whatsoever to help a player rather than scoring my debutant goal
There's hardly any player who could put the nail in the coffin for his team from the very first day

3. it may seem like a herculean task against my heart to leave my club which offered me even when I was amateur but to establish myself in Football carrer I must move on
I think I would bring my club a great glory and fame if I succeed to become one of the great player of the new club

Tanjim Azad's picture
Tanjim Azad
16/02/2018 18:07
Manchester United

1.Firstly No matter how close or best friend he would be, I would still prefer to take the best player rather than my friend because football is a game of professionals and I need the best player for my teams sake

2. there's no chance whatsoever to help a player rather than scoring my debutant goal
There's hardly any player who could put the nail in the coffin for his team from the very first day

3. it may seem like a herculean task against my heart to leave my club which offered me even when I was amateur but to establish myself in Football carrer I must move on
I think I would bring my club a great glory and fame if I succeed to become one of the great player of the new club


Dilemma 1
I would pick my best friend.If I pick my friend and win,the scout would choose me.But if I pick the best player and win,the scout would choose the best player.
(Can I ask a question?Given it's a hypothetical situation, should I say'If I pick my friend' or "If I picked my friend')
Dilemma 2
Of course I would score,because I would have nothing but the goal in my eyes at that very moment,so would every player I suppose.
Dilemma 3
If my club accept the transfer offer,I would go to the big club.And if refuse, I wouldn't demand to transfer.
Extra dilemma one
Of course I would stop the ball with my hands,just like Luis Suarez in the world cup 2010.At least it would give my team a chance of survival.
Extra dilemma two
My answer to this dilemma is the same as to dilemma 3.
This week's phrase is '**** *** **** *** ** ****' or 'get *** **** *** ** ****' if the first word has three letters.

16/02/2018 14:12

Dilemma 1
I would pick my best friend.If I pick my friend and win,the scout would choose me.But if I pick the best player and win,the scout would choose the best player.
(Can I ask a question?Given it's a hypothetical situation, should I say'If I pick my friend' or "If I picked my friend')
Dilemma 2
Of course I would score,because I would have nothing but the goal in my eyes at that very moment,so would every player I suppose.
Dilemma 3
If my club accept the transfer offer,I would go to the big club.And if refuse, I wouldn't demand to transfer.
Extra dilemma one
Of course I would stop the ball with my hands,just like Luis Suarez in the world cup 2010.At least it would give my team a chance of survival.
Extra dilemma two
My answer to this dilemma is the same as to dilemma 3.
This week's phrase is '**** *** **** *** ** ****' or 'get *** **** *** ** ****' if the first word has three letters.


Average: 3 (1 vote)


Skills: Listening

Grammar: Would and should

Vocabulary: Phrases to talk about dilemmas

Task: What would you do?